Chapter 306 - Naming

"So, yeah, we're progressing right on schedule, the cities will be fully built and functional within the next two months or so," Remarked Argent, as he passed out copies of a progress report.

"Great, that's encouraging to hear...gotta say though, everything's been going so smoothly lately that I'm actually kinda nervous," I replied with a wry smile.

"Yes, I know what you mean, it almost feels as though things have been working out too well for us. We shouldn't let our guards down, we must stay alert to any possibility," Nodded Satan in agreement.

Well, I wouldn't go that far, but I suppose you can't be too cautious. Today's the 15th of November, 2020, it's been about four months or so since Obsidian agreed to form an alliance with Arcadia.

Over the next couple of months after that, Landis kept his word and worked on getting the other nations of the Dark Continent to approach Arcadia to negotiate peace and alliances.