Chapter 55 - The Knights

Okay, just relax, there's no reason to panic, and plenty of reason not to. I'm well-disguised, even I could barely recognize myself after covering up my scars, putting on the colored contacts and dyeing my hair red. 

"I, uh, don't suppose they're here to help with the Monster outbreak issue, are they?" I inquired wryly. 

"Highly unlikely, I doubt they even know about it, the Knights have never helped with our issues unless it directly affects the Nobility in some way," She shook her head with a frown, before plastering on a phony smile as she headed for the entrance, waiting for all the Knights to enter before walking in after them. 

I quietly followed after her, doing my best to appear calm. It should be fine if a bit of nervousness shows up on my expression...all the other Adventurers in here look pretty on edge right now. 

"How may I help you gentlemen?" A middle-aged man greeted the Knights politely, but a definite look of nervousness in his eyes.