
Complete silence...

When I woke up my morning routine was the same as all the other days, get up, brush my teeth, eat something light, take important things with me and leave, but before I left I woke up Hikita and then left

I didn't want to face her after how she treated me yesterday and I think she doesn't either so leaving immediately was probably the best for both of us

After getting up on my bike and leaving I once again saw multiple people heading to school, they looked at me a bit weird, they probably didn't notice that I noticed them since I was wearing a helmet that covered my whole face and also had a black tinned glass

This helmet was something I bought for myself, I always wanted to wear a helmet but I didn't find anything on Biol so one day I ordered a cool one I saw on the internet and all I can say is that I fell in love with it

When I arrived at the schoolyard with my motorcycle everybody was looking at me while whispering, I'm not the best at reading the room but it's pretty obvious they are talking about me, and after arriving at the entrance I started changing my shoes and that's when I heard them

"He is the guy that assaulted a third-year, he even has a bike? Is he a gang member?"

Those were the kind of rumors I heard over and over again, honestly, it was pretty annoying and also alarming, if people feared me then it would be hard to actually make friends here, but as the "new kid" I will probably have better chances at making friends than most of the people here so first I have to clear the misunderstandings

After entering the classroom I sat down and I waited as I was browsing with my phone the news, I saw that the music band that played the classical music was viral, and for a very weird reason, turns out they did a complete 180 on their music production and started making pop music with mixing classical instruments, I don't know how this will work but judging by their new viral song I assume it's working out for them

"You are not allowed to use your phone in class you know" Yua said as she sat down at her desk

it was the first time she didn't insult me when she first saw me

"Good morning to you too! Have you seen the news about the guys that played the classical music yesterday?"

"Not really did something bad happen to them?" She asked casually

"No why would you think that? They simply released a viral song just yesterday after their performance, or at least that's what the news says"

Yua didn't look that impressed and didn't even ask about the song or anything, I guess she doesn't care

After some time I heard footsteps walking to the classroom and to my surprise it was Takito-kun, he didn't seem that bothered about the rumors about me or what happened yesterday, he simply walked up to me with a happy expression

"Good morning Iriasu-kun I'm glad that there wasn't a misunderstanding with the principal, it would be sad to see you get punished for something out of your control"

Did he really believe that? Or is he simply trying to cheer me up?

"Yeah I guess, but I still have to watch over the library in the breaks so that's still something, oh and I also have to clean this classroom for the whole month, so I wouldn't say that I was that lucky"

"Damn! Did the other guy get any punishment?"

He asked me, honestly, I never thought about it, I got cleaning duty and library watch out while he doesn't have to do anything, maybe I should have made him do something but now it's too late

And suddenly our teacher entered the classroom, she looked a bit sleepy, everyone welcomed the teacher and then we sat down

"Good morning everyone, as you all know today we going to start with history, Hanako Trita please pick up everyone's math homework, That I gave you yesterday"

She said, the girl that I switched seats with stood up, took all of our homework, and handed it all to the teacher

"I will grade them when the break starts and then we will talk about them in the next period, so for now take your history books and turn to page 13"

She said and we all did that, history was pretty interesting but many people looked like they were in hell, it didn't take long for the bell to ring and everyone's faces seemed happy

"That's all for history today, make sure you review chapter one because I will test you all" The teacher said as she slowly got up

"Oh Hikita-kun don't forget about your library duty" She told me before I exited

"I know that's where I'm heading right now"

I told her and then left for the library, but when I arrived at the door I found out that it was locked, I guess I didn't think through everything

"Will the library not open today?" A girl asked m

When I turned around I saw Trita

"No, I simply forgot about the key, so if you don't mind wait here while I go to the teachers' office"

I told her as I began walking away, I spent some time searching and then I found it, the teachers' office where all of them were doing their work, I silently entered in and asked for my teacher since I didn't know anyone besides her and Yosuke

"What do you want?" She asked with a tired look when she saw me

"I forgot to take the key to the library so I came to ask for it from here"

"That's right I forgot that you didn't have it, wait here I'm going to bring it to you"

She said, she then left but quickly returned with the key

"Keep this key with you and return it next month"

She said as she handed me the key with a key tag that said library in kanji, I assume it was kanji because I can't read it and I assume that it says library because what else could it possibly say?

