Chapter 31 - Revenge

"Don't get cocky, you little shit, you're gonna pay for this!" Snapped Duralles viciously, as he chanted, "Now, Manifest Soul Weapon: Mirror Blade!"

He'd pulled himself out of the Sand Trap Spell, and he, along with the the two whom I'd failed to kill, were currently helping the younger kids out and sending them back into the corridor beyond the door.

I could attack them while they're doing that, but there's no need for that. At the very least, I'll take my time savoring killing these three. There are quite a few amongst the ones I'd already killed whom I'd have dearly loved to drag out their suffering.

" killed my mother, how dare you!?" Snarled one of the two survivors from my initial attack, his oldest son, "Manifest Soul Weapon: Lightning Spear!"

A blue spear with a glowing blade appeared in his hands, crackling with electricity as he swung it around a couple of times.

"You damned insect, I'll skin you alive a thousand times, Manifest Soul Weapon: Spike Hammer!" Exclaimed the other survivor, one of his daughters.

"I'd like to see you try, bitch. Now, Elemental Water: Stream!" I exclaimed, a Magic Circle appearing as a large mass of water burst out.

It didn't have a lot of momentum though, harmlessly flowing down the stairs and pooling down by where they were standing. They had initially been on guard as I activated the Spell, but after seeing the limit of what I could do with it, they've relaxed.

"Hah, was that supposed to do something? Don't get cocky just because you pulled off a fluke!" Declared Duralles, as he kicked at the water puddling around his feet.

I then shot out a fireball at the large puddle of water, which missed the three of them by a distance, hitting the water with a burst of steam upon impact.

"Where do you think you're aiming, you cockroach? Let me show you what a real Spell looks like!" Exclaimed the son, as he began to form a lava arrow.

"You won't get the chance," I smirked, as I placed my hand on the trail of water running down the stairs and leading down to the puddle they were standing in, "Did you know that the hotter water is, the better it conducts electricity?"

"Shit! We have to-...argghhhh!" Began Duralles, before all three of them got severely zapped as I unleashed a burst of lightning along the trail of water.

Now's my chance, while their movements are slowed down! I swung my whip across at full force, aiming to slice off their legs. Duralles managed to just barely block it with his own Soul Weapon in alarm, his movements rigid but just fast enough to get his sword in the way in time.

My whip struck his blade and slid off of it, before I flicked my wrist to regain as much of the lost momentum as I could, and cut off the legs of his son and daughter from just above their knees before they could react in time, thanks to the electrocution.

They let out cries of agony as their bodies collapsed onto the wet floor, their legs falling down as well, the water rapidly turning red as they bled out.

Hm, their Soul Weapons disappeared...the sudden burst of pain and abrupt loss of focus as a result is probably to thank for that. I gotta say, they've made this a whole lot easier for me than I thought it'd be.

When I used my water Spell, if they'd been more wary and scattered immediately, I couldn't have done this. I suppose their rage in seeing their family slaughtered is another part of why they've been so careless. And that's about to prove to be fatal.

"Gotta say, I'm grateful. If you'd all rushed me the instant you spotted me, I'd have been in trouble...and in a fair fight, I'd probably struggle to defeat even one of you, you are Knights, after all. So, thanks...thanks for letting me make full use of the element of surprise, and thanks for continuing to underestimate me, you've made this ridiculously easy," I remarked as I gave them a sadistic smirk, before slowly heading down the stairs.

All this time, they've seen me as their plaything to torture to their hearts' content, their impression of me is of something that's so far beneath them that they'd never even dream of this happening.

It's clear now that they've never even considered the possibility of me turning the tables on them. I find that funny, considering that it's been on my mind for every waking moment of my time in this place.

" legs! It's hurts!" Cried the daughter, before glaring at me with immense hatred, " damned, lowly Commoner, how dare you-...mmfghhhh!!!"

"I've heard enough from you," I cut her off dryly, as I cracked my whip in her direction as she opened her mouth, slicing her tongue in half, along with her lower lip and chin.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Screeched Duralles in a blind fury, before raising his right hand towards me as his grip on his sword with his left hand tightened, "Now, Initiate Skill: Excruciating Paralysis!"

