Chapter 92 - Rank Up(Part 3)

Hm, what should I do? She can probably sense where I am, with her Area Detect Skill...once I got to my hiding spot, I used Elemental Earth to create a pit for myself, to get underneath the range of her Skill. 

However, if she'd already activated it before I got to this spot, then she knows where I am, even if she can't sense me. If she comes over here and attacks me while I'm in this pit, I'll be a sitting duck. 

I've got Super Hearing active, but I'm not hearing anything...her incredible ability at sneaking around unnoticed is probably due to a Skill, I'm not even hearing any breathing. 

Hm, let me could be the Stealth Skill, as I recall, it makes the user's footsteps and breathing completely silent, and even suppresses outward emotions, like bloodlust, making the user effectively undetectable so long as they stay out of sight.