
Bookworm/ Measuring

1 week has passed after the incident and things are running relatively smooth, nothing exciting had happened since then, and I'm still stuck with opening and closing the stupid library and also cleaning our class, the library is tolerated since I have the company of Trita, she doesn't talk but at least she is there, but cleaning the class is unbearable, everyone leaves their mess around plus only the thought of cleaning Yua's mess makes me go mad, during those weeks I also started going to the gym Akira suggested, it has a good environment, I also became friends with this one buffed guy, he is quite nice and also motivates me when I'm there, his name is Antony he is from West Africa but moved to Japan for studies and decided to live here, now that I think about it I have to ask him to go for food once so we can properly talk because talking with him in the gym isn't the best

"Hey, Hikita-kun..." Trita said as she timidly came in front of the little office I was relaxing at

"Can I borrow this book? It's called "Parallel YOU parallel ME" "

"Borrowing a book huh? That's new"

I told her as I wrote down her name and the book's name, and she simply stood there silently, I thought we became a bit friendlier because we saw each other daily but I guess not yet

"I wrote your name in so you are free to go, you have about 1 month to return it and if you haven't finished it yet, then don't worry because you can borrow it again"

"C-Can I ask you something?"

She said with a weak voice, what can see probably need?

"Sure what's up?"

"You are friends with T-Takito-kun right?"

"Yeah what about it?"

When I asked her that she took a moment to pause and she then excused herself and left, her face was completely red, what is wrong with her?

Suddenly a person I didn't expect to come in arrived, it was Yua

"Hello animal"

She said as soon as she came in

"Yeah hello to you too"

Yua then walked to a shelf and picked up a book and started reading it

"Are you reading a porn book or something there?"

I said to tease her but Yua kept the same unbothered look Trita has when she reads, it honestly surprised me

"Earth to Yua-chan, do you hear me? Over"

I had rolled the sheet of my math homework into a tube and spoke into it, oh I forgot to mention that I'm spending my breaks doing the homework our teacher assign us, why do it at home when I have so much free time here?

"Shut up! I'm trying to read here" She told me with a pissed look

"I'm asking you what are you reading"

"I'm reading a book about Japan's history, are you happy now?"

She told me, and indeed after looking at the cover of the book I realized that it was a history-based book, kind of dumb of me to not realize it yet

We both remained silent until the bell rang, we then headed inside the class and sat down, we had PE but our teacher told us to meet her at class before going to work out, once we all sat down the teacher showed up with some kind of papers in her hand, we once again bowed and welcomed her

"Hello to you too kids, today is the day that you will be taking your first physical test so I can see your progress"

"Nooo! I ate too much before the measuring!"

"Me too!"

I heard some girls say

"Don't worry kids the results of the test will be kept private or if you don't mind we can keep it public, it makes my life easier if it is public so I suggest you do that"

Our teacher told us, some students seemed more relieved after hearing that, our class then went out to the soccer stadium that also included a running track around it, it reminded me of the soccer stadiums I saw on TV

"Let's start with something basic like running, run around the tract 10 times and I will count your time"

Everyone was shocked, 10 laps around the running track weren't little but not an undoable task since the track wasn't so big, it was 400 meters but I guess 10 laps is something more than someone can handle

We all then lined up on the running track and started running, I don't tend to eat something heavy in the morning so I felt pretty light while I was running, after 2 laps some people stopped running but we were still big in number, well that was not the case after we reached 5 laps almost everyone left, we were about 8 people left, Yua and Takito were one of those 8

Takito was expected since he told me that he plays soccer but I was surprised about Yua, she doesn't look like a sporty person but she is going very consistently, before we could continue the seventh lap our teacher told us to stop, she looked surprised

"I was expecting all of you to stop by the fifth lap but I guess you exceeded my expectation, anyways, while you all run I went inside the school and brought the scale with me and I also have a measurement tape so we can complete the physical test here, so line up and come for measurements one by one, and don't worry I will try to keep it private"

Our teacher said as she set up the scale, a bunch of girls walked up first so they didn't feel embarrassed, our teacher kept a paper over the display of the weight and only took it off to check it herself, by doing that the whole process was delayed more than it should have been

To my surprise Yua asked her results not to be secret, she hopped on the scale and her weight was revealed, 43 kilos? She is very light for a teenager, isn't she? I mean she does have a very slim body but I didn't expect her to be this light, and a lot of girls couldn't believe that either since they quickly rushed to Yua for weight loss tips

As for us boys, we quickly and publicly measured our weights, to my surprise I was 71 kilos, is not like I have a lot of body fat so it must be because of my height and my muscles, last time I measured my height I was about 156 cm but that was 3 years ago so I'm pretty sure I got at least 15 cm

