
Off the hook/ what's that look for?

I patiently waited for my aunt to come home and after a quick nap she was quick to arrive, I was sitting in the garage inspecting my motorcycle, when she found me lazing around she looked disappointed

"Get ready to leave, I want you to explain everything there!"

Hikita told me as her look of disappointment slowly turned into a wild glare, I expected her to be harsher than that, I waited 2 minutes and she then came into the garage, she applied some make-up and came back

"Get in we are leaving!"

I quickly got in without saying a word, on our way to school my aunt didn't say anything

"Are you not mad at me?"

I asked thinking about what I did

"I am not as mad as you expected right? To be honest, I'm not the one that has to be mad, I'm simply your aunt, you probably have to worry more about how your father will react"

She told me, I'm still a little confused, I know that I don't know Hikita that much but I expected to be a little bit mad

Honestly I'm a bit disappointed that she isn't mad

"Oh but I have one thing to say..."

Before I could answer Hikita punched me in the back of my head


She told me yelling, the car got out of control from the hit

"Please drive safely!"

I screamed out of fear, this woman was really about to crush us into a wall, she then retook control by doing some drivers tricks or something, it didn't seem normal since she changed many gears and braked multiple times

"Stop panicking kid, you are talking with the number 2 Nagano's driving star"

She said as she took pride in that name

"Who's number 1?"

She looked annoyed

"Come on kid at least try to show a bit of excitement about my place!"

"My bad..."

"1st was none other than your stupid father Domic-kun, this guy could drive cars with close eyes, he really had a talent for everything he had ever done"

She said with an angry look, I'm surprised to hear that, father has told me multiple stories of his in Japan but he never mentioned this, he told me he was average at everything, I guess he is humble

"Oi wake up, we are here!"

She told me as she got out of the car, I quickly got out and followed her into the school, we both went to Yosuke's office, when we entered the office Yosuke was sitting there, the boy that attacked me was there, his name is Hakuso isn't? Hakuso was sitting there with a grown man, I assume it was his father, when they noticed us Hikita bowed her head, and she also used her hand to make me bow

"I'm sorry for all the problems my niece caused you!"

She said while bowing

"Please take a seat so we can discuss"

Yosuke said as waved his hand at the two free chairs, we sat down without a second thought

"I know that it might have been scary to hear that your child was hurt like that but I have to justify the situation so everyone can leave this room satisfied, so do you guys mind explaining to your guardians what happened? Just so you know I have gathered evidence from what happened so I know who did what"

Yosuke told us as he glared over us, before I could talk Hakuso took the lead

"It was my bad! I assaulted him for no reason back there, I thought he hurt Yua-chan so I defended her, it was irrational for me to attack him like that but my emotions got the best of me!"

Excuse me? Did he just admit that?

"I appreciate that you saved us the time to argue, now that everything is set do you wish any punishment for Hakuso-san?"

Yosuke asked me

"Not really! Throwing him to the ground was pretty satisfying, to begin with"

"Don't speak like that stupid kid!"

Hikita told me with an angry expression

"So it's decided, you both can return to your homes! I'm sorry to summon you for such a hasty problem but my school policy is very strict about violence!"

Yosuke said as he bowed

"I'm sorry about my son Hikita-sama, he is an idiot that doesn't know how to stay out of trouble, I'm sorry too, son!"

Hakuso's guardian said to me, he took Hakuso and left, was it this easy? when the 2 of them left the office Hikita became enraged

"What the hell was that all about Yoshitke?"

She asked him in an aggressive tone

"Don't call me that in front of the child! You know I didn't have a choice, this is how school works!"

He told her in a casual tone, I'm surprised at how many connections I have to Yosuke

"So what about my punishment?"

I asked with a timid voice, my aunt turned her angry eyes at me when I asked that

"Did you punish my niece you shithead?"

She asked even more angry

"Naturally! Slamming a student on the ground is dangerous no matter if it was self-defense or assault!"

"If you don't stop saying lame-ass excuses I will slam you down like Domic used to!"

Hikita told him as she approached him

"Wait did you guys spar?"

I asked confused

"Of course! I was his main sparring partner even when he was a pro, we just fought for fun!"

Yosuke told me with a big smile, fighting for fun with a pro-leveled fighter? How strong is Yosuke?

"Anyways about your punishment, is of course canceled, but you do have to clean the classroom and take care of the library, because as I said fighting is heavily forbidden, so please feel free to come to school tomorrow" Yosuke told me

"I'm happy that all the confusion is gone, see you tomorrow Yosuke-sama!"

