Chapter 172 - The Haven(Part 1)

"Really hope we haven't waited this long only for that Elf guy to come back and tell us that we're not welcome here," I sighed wistfully, after close to an hour had passed since we got here. 

"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a possibility, I probably should've thought this through a bit more realistically. But let's stay optimistic, the fact that they're considering it at all is a big deal," Pointed out Rosary. 

I guess that's true. Demi-Humans probably view humans in this world the same way most people in my previous world viewed Nazis. And that Iefyr Elf, he seemed pretty determined to turn us away at first. 

Him finding out that Izzy is a Monster was what gave us a lifeline. Which makes sense, human supremacy is widespread in this world, that's why Demi-Humans have to live in hiding in the first place.