"Hikita-kun how tall do you think you are? You surely are the tallest person in our class so I think that you might be 168 cm meters, since the last time I checked I was 156 cm" Takito told me

"I expect it to be around there too but it will surely be more than that"

While I was talking to Takito, an annoying individual jumped into the conversation

"You sound way too prideful for your height and indeed it's very impressive, too bad that his height was given to an animal like you"

Yua said and before I could reply she went to measure herself

"What's the deal with her?" I asked myself

"She may want to become your friend"

What Takito said surprised me, Yua my friend? No way! She even said herself that she doesn't want to

"I doubt it, I have seen her act nice so that can't be the case, she simply tries to piss me off"

"And why would she try to do that? Things are not always what they seem to be Hikita-kun, so try to invite her for lunch once or twice, if you do that she will eventually start acting nice to you, that's how it is with a lot of people, they don't know how to properly make friends so they constantly insult them to build a friendship together"

"Why do you know all that Takito-kun?"

I asked confused but she just rubbed it off

"I just happened to see it in a book, and honestly it's just a speculation so don't trust my words so much because it may turn out that she simply hates you!"

Takito said as he laughed, that's what I'm saying too! She MUST hate me to act like that all the time

"Oi kid we are not going to wait for you"

Our teacher told me with an annoyed look, I quickly walked up and I got the measurement for my height, surprising I was 172 cm, Takito was 169 cm and Yua was 161 cm, I knew that Yua was short but I didn't expect her to be this short, after we all finished we went for a heart exam and thankfully we all were healthy, I think I don't really know how to determine a good heart or not...

After everything was finished we all returned to the classroom and the lessons continued, and when the lunch break began I tried the tip Takito gave me at the running track, if I befriended Yua then my school life would progress smoothly

"Hey, Yua-chan do you want to eat together?"

I boldly asked, she looked a bit troubled when I asked her

"Why are suddenly asking me that?"

"I don't have a reason, I simply want some company and I believe that you want the same"

Yua thought about my request and after some time she answered

"Don't you have to look over the library? Even if I wanted to then it would still be impossible"

Shit I forgot about that

"Haha, you are right! Sorry for bothering you!"

I said as I awkwardly laughed, I then quickly run to the library to hide, how can I be so dumb?

I sat on my chair and curled up, I will stay like that until the break ends, but suddenly Trita came in

"I c-came to return the book" She said timidly

"Why? It wasn't good?"

"No, it's not that! It was simply one volume and I ended it!"

What? it has only been like 3 hours, how did she manage to read this book in 3 hours?

"Okay, you are now free to do whatever you want!"

I told her as I signed her name out of the borrower's list, it was the only one so it wasn't hard, Trita then went to some other shelves and picked up all the remaining 10 volumes of "Parallel ME parallel YOU"

"Whoa, are you going to rent them all?"

I asked, and she shyly nodded, it was a ton of literature but I'm sure Trita could read them all in a month, I have seen her read 2 novels in a matter of 1 week so I'm sure that she can make it since the book she was reading was a light-novel and not an actual novel

"Enjoy your read!"

I told her before she left, I hope that someday she will get a bit more relaxed around me

After some time of doing my homework, Yua came inside, she had a bag with her and a small lunch box in her left hand

"You seem to carry a lot of things with you, what did you get?"

I asked her confused, she then placed a chair near my office and she then gave me her plastic bag

"Inside here is your instant noodles, I asked for the lady in the shop to cook the noodles so you simply have to open the lid and eat them"

She told me, it was then that I realized that she brought me food so we could eat together, for a moment I froze up, it was simply unbelievable to think that Yua bought food for me

"You didn't need to buy anything, I don't really eat at lunch"

I said as I tried to give the plastic bag back to her

"Nonsense! Just sit down and eat! I already bought it so you just accept it and eat!" She said as she forced me to sit down on my chair

"You are not getting up until you finish it!" 

Yua really wanted me to eat that, I hope it's not poisoned

I had no other choice but to eat, Yua opened her lunch box that contained rice fried chicken and some small pieces of cake

"Oh, you got cake? Can I have some?"

"No way! I made it for me!" She said crushing my happiness

"Come on! Don't be stingy!"

Yua looked mad so to make me shut up she picked up a piece of cake with her chop-sticks

"Say ahh..."

She told me as she slowly tried to feed it to me, but before the food reached my mouth an unexpected visit startled Yua, it was Inei and another younger guy I had no idea who was

"What are you doing Yua?" Said the guy with a somewhat aggressive tone

Please don't be something bad...