Chapter 296 - Ilex and Mysst(Part 4)

"So, yeah, I kinda got way too drunk and blurted out that I was moving out of friends were making a lot of plans for when next to meet up and stuff like that, and before I could stop myself, I told them that this was going to be my last night in Obsidian. So, uh, I probably can't go back there again," Rosary informed me sheepishly.

"I see...well, I guess that's fine. Even if we are attacked by one or more of the other nations at this point, the situation here in Arcadia is stable enough that we should be able to repel any attacks without too much trouble. So, yeah, I wouldn't have needed you and Ilex to go to Obsidian anymore either way," I replied with a shrug.

It's not worth the risk, anyway...if anyone becomes suspicious of her or Ilex, they'll be in danger.

"Well, that's a relief. But even if this was a problem, you'd still have Ilex and Phyurio to go to Obsidian if necessary," She pointed out.