Chapter 47 - Registration

"What just happened? Is he dead?" I muttered to myself in bemusement. 

"No, he's just unconscious," Came the receptionist's voice from behind me. 

Damn it, I was so caught off-guard by the old guy collapsing so suddenly that I forgot to keep an eye out for her sneaking up to me again.

"Why, though?" I asked her in bewilderment. 

"Fatigue to Adrenaline Conversion. It's a powerful Skill that's more effective the more exhausted you are...however, it only lasts for a short period of time, and once it wears off, all that exhaustion abruptly hits the user in an instant, and more often than not, renders them unconscious," She explained in response. 

"Huh, so that's how it works. So, hey, what's the result of this duel? I'm guessing this counts as a loss for me?" I inquired, as I felt a hint of frustration.