A New Life

Tokyo City Suburbs, 2374.

In one of the poorer apartments of the suburbs, a 4 year-old girl in rag clothes was lying in the bed if it could be called one.

Her body was frail and weak. Bones were visible in her arms and she was shivering from the cold air of the winter.

Her sleep was broken by the opening of the door from which a woman dashed and forcefully woke the girl, dragging her to the kitchen.

"You damn brat! Lazing around everyday and eating like the damn pig you are, start working or I will throw you out of the house!"

The girl didn't even flinch, too used to the screaming and simply started working in the kitchen, making food for her 'mother'.

She worked robotically, doing the same thing everyday while thinking how her life is like this. She had never seen her father and her 'mother' never called her her daughter.

She suddenly shivered at the memory of the beating she got when she asked her once. Her right arm still hurts as she never took her to a doctor after the beating.

She kept doing the work and started wishing to never be here.

Placing the heavy pot on the dining table she ran to the bathroom to clean herself up when her vision suddenly felt fuzzy and she fell on the cold floor unconscious.

Unknown to her, she suddenly disappeared from the cold floor and appeared in a huge room with a fireplace.


I woke up feeling a slight pain in my head but felt the floor was unnaturally soft.

Looking down, it was a carpet, an expensive looking one at that.

There was also a fireplace in one wall and some more expensive looking chairs near it with 2 tables.

The other walls were covered with books with one of them having a wooden door which also looked expensive.

I thought for a second that I was kidnapped from that shit hole but suddenly felt that there was only me here, wherever this was.

Then I was suddenly attracted to the table nearby and saw a small paper placed on it. Approaching it while enjoying the soft carpet under my feet, I started thinking about what happened.

I was certainly labouring in the 'home' but I remember falling unconscious on the bathroom floor and then I am here?


I spoke out my thoughts to no one in particular.

The neighbours did talk about something children my age awakening power's in the world. It is called a quirk.

Something related to genes and that around 90% people awaken them. They give their user varied powers like flying, breathing fire, look like an animal, etc.

Looking at the table, I picked up the small paper with a note written on it.

Luckily, I could somehow understand it.

{Dear Reader,

I don't know how long has passed since someone appeared here but whoever it is, I want to give you my congratulations as being chosen by The Library as it's user.

You are currently in a separate dimension with the strongest defences called the Ahkashic Library.

You must have heard of it in legends and it does exist. This library contains the knowledge of the whole multiverse at your hands reach.

The only thing I hope for you is to use it wisely and I wish you well.


No Name}

Huh, no name? Ok. Keep your secrets.


The girl decided to exit the room and reached for the door handle.

The door opened smoothly and what was behind it shocked her.

Everywhere her eyes could see, there were shelves filled with books. She walked in one of the corridors made of shelves with a board [History] in the entry.

The construct were layered shelves with 3 shelves in front of each one and could be slided away from the grooves present on the ground. They were ridiculously high with 9 rows filled with books and books only.

This was not even the most astonishing thing. It was what she saw looking up.

Above her was a bright ball giving out light like sun and some blue mist around the whole area, like clouds.

It seems the blue mist also sensed her and glowed a bit at which the girl giggled.

For the next few hours, she kept walking around and stopped by to look at titles of many books.

Some were names like Gilgamesh, Tony Stark, Kaneki Ken or places like UA, Asgard, Sabaody. There were also organisation's with funny names like S.H.I.E.L.D and Avengers which seemed to be related or the group like Akatsuki and a guild literally named Fairy Tail. She saw all the names but didn't touch any of them, seemingly more interested in what was in the centre of this all.

One thing she didn't notice was her own body.

She looked like a normal 4 year girl now, with soft pale skin, flushed and puffy cheeks, scattered silver hair reaching her neck and bright grey eyes. Instead of rags, she was wearing a black hoodie which was too big for her arms and black shorts.

When she finally reached the supposed centre, there was a circular table with a floating crystal on it. The crystal was black in colour with white stars in it. If anyone moved while looking at it, they would feel like seeing the universe as 'stars' seemed to move away followed by direction of the perspective.

She instinctively held her right hand out and the crystal came towards her and turned into an oversized bracelet of black colour with white dots in constellations and looked like a decorative bracelet.

For a split second, it glowed, and then fitted her perfectly. Anyone else would see the young girl's eyes turn all black and then go back to normal.

She just stood there, eyes closed, perfectly still as if she was a statue. The right hand was still outstretched and the bracelet looked just like an expensive craftsmanship and not the mysterious crystal it was before.

10 minutes later, she opened her eyes which were back to it's grey colour and looked at the bracelet with amusement which looked weird on such a childish face.

"Command prompt: activate M.A.X."

A moment later, a robotic voice sounded from the bracelet.

[M.A.X. activated, arriving in t-minus 5 seconds]

Exactly 5 seconds later, an adult man in Buttler clothes appeared in front of her on the other side of the table.

"Greetings Miss, my name is Max and I am your caretaker and if need be, bodyguard. I am connected to the library itself so if anything is needed you just need to order and I will arrive in a second."

The girl had a small smile on her face and nodded. Max nodded as well and started speaking again.

