Chapter 53 - Monster Infested Lake(Part 2)

Now, then let's see how tough these things really are, shall we...I took aim at the lake and unleashed a barrage of fireballs at the water's surface, the water starting to boil and bubble rapidly as clouds of steam burst out. 

Oh, looks like they've stopped advancing towards the shore, they're submerging themselves deeper underwater. I'll just burst out some earth spikes, wait, if I kill them while they're underwater, retrieving their bodies will be a huge pain. 

I then stopped firing and used my Thought Communication to provoke the Reptiliasaurs while manifesting my Soul Weapon and taking a couple of steps back. Nice, based on their responses to my provocation, I successfully pissed them off. 

Now, then, should I try to kill them with my whip or with my Magic? Last night, I measured my current Mana capacity, and it's at a pretty solid 405, while my maximum output is 42. Not bad at all.