
Unpleasant date/ First day

Currently, Yua and I are sitting at a table waiting for our food, I ordered a cheeseburger, I didn't pay much attention but I think Yua ordered a big double hamburger, I think she likes the burgers here

"So... You are Domic's son? I didn't expect such a wonderful man to have such a brute son but what can you do? Life can be unfair at some times" She told me with an annoyed expression

"You don't even know me and you are just assuming things, isn't this a bit bad?"

"Bad? And almost killing me isn't bad?" Here we go again

"As I told you before it was a simple accident, and please don't act like that, people won't like you if you treat them like this"

"Like what? I don't treat anyone like this, I speak like this to low-life animals"

I should have left when I had my chance

"Well if you really think of me like that then why don't you just leave? Nobody is forcing you to stay here"

I told her while glaring at her, she wasn't so happy

"You offered to treat me and now you are telling me to leave? Not even delinquents do that"

I won't respond anymore, I'm already tired, she remained silent for some time, but when the waiter left us our food she started talking again

Yua prayed and then started eating, I prayed too and then started eating, I can feel her staring at me while I eat, I expect her to curse at me at any time

"Can't you eat a bit slower? It's disrespectful, it's like seeing a pig eat"

She told me, while eating exactly like me, when she said that I saw that she had some sauce on her lips

"Clean yourself"

I said while touching my lips, she then licked the sauce awkwardly, after some time she finished her burger while I was a little more halfway done

"Alright! Thank you for the food and hopefully, I don't get to see you in school, bye bye!"

She waved as she left, she won't pay for her food?


I quietly mumbled, how can she just leave like that? Anyways, I don't care about her, to be honest she made me a favor by leaving, spending a little bit more time with her would have driven me insane, it took me about 5 minutes to finish my burger, when I finished I walked to the cashier and paid with my card and left, I quickly walked to the place I parked, to my surprise I found a little sticky note on my bike

Did Yua write it? Most likely yeah, why does she hate me that much? Her father is such a sweet man but her on the other hand is the devil in a human form, well I don't have time to think about her, I have to get ready for school, I can't afford to make a bad impression on the school, as a foreigner I have to look as good as possible so people don't avoid me, when I came home I had a hard time explaining to Hikita why I got two big burgers and two big sodas , I almost wasted all of my money

Monday 7th of April 07:32

That's what my phone said, it's a bit weird for me that school starts in April, everywhere else school starts in September but I guess here it's different, I have to dress up and brush my teeth, I can't afford to be late on my first day on school, when I went to the bathroom I saw my aunt brushing her teeth

"Good morning Iriasu-chan! Your first day in school is about to start, how do you feel?"

She told with a smile, her hair was a mess

"I don't know, I'm a bit excited and also anxious, it's my first time transferring schools, and I don't look Japanese, people will probably feel weird when they see me..."

My aunt threw some drops of water at my face, she looked disappointed

"Why do you think that? You shouldn't underestimate yourself, people won't really care if you are not from here, they will treat you exactly like the others, you will see that yourself"

I doubt that but I'm glad she told me that, it makes me feel less stressed

"Thank you Hikita-chan! You don't know how much you are helping me now"

I told her while hugging her, she looks surprised, she then started petting my head, after I brushed my teeth I made something to eat and before I realized it it was already 7:52, I panicked, I quickly ran to my bike and turned it on, I accelerated quickly and was on my way to school, while driving I passed by a lot of people with the same uniform as me, those that were close to the school walked, others slightly ran, and others were spiriting as their life depended on it, there were also people cycling to school, thankfully I was on my motorcycle so I was relaxed, when I arrived people were staring at me, I think is kind of weird to come to school with a motorcycle but what can I do? That's the only way I can go to school, I guess I could take the bus but I don't like it, it's way too crowded, I prefer driving on my own

"Do you think he is a delinquent?"

That's what I heard coming from the distance, do they think I'm a thug because I drive a motorcycle?

"He is so big! I don't know what I would do if I pissed him off"

I heard a girl saying that, Do they think I beat people for fun? Do I look scary?

