Chapter 197 - Dimension Gate

Point-of-View: Ilex Sarralot


"Uh, sorry about this...he kinda forced me to come here," I said to Mysst, as we entered the room and shut the door. 

"Oh, you don't need to apologize. He's always like this, it's a waste of energy to fight him on stuff like this," She sighed in exasperation. 

"Alright, there's no time to waste...with that in mind, let's get started, you two!" Declared Lynks, as he began messing with the air conditioner. 

"Hey, quit that, I've set it to the perfect temperature, so stop," Frowned Mysst, clenching her fists. 

"Really? It's kinda cold for my taste..."

"Well, it's MY room, so I'll keep it at the temperature I'm comfortable at, thank you very much!" She huffed indignantly, as she smacked his hand and set the temperature back to where it was before he changed it. 

"So, uh...what exactly are we doing? I have no idea what I'm in for here," I spoke up wearily.