Chapter 144 - The Capital(Part 12)

Point-of-View: Aries Velenet 


"I have brought him here, you majesty," I remarked, as I entered the throne room with the Knight trailing in after me.


"Tch, so this is the coward who assisted one of the terrorists, is it? I believe that the only course of action is his swift execution, immediately," Responded Prince Drakkar, before the King could speak. 

Immediately? What's the rush? He's definitely acting suspiciously... 

"I cannot disagree that his actions warrant an execution...however, first, I would like to hear what he has to say for himself. Explain yourself, Knight," Remarked the King. 

"Yes, your majesty...I acknowledge that my actions were a betrayal of my oath to the nation and the crown, and I shall accept the punishment you see fit to bestow on me. I shall not protest my fate," He replied, his tone void of any emotion.