Author Note

Hello y'all! Kazuki here.

So I may have to delay this story by a few more months.

While I have a clear idea of what to write and even many plots and arcs to keep track of. Sophia is a character who is going to have a very different start and handling of things.

She isn't a nobody in the Omniverse and her words have weight to them. Even her transferring to any World she visits will cause changes with many just respectful of her presence.

If most MC's found themselves transmigrated to another World, Sophia is someone who could do this freely or just go full creative mode if she wants to but nobody likes that, do we?(Maybe Chinese fics buts that's a can of worms for another time)

My mind may have also wandered at the realisation I have to explain Rules and Laws system of my Omniverse and then I start drafting a Naruto fic with an interesting double-edged ability for my MC.

I've many plans but I would love your input or ideas for any kind of story or character you would like in this story or any questions you may have.

Thanks for reading my first rant!🙃