Chapter 162 - Warning

Point-of-View: Argent Stryker


"Hm...what exactly are they upto with this? Are the other Nobles all really okay with this?" I muttered with a frown. 

"It's pretty baffling, but it seems to be genuine. This is the fifth edition, and nothing's gone wrong or given any indication of being a trap even once," Responded Gior with a sigh. 

Quite a while has passed since I reunited with Larrk. Today's the 4th of Martius, 2020, the first month of the new year, and...well, things have been really improving in Obsidian. It's honestly been kinda unbelievable. 

Two years ago, the King stepped down and the Crown Prince, Landis Dianus took his place. And since then, the capital has been making efforts to make life easier for Commoners.