Chapter 415 - Tomorrow

Point-of-View: Dracula


"Lord Dracula, I have an urgent report," Remarked Jagger, as he entered the throne room, along with Lavinia and Caera.

They shut the doors behind them and approached, before bowing their heads to me.

His tone doesn't sound particularly urgent, but then, this is how he always sounds. Caera is smiling as she always is, though Lavinia looks quite vexed. At least one of them is capable of expressing a normal range of emotions. Though, I suppose I have much bigger concerns to worry about at the moment...

"What is it? What has happened?" I inquired warily, though I already had a decent idea of what it must be.

"The Vampires we sent to scout the borders of the Dark Continent nations have reported seeing significant movement from all five nations. It seems likely that they're preparing to launch their attack soon," He replied with a slight grimace.