Chapter 416 - Counterattack(Part 1)

"Pretty wild that my first time in the Light Continent in under these circumstances. More importantly, that's a whole lot of Lesser Vampires," I remarked warily.

"Their numbers may be vast, but I doubt they're going to be too much of a threat," Responded Satan, as we hovered in the air outside the border of the city the Vampires were in.

Today's the 21st of Quintilis, 2021, and we were currently in the Light Continent, in the nation at the center of the continent, Lux. We were right outside the Capital of the nation, a city called Aotrom, where the Vampires had taken up residence in.

It's around 10 AM right now, we wanted to launch the attack early so that we'd have the chance to wrap up the battle before the sun starts to set.

"The Elder Vampires are probably in the castle in the middle of the city. We should just fly right over the swarms of Vampires and Lesser Vampires and head straight for it," Suggested Lucifer, as she cracked her knuckles.