Chapter 188 - The Haven(Part 17)

"So, uh...we're launching the attack tomorrow afternoon, right? Is this really the right time to be partying?" I inquired in bemusement. 

"What are you talking about? We need this to get our spirits up for tomorrow, it's necessary!" Laughed Howll, as he took a deep hit off a bong and blew out a large cloud of smoke. 

It's the 17th of Martius, 2020, and it was around 8 PM at night. About an hour ago, the Elders suddenly declared that we were gonna party tonight, and here we are now.

It won't really affect me since I can use my Universal Resistance Skill to avoid any hangovers the next day by sobering myself up before I go to sleep, but everyone else will likely be feeling the effects. 

"There's no need to worry," Remarked Tania, as she flew over towards me, continuing, "We can use our Enchantment power to nullify any lasting effects, you see."