Explanations and Abduction?

Ahkashic Library, 2374, MHA World Time.

Sophia groggily woke up from her sleep and looked around the majestic room, thinking about where she was.

A few seconds later, it dawned on her that what happened yesterday was not a dream but real. She even pulled her cheek which made her yelp from pain.

'It is all real!!' Sophia thought with stars in her eyes.

The girl silently started moving away from the soft bed and the lights brightened the moment she placed her foot on the soft carpet.

Her eyes kept sparkling as she looked around the room. There was a big table and chair which had many artistic carvings, a walk-in closet which was half the size of the room, another door leading to a lavish bathroom with an adjoined hot tub room in it.

The bathroom was filled with many bath accessories and make-up with soothing scents which made her want to just stay here forever.

The bathroom appliances had a modern look to them with mysterious stones placed on them at different places. The chrome finish shined brightly from the stones glow and also showed her reflection. There was also a bigger yellow stone embedded in the ceiling.

She didn't even know their name but knew they were just some magical stones.

She also opened one of the cupboard in the bathroom and found it to be connected to the walk-in closet to retrieve some undergarments which were already placed inside in all colours.

'These are all my sizes, when did they even know my size-was it Max? No! This must be the same magic.'

Sophia blushed a bit at her thoughts and closed the cupboard, walking back to the room and going inside the walk-in closet.

She didn't wait and simply opened each of them at once.

Inside the dozens of huge cupboards were hundreds of dresses with different designs and colours. From simple sports wear to aristocratic dresses from old stories. There were even a few cupboards dedicated to cosplay of her age. There were inflatable suits like a blue raccoon with a front pocket and set clothes as if they were some kind of outfits which even glowed in an orange light.

She simply didn't bother more and decided to hurriedly take a bath.

An hour of bubble battle later, Sophia exited the bathroom to the sight of a full set of casual clothes placed for her on the bed to which she walked quickly and wore all.

They were incredibly comfortable and soft, just like her pyjamas. The clothes were a pair of red t-shirt and black knee length shorts with white slippers which she was already wearing yesterday.

Opening the door, she saw the familiar corridor and started roaming around. There were many rooms aside from the rooms for the Rulers and all were empty or connected to an interconnected storage system.

She found this when after opening one door filled with white ceramic pieces, she opened another one after travelling inside the big room and walked into another corridor, only to find herself back to the entrance 10 minutes later.

There was simply no way it was possible! The distance between the doors and the room she travelled in was vastly different, how could it even happen!?

Her panic was calmed down by the sudden explanation presented in her mind by the bracelet which was still on her wrist.

She again started walking around, this time with a mind map of the places she could visit.

The first place she arrived was a huge underground biome with an artificial sun and exotic flora and fauna. And by huge she meant absolutely huge! She couldn't even see where the other end was and that was something to say as she was looking down from from the observation windows.

She looked through one of the observation windows and was immediately shocked as a huge eye surrounded by black scales appeared in front of her as if it was invisible a second ago. It was then her bracelet again spoke.

It was an Abyss Raptor, a draconic sub-species brought here by one of the previous user's which took the form of agile, two-footed behemoths able to run at the inhuman speeds of 110 km/hr. They are as tough as they are strong and adults stand at a shy height of 9 metres. Their life span is of around 500 years and are very prideful animals as were their blood ancestors.

But, surprisingly, they are friendly to humans. This was due to mutual respect they have for another prideful species. Hence, these raptors didn't attack humans blindly and rather only become hostile at living in their territory.

The current generation of these raptors in the biome is 3,276th and has only lost 8% of their strength compared to the first generation. This speaks volume about how powerful this animal is.

Before Sophia could see more, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She started walking away while two blue-black pigmented butterflies flapped their wings brightly, playing with each other in the wilderness.

The next place she arrived was a literal amusement park with all the rides and a whole area filled with water.

"It's time for Breakfast, Lady Sophia." Max suddenly appeared before Sophia, making her squeak in shock at his sudden entrance.

She dumbly nodded and Max held her shoulder, teleporting them to the dining room from yesterday but now there were many delightful dishes on the table.

Bright jugs filled with different fruit juices, cereals of different shapes and flavours, bacons and omelette's sizzling on a grill which has the same magic stone embedded in it. She noticed this one to be red with different sizes of white concentric circle, of which one of the central ones was shining a bit.

Her stomach grumbled before she could ask any questions so she simply sat down in the head seat and started eating.

A hearty breakfast later, Sophia was sitting behind the round table and the bracelet again floating back to the centre transforming back into it's crystal form which was too beautiful to look away from.

