Chapter 180 - The Haven(Part 9)

"Hahaha, this is amazing! Everything's spinning and swirly!" Laughed Howll, as he did another hit off the bong. 

I can say with the utmost of confidence that this is the highest and most drunk I've ever been in my, lives! 

"Man, I wish I could use Enchantment Magic, it's so not fair that only you Fairies can use it," I sighed wistfully, as I glanced at Tania. 

"Hm, maybe you can," Chimed in Arofri, who'd been the most wary of us among the Elders, but seems to have warmed up thanks to the booze and weed, as he then suggested jokingly, "You got new abilities from eating Monsters, right? Maybe if you eat Fairies..."

"I don't like the direction this conservation is headed," Frowned Tania warily. 

"Don't you mean comversation? No, wait...conversation. Words are weird sometimes, like you know it's right but it sounds wrong," Chimed in Prysm, rocking back in a chair before almost falling, "Woah! It's like the whole world just tilted..."