"Let me prepare some refreshments for you while the bath is being heated, would you like to visit the hot springs or escorted to your room?"

The girl thought for a moment and then started speaking.

"Just keep it a simple bath and I would just sit here." Max nodded but his expression asked for the reason to which flushed and spoke timidly,"I...wanted to read about my world a bit."

Max nodded in understanding and left for a second and came back with a 6 books.

"My Lady, the first 2 books are history of the world before quirk and after quirk evident from the size difference while the rest are the major events and future information of your world."

The girl's eyes nearly bulged out of her sockets.


Max nodded with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, each and every world is connected to the networks of Omniverse and hence to Ahkashic Library itself. The books in front of you are the most prominent events that changed the world and all the things and people related to it."

The girl was in a daze but jumped at the books with fervor while Max left for a few seconds and came back with multiple snacks and drinks on a huge trolley.

There were different juices to teas and coffees and milkshakes too. Multiple flavours of biscuits and chocolates were also placed in trays.

The girl was already engrossed in the first book about the future not even noticing the flashy cover page with many teenagers and a huge blonde man in the background.

The girl kept on reading for hours and finally finished the first book. She looked up to see Max looking at her with a knowing smile at which she tried to hide herself by digging more into the comfortable recliner.

Max just shook his head and asked for her choices, the girl's eyes literally sparkled and Max felt a bit sad at that, remembering his Lady's life before she came here and decided to get her to enjoy all the delicacies in the multiverse.

Max suddenly remembered something important,'I still don't know my Lady's name!'

The girl somehow felt Max wanted to ask something and looked at him with a tilt of her head, making a few strands of the silver hair fall over her left eye which tried to tuck back, looking absolutely adorable.

"May I know my young Lady's name?"

The girl froze at his words and put back the cookie with a furrow in her brows. She kept thinking for a few minutes and finally shook her head.

"I don't have one."

Max didn't say anything about her lie but knew she just wanted to start anew.

"Do you want to pick one?" He asked.

The girl nodded and again started thinking. She unconsciously started nibbling on another cookie while thinking a new name.

'A name is something that will introduce me to everyone else and hence is really important.'

The had already seen her changes from the full length mirror she found on her way here and was entirely different from her previous brown hair and blue eyes.

She finally looked into Max's eyes and smiled a bit.


The girl, now Sophia, spoke with determination in her eyes.

Determination to enjoy everything.

Determination to get strong enough that no one disrupts her.

And finally, determination to live freely.

"Very well, now you must have the much required bath." Max chimed in, breaking Sophia out of her inner monologue.

She sniffed and crinkled her nose at the smell of her sweat and smiled awkwardly.

"Let me help you." Max said and lifted her up before they both arrived in front of a Japanese styled bathing room.

"Please go inside and enjoy, if you need anything, please just think about calling me and I will appear right away." With that, he left a dumbfounded Sophia behind.

For the next hour, Sophia enjoyed the best bubble bath she ever had till now and was now wearing pyjamas provided by Max.

"Let me escort you to your room Lady Sophia." Max said as he held her small hand and walked to another corridor with many custom doors which Sophia looked at a bit confused.

"These are the guest rooms for Rulers." Max said as they approached the main bedroom. Sophia looked at him for answers and he started speaking.

"Rulers, in layman terms, are the peak of the multiverse, higher than even Ancient god's as their power's originate from Omniverse itself and have been given to them instead of being acquired like the god's."

Sophia understood the simple explanation and didn't ask much. Her reasoning was that if this place was connected to Omniverse and those Rulers were also connected to Omniverse, weren't they friends then?

They reached the room and the inside was lavishly decorated with expensive furniture and a huge bed which looked absolutely soft from the door. Her suspicion proved right when she simply sinked into the bed and started squeling at how soft it was. Max already left and Sophia also fell asleep a while later and Max came back to tuck her in properly and left again to set up some books she will definitely ask to read tomorrow.

'Something interesting has finally happened, such a young host but she definitely is a genius, how could a mother treat her child like that just because she is-'

Max stopped thinking realising he bent the handles of the trolley from his grip. He waved his hand over them and the handles reverted back to normal. He took a deep breath and remembered few things the previous hosts collected and finally decided to give her 'that' when she is ready. He also collected books of 'that' world so that she will be fully ready.

He went to one of the basement floors and stopped before one of the vault doors. After typing a set of string codes, the door opened and he entered to see dozens of things in display glasses.

From a cracked white marble to a pitch black wand. A green mask to another marble but this one was transparent and in between them was a rectangular box opened up and displaying the thing he wanted to retrieve. He removed the glass and took out the case.

Looking at the rectangular case in his hands, he smiled a bit and tucked the glass back in the display, leaving for another bigger vault door before stopping.

"I will let her decide for herself, let this much be enough for now but should I bring that out? It could be a good companion for her."

Max mused out loud before turning back to ground floor and walking to the central table, placing the case there and bringing back around a dozen books.

"This is enough, now, I should also prepare the documents for her return and a backing should be good enough. Then, lastly," A glint passed through his eyes,"training."

Sophia, who was sleeping like a koala suddenly shivered and gathered more of the blanket around her giving the impersonation of a snorlax.

That night both knew that it is going to be fun from now on, but for different reasons.