A thump on the table woke her up from her stupor and saw the books she saw yesterday along with dozens of more. Instead of frowning or becoming bored, she perked up at the sight of more books!

"Here are some basic materials you would need to read along with two books on different power sources and states of those power's and lastly, your own world's 'certain' future."

"Certain?" Sophia was confused by Max's focus at the world.

Max also started explaining clearly prepared for the question.

"The Multiverse is not simply a thing or place but a concept. It has it's own rules and laws which anyone who enter them have to follow simply because it is there.

Rules are the foundation of a World and have always been simple like elements, gravity, mass, shape, etc. but there are complex things like soul, energies, sentience, etc.

Meanwhile, Laws are placed based on the situation of the formation of given World. Your World, where you came from, had specific Rules to have magic in the form of physical energy since the time of it's creation. But when humans didn't expand on magic and even killed any of whom did, a Law was formed to change the way energy reacted to humans. Can you guess it?"

Sophia was awed by the explanation and understood everything, even surprising Max a bit.

"Quirks?" Sophia answered after some time.

"Exactly. And to answer your question from before, I said these books contain a certain future due to the fact that this future is one formed by Rules of fate and not Laws, as Laws can make their own version of future with the same ending. How much have you reached in the books?"

Sophia immediately answered as she was really, REALLY interested now.

"I have reached where Overhaul was defeated!"

She genuinely enjoyed the story, as she decided to call it after Max explained to her. But the backstory of Eri really made her sad and she felt shit at saying her life was bad. Eri was being experimented on everyday because of her quirk!! She also changed the opinions she had about Midoriya after seeing him leave Eri in the alleyway scene. Sophia was livid to say the least and Max also knew that from yesterday.

"Well, there are some dimensions where Eri was treated as a Yakuza Princess of Shie Hissaikai or one where Midoriya became evil and a few where everything that could go bad happened."

"How bad?" Sophia couldn't help but ask.

{A/N: Anyone thinking why I didn't write 'wrong' instead of 'bad' is because Sophia is still a child and wrong is a very heavy word with many meanings that I don't have to explain. Necessarily.}

"Let's not go that way and instead focus on the main topic, what I mean to say is that you can take this future as a pathway, a direction things would usually go and a few thing that will always happen like USJ incident or Sports Festival. Now I want you to take all the books I gave you to be just a story for you, so that when you wish to visit those World's you would not take them as what they were shown but as real people, that's what I wish from The Librarian of The Ahkashic Library."

Sophia was tearing up in happiness and nodded repeatedly. She even jumped from her seat and tackled Max, to which he caressed her silvery, fluffy hair.

Then it clicked her.

"Wait! I can go to any World!?" Sophia screamed while looking at Max.

"Didn't I mention this?" Max asked at which Sophia nodded dumbly.

"Indeed. With you as the owner of The Library, you can change anything in the books, i.e., changing the future but also travel any world's you read about in the library."

Sophia had already gone through a rollercoaster of emotions but she couldn't help but cry again. She really believed she was going to live here for the rest of her life so this made her extremely happy.


Sophia was broken from her thoughts by an extremely serious Max which made her confused.

"While you have the power to change anything in The Library, I hope you won't change anything big."

Sophia tilted her head in confusion, as if asking why.

"The last user of The Library tried to make himself more powerful than the Ruler's itself and wanted to mind control them because he was not happy with his position but was immediately removed from this position and is still being tortured by cakes-"

Max as if realising something, stopped, paled and was about to stop Sophia but it was too late.

"Cake?" Sophia was confused but noticed Max looked sick.

"No-" He tried to speak but was too late as a flash of light appeared in the Library and snowflakes started falling around the area.

While Max was paling even more and turning white, Sophia stood up and started playing with the snowflakes.

It was when she finally caught one of the snowflakes and it melted instantly on her palms that she noticed a beautiful woman. She had long, deep blue hair with bright red streaks which were held in a messy bun, her face was the epitome of beauty with jade like skin and grey eyes like her's literally shining when looking at Sophia. Her height was a bit higher than average with a big bust while wearing clothes oddly as if hurriedly worn.

She finally removed her attention from Sophia and looked at Max who looked like he could die from blood loss.

"Yo Max! You woke up and didn't even call us~?"

The woman spoke with a glint in her eyes that made Max shiver while Sophia tilted her head in confusion.

"Who are you, nee-san?" Sophia asked innocently not realising this might be her last innocent words.

"Hehe~ You can call me Yuna Onee-san. What is your name?" The woman, Yuna, said softly.

"My name is Sophia!"