Yikes, that sounds scary...good thing I've got the Universal Resistance Skill.

"That won't work!" I exclaimed in response, as I leapt off the stairs and swung my whip down at him.

He quickly raised his blade in response, my whip hitting and sliding down off it, grazing his left forearm and causing him to wince in pain. I see, so his Soul Weapon only reflects Spells, it doesn't reflect physical attacks.

He then blasted out a massive, roaring fireball at me, which I responded by yanking my arm back to snap my whip back towards me, before rapidly spinning it in front of myself, blocking and dispersing the flames.

My eyes then widened in alarm as I lost sight of him, stiffening as I realized that he was behind me. Crap, he's fast!

I quickly formed a crude block of earth beneath my feet and sprang off of it to get out of the way, grimacing as the tip of his blade slashed across my back.

That was way too close, a second later and he'd have sliced through me completely. Still, compared to all the pain he's inflicted during those hellish torture sessions, a scratch like this is nothing. After all...I can heal it with ease.

"You won't get away!" He yelled, as he blasted out flames from the bottom of his feet to shoot himself straight towards me as I landed, raising his sword up high.

I swiftly sprang back as he closed in and swung the blade down at me, evading it with ease...right as a triumphant smirk appeared on his face, his gaze shifting to my left. I glanced in that direction, to see his daughter aiming a plasma blast at me.

"NHOW DHIE!" She screamed shrilly, her voice barely coherent thanks to her sliced tongue, blood spurting out of her split lower jaw as she fired it out at me.

Oh, crap, I can't dodge it, and I can't cast a Spell to get away in time! I began to try and use my whip to block or deflect it, but the projectile was too fast.

Suddenly, a rapidly swirling blast of water came shooting out and struck the plasma attack, canceling it out before it could hit me, right before a figure came dropping down feet-first, slamming onto her back and eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from her, knocking her out. It's Gior.

"Who the hell are you!?" Snapped Duralles in rage and bewilderment, briefly taking his eyes off of me.

I swiftly cracked my whip across in a rapid arc, which he noticed too late, beginning to raise his sword defensively in alarm, but he was too slow to react.

He let out a deafening cry of agony as I sliced off his arms and a bit of his scalp, grazing the top of his skull as he stumbled back in excruciation, collapsing onto his knees as he stared at the stumps that were left of his arms in horror.

The instant he turned his gaze towards me, his eyes bulging with seething anger, I swung my whip across, slicing through his eyes and the top of the bridge of his nose, blinding him.

He let out a pained gasp as blood ran down his face from his eyes and nostrils. I then looked around, to see that his surviving son was unconscious from the blood loss, along with his daughter whom Gior had knocked out.

Okay, you know what, I've had my fill. I had planned to torture them a bit, but I've lost interest. I also wanted to interrogate them to get a list of names of the other Knights who were involved in the attack on my village, but I doubt I can get them to talk quickly, if at all, I can't risk wasting time.

I swung my whip across at his son, splitting his head open, before cracking it across towards his daughter, slicing through her neck.

"Woah, easy there, you could've gotten my legs!" Exclaimed Gior, who had still been standing on her before jumping back as I swung my whip that way.

"Wh-what did you do!?" Cried Duralles in despair, falling down as he was unable to see.

He's bleeding out pretty fast, his skin is growing pale, and he's swaying slightly.

"Doesn't matter, die," I responded icily, as I pointed my whip at him and extended it like a needle, piercing right through his throat before swiftly retracting it.

He let out a choked gasp as he began writhing on the floor, struggling to try and breathe as his throat filled with blood. He coughed out blood with a sharp wheeze, before going limp.

I stared up at the ceiling as a sense of euphoria washed over me, chills running through my body as goosebumps appeared across my arms. This...this feels really good. A slight chuckle inadvertently escaped my lips, as I took in the scent of blood, a wide smile spread across my face...


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