Chapter 204 - The Tunnels(Part 6)

As the Demon charged up his Negative Energy, I then swiftly expanded the swirling mass of flames and burst them out towards him, manifesting my Soul Weapon as he suddenly inhaled sharply and fired out a deafening sonic screech in my direction, the waves of sound blowing the flames back towards me. 

I quickly responded with my own sonic screech, the power I'd acquired from eating Sonic Bats, while simultaneously stiffening and extending out my whip towards his head through the flames...I can't see him with the flames obscuring my vision, but I can still sense him with Thought Communication! 

Suddenly, as my whip zipped through the flames, a massive shockwave burst out from his side, the flames shooting back towards me as deep cracks spread out across the tunnel and a dust cloud filled the area.