Sophia spoke with determination and looked directly in Yuna's eyes. Yuna also looked at the peculiar child and her blatant lie but when she saw her eyes, no, her mind before she came here, all emotions left her face.

"Would you like to sleep for a bit, Sophia?"

Yuna asked softly while 'smiling' warmly at Sophia who was confused but didn't get a chance to question as she fell unconscious. Before she could hit the floor, Max held her in a princess carry while guiltily looking away.

"Look at me."

Yuna said, no, ordered but Max didn't budge. Seeing this wasn't going to anywhere she simply focused her aura at Max while the air became colder that frost started forming everywhere. Max finally looked at her and his soul trembled at seeing those eyes, those eyes were only filled with disgust due to a certain thing. After a few seconds of staring, Yuna finally sat on one of the chairs.

"That piece of shit mortal used her quirk on a child, huh?" She didn't ask for confirmation as it was more of a statement but Max still answered.

"Indeed Lady Yuna, that 'mother' of Sophia used a mind control quirk on her own child from the day she was born-" Yuna smacked the table cracking it which was instantly repaired," and she even seduced her father who is a Pro-Hero in this way before and ran away after the one night stand."

"Scum of society, huh? Now I am really interested at what Omniverse saw in her."

She looked at the sweet child now sleeping in Max's arms. Yuna knew this would remain an unanswered question for the rest of eternity but she didn't mind much, after all, she was not a true omniscient.

"What are the plans now?" Yuna bluntly asked Max as she already saw the different books and found a seemingly large amount related to or about uses of sentient spiritual power.

Max also oblidged and explained everything in detail as he sat down opposite to her and laid the sleeping Sophia on one of the sofas.

"Hmm... A passable training plan if she decides to stay here for a few decades but we both know that it's impossible. It's decided, I will train her myself."

Max was shocked to say the least and wanted to say no but she spoke first.

"This is my final decision and you have no right to say no." Yuna stood up to take Sophia away.

"Then doesn't she have any choice!?" Max finally lost his cool and screamed.

Yuna looked at him as if he was an idiot at which Max realised his emotions were not in control. This was really too much for him.

All his life, he had adult hosts and mostly male, they never really had any problems as his hosts started using power's of different World's right away with already planning to create a perfect mix of powers.

The thing was that they were all old and experienced a normal life before coming here. Sophia was one of the rare cases where a child got such powers but he also saw it, the maturity in those eyes. While inexperienced, they were filled with maturity you find seldom in even adults.

But at what cost, she was mind controlled her whole life, she never had a will of her own, a puppet looking at how her strings moved without even realising it and just kept doing things as her 'mother' told her. It filled him with disgust.

The last straw was that when the young girl didn't awaken her quirk, that bitch broke all shackles of morality and started forcing her quirk on the already affected child! That finally broke her brain bringing her here last night.

"The woman got arrested the same day when the child died and was given a life sentence due to public outrage, you can't really hide an eldritch scream due to breaking of brain in a populated area."

Yuna said it nonchalantly but he knew she was also trying to remain calm. They might have seen gruesome things in their life and even did them but this made to their top 100 in the list of horrific deaths and this speaks volume after eons of life experience.

"Can you do me a favor." Max spoke with steel in his voice.

"Sure, the woman is already in the observation room CA-01024."

Yuna said as she picked up Sophia and held the small body close to her, caressing the soft and fluffy hair which made Sophia nuzzle closer to Yuna's chest.

Both smiled at such a cute reaction and Yuna nodded at Max who had something else to say.

"Please, keep her sane enough." Anyone could hear the request in his voice as if he didn't want to go through something again.

"No promises~ and if anything does happen we have Kalita to ask for help."

Yuna quipped as she disappeared with Sophia in a swirl of snowflakes.

"Haah....good luck Lady Sophia, I guess?"

Max was not too much sure if his blessings would let Sophia survive her time with Yuna. He went back and started packing copies of books Sophia needed to read but he felt something wrong.

'Am I making my Lady into an otaku?' Max thought for a second but dismissed the thought.



Alright! Yuna has abducted Sophia-chan and now I wish I could write the training arc but they will be shown as auxiliary chapters so don't worry Cake supporters.

For my readers who are confused please search for books under the author name- Maerry.

Maerry has brought us the gem of Naruto fan-fics:

[Goddess of Ice: Reborn as Naruto's Twin Sister]

and it's next installment is underway!

Note: There is a MAJOR hint for the main power system Sophia will have and one who guesses exactly what it was can ask for adding a power of their own!

[Place your Answers here]

[Any other questions or suggestions]