Chapter 52 - Monster Infested Lake(Part 1)

Well, that was pretty stupid of me. In an effort to sound cool, I ended up revealing my Pocket Dimension Skill. Just great...I should've just taken the cart, and once I was out of sight of the town, I could've just put it into my Pocket Dimension. 

And on the way back, after I kill the Monsters, I could've taken the bodies and the cart out of my Pocket Dimension, piled them on and pulled them back. But no, I just had to act on my impulses and try to look cool in front of the hot, older woman. 

I have no one to blame but myself. I let out a sigh as I opened my Pocket Dimension and brought Prysm out. She looked around in bemusement at our surroundings, a grassy area with a few trees around, leading to the lake. 

It should be safe enough to bring her out here...there won't be any civilians around here thanks to the Monster infested lake, so the chances of someone spotting her are low. 

"Where are we?" She inquired, looking around in confusion.