Chapter 142 - The Capital(Part 10)

Point-of-View: Phyurio Slymaster Bhaytes


"Manifest Soul Weapon: Crowbar," I chanted, as a Knight with a short sword Soul Weapon slashed at me. 

As my weapon manifested, I sidestepped and caught the blade between the prongs of my crowbar, giving it a twist to wrench the blade out of his hands and flung it away, before powerfully slamming the blunt part of the crowbar against the back of his neck through the gap under his helmet, a loud crunch echoing out as he went limp with a sharp gasp of pain and collapsed onto the ground. 

With that, there's only three Knights left. I shot towards one of them, swinging my crowbar across as he chanted and fired out a blast of lightning at me, dissipating it. While my weapon is mostly metal, it has a rubber handle, so I didn't get electrocuted.