"Humph looks like you made it just in time, I'm quite surprised that you came on time"

Yua said as she looked at me with a look of disappointment, for some reason she was waiting at the entrance, the school uniform matched quite nice with her

"Yeah good morning to you too"

I said as I passed past her

This announcement kept on repeating and repeating so I went to the gym, a lot of people were there, all in the same uniform, I could also see some parents inside, Hikita had to go to work so she couldn't come here, more and more people were coming inside the room, slowly we all got to out assigned spot, thankfully I was away from Yua, I really can't stand this girl, after some time of waiting Yosuke-sama walked up to a stage that the gym had, everyone, went silent

"Thank you all for coming here today, this year is a special one since it's the 20th anniversary of our school, I welcome all of the new students here and as for all of the older ones I'm glad to see you are doing alright, today is a special day not only because of the anniversary but because for the younger ones this is a new step towards the goal they want to achieve and a bloom of their new world, I'm sure that most of you are anxious or even scared of what is about to come but I can tell you for sure that everything is going to end alright because here all of your teachers are the best you can have, also I promise that you will experience something different from your casual high school because when I built this school I built it with the idea of creating a generation of revolutionary kids that will lead Japan some day, as some of you know some of the greatest people of our decade graduated from here so you can rest your fate on our hands and I promise that you won't regret it, with all that being said I want to announce to you our new program the worldwide educational program, this is a project I created this year that includes people from other countries, those people are talented young minds that want to graduate from here and thankfully on our first year we managed to find our first and single student willing to take a risk and graduate from here, can you please come up stage Iriasu Hikita"

When I heard that my heart skipped a bit, am I supposed to go upstage? I can't do that there are way too many people, as I was thinking a person grabbed me by my hand with force

"Oi kid he means you so go up there"

A lady told me, she had a pissed look on her face, I then got up on the stage by instinct, my eyes were beginning to stop working, I was slowly losing my sight, it was hard to even stand up

"Come on now just tell me that you are glad you were chosen and you can then leave, it won't be that hard"

Yosuke-sama said in my ear with a calming voice, he then handed me the microphone, I can't embarrass myself or Yosuke, just stand tall and speak, even though I think that I still can't say a word, it's not like I don't want to speak but it simply won't come out of my mouth

"Here he is, he just arrived here so his Japanese isn't really good but I'm sure he will get better with time"

Yosuke said as he snatched the microphone out of my hands, he then told me to back to my place, while I was walking back the stare of 100 and more people was piercing my body, I'm not looking up but I can tell that they are staring at me, when I returned to my place Yosuke-sama continued his speech and after some time we went inside our classroom to begin our first lesson, I'm in the class 3-A and my seat was in the front of the class, and when I thought I couldn't get any unluckier I ended up being in the same class as miss Yosuke, that's right Yua is in my class

"No way you are the one that got abused by that one girl in the mall how are you doing?"

A boy came up to me, he was green-haired, he also had some weird orangy eye it was the same guy I saw at the mall

"Hey to be honest I'm not surprised that we ended up in the same class, you know the girl that "abused" me at the mall is in the same class"

I told him, and he laughed when I told him that

"Oh men, tough luck brother, anyway, what's your name? I'm Takito Remo it's nice meeting you"

He told me as he shook my hand

"Like wise, I'm Hikita Iriasu"

"Then Hikita-kun right?"

I nodded

"You can use my name too I don't have a problem and as for you, you are Takito-kun"

He smiled and agreed, it feels nice to finally have a friend

"It was kind of weird seeing you on stage, it also took me by surprise that you are the foreigner that we long-awaited, also why didn't you speak on stage? You are quite fluent in Japanese" He told me surprised

"Well you see if I pretend I don't know Japanese people won't bother me as much"

I said with a smile, I didn't want him to think that I got scared

"Hmm, that's smart but I don't think it's a good idea, making friends and interacting with others is very important but if that's what you want to do then I can't say anything else"

Thank god he isn't a brat like her

"H-hey you are Hikita-kun right? Can you please switch with me? I wear glasses but it's still hard to see from afar, oh sorry where are my manners? I'm Trita"

A girl asked me politely, apparently, her seat is way back near the window, AKA a perfect spot

"Sure you can have my seat!" I told her we then switched

"That's very good, now we are close to each other, we are only 2 desks away"

Takito-kun said, he was sitting 2 desks in front of me

"What an unpleasant coincident"

I heard a voice from my right, has god cursed me?

"Don't act like you can't hear me!" She said angrily

"Shut up already! Can you please don't talk with me? If you hate me that much then please ignore me"

I told her with as much respect I could but saying "shut up" messed it up, but in reality, even if I didn't say it she would probably react the same

"You see it's hard to ignore a stupid-looking brute"

I will punch her someday, before I could respond our teacher came inside the class, and everyone stood up

"Good morning kids, my name is Terresa Barkingson and I will be your main teacher, I will teach you basic language, math, science and other more, here in this school teachers have multiple diplomas so they teach multiple subjects, here I'm considered the best teacher in a rank based system we have, so if I was you I would have been glad to have me as a teacher, now that we are done with the introduction, you in the front take these papers and pass them to the people behind you"

Our teacher wrote her name on the board, she was the same person that grabbed me by my arm in the gym, she was tall and her hair was curly, and as for its color it was brown, she also had sharp silvery blue eyes, handing test to us on the first day of school means that she is the real deal