
Lacking materials

After I stormed out of the school I went home, the books won't buy themselves, I also have to buy pencils, erasers, pens, and other basic necessities for a high school student, the way back is peaceful, nothing like before, I arrived home safely and I went to brag to my aunt about her past self

"Oi Hikita-san I heard that you used to be a gyaru girl, mind explaining to me? I want to learn the full story"

When I told her that my aunt became embarrassed, I could tell by her reactions

"How did you learn that? Did Yosuke tell you? I swear I will kill this bastard one day"

she said angrily, her face turned exactly like the face she had in the picture Yosuke showed me, I laughed

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want, I know that everyone goes through a weird phase in their lives"

My aunt got mad and threw me a pillow while telling me to stop teasing her, but I don't think I can stop myself in the future, my aunt has a very funny reaction when she gets embarrassed, I then went into my room and tried out my school uniform, it suits perfectly, it isn't tight or loose, it's the definition of perfect, I went to the living room to show it to my aunt

"Whoa the uniform suits you a bit too well, make sure you don't make all the girls fall for you on the first day"

My aunt jokingly said as he was washing the dishes

"Now that you talked about girls, why didn't you tell me that Yosuke-sama has a daughter?"

"You didn't know? I mean you used to play with her when you were younger"

I don't remember playing with her, and that makes sense because she probably refers to when I was 3 or 4

"No I didn't know and I don't remember playing with her, you and Yosuke-sama act like I remember things from 12 years back when I was 4"

I told her

"My bad I guess"

she said, she simply shrug it off, well whatever, I don't really care about his daughter, and she doesn't either, I just hope she doesn't bother me when school starts, she seemed like the forceful type so I doubt that she will let me off the hook

After some time I decided to go to my room and laze off on my phone, I don't have anything better to do since school stores are not open until 10 P.M, I looked at some pictures and stories of the people that lived in Biol, these people aren't my friends anymore so why do I still follow them? Why don't I just brush them off my life for good now that I will spend 3 years here? I don't know the answer but I know that this is a problem but I still can't force myself to unfollow them


I made a sound of anger while slamming my phone into my bed, I then went outside the garage where our little yard was, I was sitting on the stairs to the house when a cat approached me, it was a black cat with white parts scattered around its body

"What do you want buddy? Do you also feel lonely?"

What I'm I saying? It's just a cat, it won't answer to me

"No Iriasu-sama I simply want your attention"

I was a bit surprised by what I heard but it didn't take long for me to realize that my aunt was pretending to be the cat while talking to me from the garage

"Why are you doing stupid things like that?"

I told my aunt while I supported my head with my hand

"I didn't do this for a particular reason, you just seemed a bit sad..."

I was a bit concerned about what she said, sad? Why do I look sad?

"I'm okay I just want to calm my mind, moving to Japan is a big cultural shock"

"Hmm? If you say so..."

My aunt said as she slowly got inside the house, I didn't notice it but the cat I saw was laying beside me, I think it feels comfortable around me

"Didn't your mama cat teach you not to sit near strangers"

I told it while rubbing its stomach, its stomach is fluffy and warm, almost like my pillow, the core difference is that the one has hair while the other doesn't, after a while I went inside the house, and most specifically my room, I checked the time


Nice, I can now go and buy the things I need, but before I can do that I need my aunt's support

"Hikita-chan!!! I need money!"

I yelled but I didn't receive any answers


this time my call wasn't that powerful, I will search the house myself, I don't need to scream like a maniac, after my little search I found her laying on her bed, she was reading a book

"Sorry to disturb you but I need some money to buy school supplies, do you mind handing some to me?"

"Didn't you check your desk? I left a credit card for you, this is a card that was authorized by me and allows you to buy anything you want but just so you know I can track any of your purchases so don't ever think of buying anything useless, you have 3500 yen on your card now, if you want to check things about your card you can download an app"

She told me, she then showed the app and linked me with her account, but I don't exactly have her account, it's a like a sub-account, cool I guess, I downloaded the app and saw that my balance was actually 3500 yen, right now is more than enough

"Nice I will be heading to town to buy some supplies"