After obtaining the key I returned to Trita with the key

"I found it now let me unlock it"

I said but as soon as I inserted the key in the keyhole the bell rang and it was time for us to go inside, the first break is 5 minutes so it makes sense

"I'm sorry I was a bit late" I told her

"What no! Don't apologize, the break it's very short and also I didn't want to do something important either so we can settle everything the next break"

She said as she aggressively bowed her head, her glasses almost fell off from the intensity but thanks to her long orange hair the glasses remained on her head, we then entered the classroom together, Yua had a fixed look at us, Trita sat on her desk and I sat on mine

"Looks like you got a new friend..."

Yua told me as she was gathering her history book from her desk, I see no reason telling me that

"Not really, we simply returned together from the library, but you on the other hand are still alone"

She seemed a bit annoyed about what I said

"My friends are in another class you know, I also have third-year friends so I don't need to hear you telling me about friends"

"I was simply stating what I saw but if you got friends then that's alright, I just hope they are not as annoying as you"

Before she could tell me something back the teacher entered the classroom and we welcomed her once again, do we really have to do that every time she enters the class? If yes then I think I will start hating her

"I reviewed everyone's homework and everyone did good at the most parts, there were only 5 students that weren't completely flawless but that's alright, it's still your first day here so you have all the time in the world to improve"

She told us as he sat down, and she then said to Trita to give us all our graded homework back, I aced it as expected but when she was off guard I peeked at Yua's, she had some mistakes on some questions

"I thought I told you to go study math"

I whispered, suddenly her eyes started glaring at my soul, I want to make up with her but whenever I got the chance to humiliate her I do it, I may be a hypocrite

This subject passed even quicker than the past one, the moment it ended I quickly headed into the library and unlocked it, I finally took a look inside it, and it was something special, it was your typical school library when I entered I saw the counter so I unlocked it and entered, the counter had a computer inside of it, this computer was used to record the books taken from the library, the computer had a note stuck on the side of its screen that said the following:




The punishments seem very extreme so I better be careful if I want to borrow a book, as I was thinking Trita entered the library

"Hello! I will stay here to read a little" She told me as she got inside

She then grabbed a book from the shelf, I couldn't make out the name but I think it was something like a novel

"Make sure you don't damage it because if do then you will regret it, the punishments here are very unforgiving"

I warned her but she didn't seem to hear me, looks like she began reading so I will not disturb her, because besides being a bookworm she looks like she is socially awkward so I don't want to make her feel worried, after some minutes Takito entered the library

"Hey, Hikita-kun how is the work here?"

He asked loudly so I shushed, it was clear that he hadn't noticed Trita reading, he only realized when he looked around

"I'm sorry" He said silently at her

She didn't pay him any attention either

"Don't bother, now that she started reading she won't probably hear you"

"I see! So she must be the type to immerse herself inside a story, not a bad thing to do but it can prove bad but I bet it really helps with homework" He said as he stared at her

Suddenly the bell rang and Trita snapped out of her reading mode, she looked a bit surprised to see Takito, but she tried to ignore him, when she tried to place the book back on the shelf a sudden hit was heard from the upper floor, the hit ended up shaking the whole bookshelf, resulting to many books falling from the upper shelf, the books were heading at Trita

"Hey watch out!" I yelled but she didn't realize

Takito then dived into action and ran up to her, he then grabbed her and shielded her with his back

"Are you alright?" Takito asked

Trita was speechless, she then quickly stepped away from Takito and thanked him before quickly leaving the library

"Did I shock her?" Takito wondered as he saw her running away


I said as I quickly tried to tidy up the books, after a close inspection the books were unharmed, I then place the books back in their place with the use of the ladder

"We have to return to the class or else we are going to be late!" Takito said as he quickly helped me close the library

We then ran in the halls so we could get faster inside

"Hey, not running in the halls!"

We heard a voice behind us but we didn't stop running but before we entered the class I turned around to see who screamed at us and to my surprise it was Inei-kun

Sorry Inei but we can't afford to be late

When we arrived at class the teacher was thankfully still absent so we peacefully sat on our desk but before we sat down I took a good look at Trita, she looked very embarrassed about what happened, I guess that's what social awkwardness does to somebody, eventually the teacher entered the classroom and the lessons continued smoothly