Chapter 148 - Call(Part 2)

"That's incredible, she defeated Aries even with her Soul Weapon Ascension active?" I replied in disbelief. 

"Forget that, you learnt how to cast blue flames!? And you can use Shadow Walk and Black Hole as Spells, which were thought only to be possible with Skills!?" He responded in awe. 

"Well, I call it Shadow Phase, but yes...though I kinda discovered it by accident," I grinned wryly. 

"Somehow, that's even more amazing."

"So, is it really true that eating Monsters makes you stronger?" I inquired with a sense of intrigue. 

"Yeah, sure is, I got physically stronger at an abnormal rate by doing that. Though, I'd say that the Knight Commander was still more powerful than me when using Soul Weapon Ascension...I haven't told anyone else about this, didn't want to lose my advantage," He laughed sheepishly.