"Sure, be careful while driving"

she told me, I then left with my bike, I'm driving a bit more careful now that I'm inside the town, people are giving me a weird look, do I look that weird? I mean I'm wearing a helmet and also driving slowly, I tried to ignore their glare by looking in front of the road, eventually, I reached the location of the mall, this mall has everything you need from clothes to food to house supplies, it literally has everything, when I entered I saw a lot of stores that didn't have to do anything with school, there goes my search for the school shop, I'm looking everywhere but I can't find anything, thankfully a guard was nearby so I asked him

"Do you know where the school shop is?"

he pointed to the other side of the mall, you see the mall had a huge hole in its center that allowed the sun to come inside but it made moving way harder since you would have to make a whole circle around the mall to get to a specific store as I wanted, I thanked the man and did the big circle arriving to my destination, I entered and a lady welcomed me with a smile, I then made my way inside the shop and I started looking for the things I wanted, I found pencils and pens but I had a hard time looking for textbooks, I searched a little and I found them, a girl was also trying to grab one but the books were too high for her so like any normal person would do I reached it for her

"Thank y..."

she stopped talking when she noticed who I was, oh shit it's her

"Haha, small world isn't it?"

I said while smiling awkwardly, she wasn't really laughing though, she took the textbook out of my hand

"Thank you for your help"

She said as she was leaving, she doesn't look that thankful but whatever, I just feel a bit sad that I already have an enemy before the school starts, well I don't want to phrase it like that but it feels that way, I bought everything I need and now I'm heading to the cashier, but to my surprise, the person behind me is the same girl, I really can't catch a break, there were a lot of people buying things for this beginning school year so the shop was a bit busy so people had to wait in lines, unfortunately, I had to have her be behind me, there are like 3 people in front of me, this waiting line will surely be intense for me

"Do you mind if you give me your turn? Brainless thugs like you don't have anything to do all their days while I have a very strict schedule"

is she talking to me?

"Don't pretend like you can't hear me, or did the loud sound of your bike made you go deaf?"

she is really going at me

"Relax you don't have to insult me! You can have my turn"

I told her but before I switched a boy in front of me stopped us, he seemed like he was about the same age as us

"Why are you letting her step on you like that? Have some pride man! As for you why are you insulting him? Don't you see? He clearly cares about school or he wouldn't have come here in the first place, please learn to respect others"

he told her with an annoyed look, the girl's eyes sparked with anger

"And who are you to assume things? If you want to know he almost ran me over with his stupid bike! For some reason he can't drive more slowly"

the boy turned his eyes to me

"Dude, is she telling the truth?"

he asked me, I nodded, and he then remained quiet

"I apologized to you can't you just let it slide or do you do that for everything in your life?"

I asked, I talked a bit more aggressively, I can't deal with people like them if I talk with respect

"I don't remember you apologizing, and even if you did almost killing me for an apology seems unfair to me?"

she told me she was clearly pissed about what I said

"And what else do you want me to do? Take you out for food?"

I asked ironically, her face calmed a bit down, please god don't do this to me

"I s-suppose..."

she replied, turns out god is fake

"Sir it's your turn"

the cashier told me, I quickly went there, she scanned my stuff and I paid with my card and waited outside with my stuff, I can just leave to avoid her but I don't want to, if I end things peacefully then I will not have any problems in the future, after waiting for little she walked up to me

"There is a Mcdonolds on the third floor, so let's go there"

She told me while holding her 2 bags, I don't know what the hell she bought to have 2 bags but I won't ask either, it's not really my business plus she will probably start insulting me

"Isn't Mcdonolds for people like me? I didn't expect you to like them"

she was a bit weirded out about what I said

"Mcdonolds is a universal loved thing so you can expect people like you to like it, anyways, get up and let's go"

she said as she started walking leaving me behind, she really likes to curse people for the littlest things I mean she is the daughter of Josuke Yosuke, one of the most successful men to come out of Nagano so she is silver-spooned, but I'm surprised that people don't know Yosuke-sama, I mean he is pretty rich but he also remained low-key, when I grow older I want to be just like him in term of wealth and fame, I don't want people to cling on me just because of my money

"What's your name?"

she asked me, that's right! She doesn't even know my name

"I'm Iriasu Hikita and as for you, you are Yua Yosuke right?"

"That's right but for you it's Yosuke-san"

she told me, people in Japan refer to others by their last name so I'm not surprised that she requested something like this

"As for me simply call me Iriasu, or use my last name I don't care"

she didn't respond, she simply remained quiet as the escalator elevated us to the third floor