Chapter 356 - Letting off Steam(Part 1)

"Seriously, what the hell is this shit!? It's like, things just keep going wrong, and whenever one issue is resolved, something else pops up!" Complained Landis with a huff, a stoned look on his face.

"Uh, you should calm down, your Highness, it probably isn't the best idea to throw a tantrum like this, especially in another nation," Responded Aries awkwardly.

"Don't worry, it's not like we're going to tell people about this. And besides, letting off some steam every now and then is never a bad idea," I chimed in with a wry smile.

Today's the 15th of Junius, 2021, late in the evening. We'd held a meeting today with the leaders of the other nations to discuss what to do about the Vampires, now that we knew about their Magic Item that gives them the power boost they gain during full moons.

Each nation agreed to task their Magic Item creators with trying to come up with a countermeasure against it, which is about all we can do for the time being.