I said, I and Hikita left the office, it was a very weird meeting but it ended well for me and that's all I care for, I and Hikita got into the car but we didn't head home

"A co-worker of mine invited me for food at his house, you don't mind coming along do you?"

Hikita asked me as she drove to the opposite side of our house

"Not really but, I still have my folders with me so I will simply stay inside the car and do my homework, you go and have this date of yours"

I told her as I looked at my bag

"S-Shut your mouth kid! This is not a date! We are simply celebrating!" She told me embarrassed

The drive to her friend was long, since we drove from Nagano to the east side of Suzaka, turn out her workplace is in the west side of Gunma, she gets to the train station with her car and she then takes the train to Gunma, sounds tiring but money is money

After an hour we arrived, Hikita went to see her friend and I did my homework for the week, it wasn't so hard since most of it was math, looks like our teacher likes math, it took me about an hour to finish, thank god I forgot this folder inside my small back pack, which I carry almost everywhere

It was a gift from my father, at start I didn't really like it but turns out it's one of the most useful items I carry, when I finished my homework I decided to go for a walk, it was boring inside the car, also Suzaka seemed like a nice place so I wanted to explore a little, maybe take a photo or two, once I got out the fresh air entered my lungs, it was refreshing, I then began walking around

It was nice, people seemed sweet and the shops were pretty neat I also found a friendly cat, it was a fully white cat with blue eyes, a local that owned a shop in this area told me that its name was Yuki, I can see the reason behind its name, I snapped a photo of Yuki as it was rubbing against my foot, after a while of wondering around I found an interesting poster

It was 6:21p.m so the time is fairly good so that's where I was headed, I used a GPA to get there and I thankfully made it safe

A lot of people were gathered around there it was honestly surprising, I heard from locals that these people were upcoming musicians so that was the reason that the display was free to attend, the music was calming and you can even say magical, mixed with a beautiful park like this and you have a good photo, the instruments looked crazy good at the beautiful colors of the sakura trees

As I was watching the performance a familiar face approached me, I swear she is like a tumor

"It's surprising seeing a brute like you enjoying such a fine genre of music"

Yua told me with a surprised look, this time it was genuine confusion rather than a degradation

"Fancy meeting you here! Shouldn't you be studying math?"

"Haha very funny!" She told me ironically

I expected her to be mad but oh well, it seems like she doesn't completely hate me

"For real now, what are you doing here?"

"None of your business! Plus why would I tell you? Just because we are class partners it doesn't mean I have to be friends with you!" Yua said while looking at the instruments

it seems like she took a liking to the violin since she can't take her eyes away from it, while both spectating silently, a message was delivered to me

The message came from my aunt, and by "we" does she mean she will be coming with her friends? This will surely be tiring, I mean talking to all of her friends, they will probably ask about me and stuff, anyway, I will deal with it when the time comes, right now I sent a photo of me in the park, with the instruments on the background of the photo, of course

She wrote back, I guess I will wait for them

"Who are you writing to?"

Yua asked as she leaned toward me, I immediately pulled away

"What the hell are you doing?"

I asked her confused and angry, Yua simply fell back and just avoided the question

"My bad I thought you were talking to someone I knew"

Did she really just say that?

"And? Do you go around stalking other people's phones? That's rude you know..."

"Come on don't act like a little girl talking to her middle school crush! I did even see anything you sent because of the way you pulled your phone away"

"Even if you didn't, you can't just go around doing shit like that!"

I told her angrily, but even after talking to her in this kind of way she didn't seem to understand my feelings, I tried to ignore her for a little, just a little more and my aunt will arrive here and I can get the hell away from here, it's surprising to see how a single person can ruin a whole situation, eventually I was saved, I saw my aunt in the distance walking towards the show, she was with a male friend, kind of weird to be honest, either way, I walked up to them without excusing myself to Yua

"Hello Hikita-kun I hear a lot about you from Yuoku-chan, welcome to Japan! How does Japan feel like?"

Her friend asked me, he was a tall black-haired guy with quite a nice style, about my answer I felt so pressured back there that my answer flew out my lips

"Shit so far, the only good thing is the scenery!"

Only after I saw my aunt's reaction I realized what I said, I embarrassed my aunt in front of her friend didn't I?

"Haha, I like your honesty, please tell me more..."

He said as he left a small laugh, I thought that he would be mad that I insulted his country but I guess he is cool with it, I'm very interested in meeting him for many reasons...