Chapter 251 - Obsidian Civil War(Part 16)

Point-of-View: Aries Velenet


"You really aren't very smart, are you, former Prince Drakkar? Most of your followers that you've led into this war have no idea how to fight, you've just pointlessly led them straight to their deaths," I remarked, as I tossed the decapitated heads of his subordinates towards him.

"H-how can this be!? Both of them had Contracts! Y-you did not even use your Soul Weapon Ascension," Stuttered the former Prince in horror, stumbling back.

"Yes, because they weren't strong enough to make me use it. What, are you just going to run away now?" I taunted him, as I approached him.

"Wh-who do you think I am!? dare you speak to me like this, you bitch!?" He snapped furiously, before chanting, "Manifest Soul Weapon: Golden Spear! And now, Contract: Hieracosphinx!"

He's so easy to provoke.

"Soul Weapon Ascension: Justice Shards, Tenfold," I chanted as he began to tranform.