
Domic the crusher

After I raised my hand the boy grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me into the wall, all of the eyes were on us

"Do you think you are tough buddy?"

The boy asked me with aggression, he was clearly mad

"I don't know what I did to make you angry, but I'm sorry?"

I said in a lighter tone, I didn't want to seem aggressive toward him

"You know damn well what you did! Apologize to Yosuke-chan right now! She is the little sister of my friend so I won't let you treat her this way!"

The boy yelled at me, some of his spit landed on my uniform and face, it smelled like coffee, disgusting

"Did she come crying to you telling you that I hit her or something? Because if you want to know she insulted me all day every day and now she is sad that I merely pointed out her underperformance?"

I asked him with a straight face, I saw Yua's head peep from outside of the classroom while I spoke to him

"I don't care what you have to say! Apologize to her NOW or things are going to get nasty for you"

He yelled once again, I remained silent for a little just so I can hear the gossip of my classroom

"I heard that this guy is a third year, kind of weird to pick a fight with a freshman"

or something like that

"Sorry senpai but it won't happen if she doesn't apologize too"

I told him calmly, he didn't respond with words, he only responded with a backslap on my face, the hit made my gum bleed, the whole class left a gasp

"Will you apologize or do you need another one?"

He asked even more angry than before, I saw Takito trying to take him off me, he was a bit hesitant but in the end, he stood up

"Hey! I understand that you may be mad but you don't have any right to hit him"

"Shut it! You don't know anything!"

The boy screamed at him, Takito was discouraged after that

"Takito-kun can you promise me one thing? Can you tell the teacher that I simply fought back"

I told him, for some reason his face showed fear

"Don't ignore me, you bastard!"

The boy said as he backslapped me again, but this time I didn't stay calm, I punched him on the nose, and while he was stunned I grabbed his whole body and slammed it on the floor, the wooden floor made a loud sound, I then got on top of him and started hitting him in his face

"Will you stop?"

I asked, he didn't reply, he continued to try and get me off him, so I simply continued punching and repeating the same easy question over and over again


Yua yelled as she pushed me off the boy, his face was bruised up

"Don't touch him!"

She yelled at me while glaring deep into my eyes, I messed up, didn't I? It's just the first day of school and I already fought someone, the boy got up with the help of Yua and he then charged at me once again, he was very disoriented so when he got close I simply pushed him back, he crushed into my Yua's desk, Yua then grabbed the boy to calm him down

"Stop Tenpi-kun! He is not worth it"

She told him but Tenpi still tried to charge at me but Yua's grip was more than enough to root him

"What are you doing? Leave!"

She yelled at me so I ran out of the class, I didn't have anywhere to go, only one place came into my mind, the back of the school where a vending machine is laying, I went there and got a cold cola so I can put it on my bruised cheek, I sat down near the machine to relax, That was sure an experience I didn't expect, my injury wasn't serious at all but to be honest I'm worried about Ryu, I may have hit him too hard, and even excluding the slam his injuries must be a little serious, it didn't take long for a school announcement to call me into the principal's office, so I calmly went there, I began to drink my cola while I was heading to the office, my cheek was already healed, I wonder if I got in trouble, I mean I only defended myself, he simply came inside the class demanding an apology when he didn't know anything, and am I supposed to simply obey? Oh, I just arrived at the office, I knocked and entered in

"Why did you call me in?"

I know why but I still asked

"You know why Iriasu, all school knows why! What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked me with a serious stare

"This guy came into my classroom demanding I apologize for talking harshly to your daughter, I demanded an apology too because he hit me and because Yua-san talked bad about me too but when I did he slapped me, I remained calm and when he slapped me again, I then fought back"

Yosuke didn't break eye contact the whole time I was telling my story

"And you think that someone with vast knowledge of fighting would do these things to a normal person?"

He asked me, My father used to be a UFC superstar, he was called Domic the crusher, he used to fight a lot but after my birth, he stopped fighting and focused more on his family, but that didn't stop him from teaching me how to fight, he taught basic martial arts and also got me into working out from a young age so I was stronger than anyone on my age all my life, seems like Yusuke knows this

"I admit I went a bit overboard but I think it was justified, he slapped me 2 times for no reason"

I said with a awkward smile


He yelled while slamming his desk, my whole stomach tightened up when I heard his angry voice, I couldn't answer or look him in his eyes

"Excuse me for raising my voice, but do you think just because you fought in self-defense justifies everything you did? Iriasu you are no longer a child, your strength is enough to kill if used wrongly do you understand that? You can't simply use techniques you learned from your father to normal high school students, these techniques are meant to be used in a dangerous situation"

He told me, he looked disappointed at me, for some reason this looked made me sadder that his angry one

"I'm sorry..."

"A sorry won't cut it! I have to suspend you for this week and also starting next week you will be in charge of cleaning the classroom and maintaining the library all alone for the next month, am I understood?"

He told me with a calm impression, maybe I was the wrong one here but I couldn't accept this punishment

"The first week is the most crucial I can't miss it, can you please make my suspicion a day or something?"

What I said made him angry

"Hikita Iriasu, after what you did the appropriate punishment is 3 weeks but just because I was the one that invited you here it will look bad if you got this punished on the first day, it's already bad as it is, so just so you know the only thing that saves you is the project, think about it as you leave this building, I have called your guardian, she will come here during the end of the day for a talk between us 3"

Yosuke said as he got up, he then placed his arm on my back and pushed me to the exit, I then got outside, and surprisingly my teacher was standing outside with a folder in her hand

"You really are something else kid! It's only your first day and you got into a fight with a third year and you actually won, but winning is beside the point, this is your work for the week, make sure you hand it over to me when you return from your suspension"

She told me as she handed me the folder she was holding, the folder was filled with sheets of paper, it was a quite thick folder

"You look worried, calm down, most of the papers are sheets that will help you study for the rest of the year, your homework is only 3 sheets"

She told me with a smile as she left.

How am I supposed to explain this to Hikita? I'm sure she won't let it slide that easily, and if my father learns about this then what he will do? I'm doomed but I can't do anything about it now, I only have to behave better next time, if I get a next time that is...

On my way to the exit I saw Yua in the hall, she gave me a look of proudness.

I guess she hates me now, I also believe that a big reason I was suspended was that I happened to insult her but I don't want to think badly about Yosuke, he is the reason I'm off this stupid island I lived after all, after some walking I made it to my shoe locker, that's where I started changing my shoes

"Was he really the one that did this to you?"

I heard a voice from afar say

"That's what I'm telling you! This bastard isn't your average guy"

I heard a familiar voice saying, the voices were coming closer and closer, and after changing to my real shoes the voices got right in front of me

"Here he is, take a look! There is no way he is someone you know, he just came to school from a project your father did or something"

The boy that I fought before said to another tall boy

"Yo Hikita-kun! Do you remember me?"

the tall boy asked me

"Am I supposed to?"

"Yeah I guess it's been a long time, you may have forgotten"

The boy said as he laughed, he then extended his arm

"I'm Yosuke Inei, we used to be friends when we were younger, it's nice seeing you again Iriasu-kun"

He is using my name already? I guess he really does know me, I raised my hand and we shook our hands

"You seem quite calm about the things I did, you know I fought your friend and I insulted your sister"

He laughed when I told him that

"Don't worry about Tenpi-kun, he tends to get in fights like this but lately he doesn't have much competition, and as for my sister don't worry about her either, she is always like that to strangers, honestly it was about time for someone to put her in her place and I'm glad you were the one to do it"

Inei told me, I don't remember him but he seems like a nice guy, he made me feel more relaxed about the thing that was about to follow, I took my motorcycle and went straight back home, I opened the door with my spare key and I laid on my bed, I don't feel like doing anything, I will just lay here until Hikita comes here