
Hands off/ Volleyball club

The angry boy got extremely mad when he saw us, the boy busted through my office side and grabbed me by my clothes, Yua and Inei looked very surprised to see this man latch out to me like that

"Meo please stop! It's not what you think it is!" Yua told him as she grabbed his arms

"I need this thug to explain not you!" He said as he moved me and himself away from Yua, he then pinned me to the wall

"So are you going to cause even more problems than you already have started?" The boy asked me

I have no idea what the hell is happening but this time I promise I won't raise my hand, I can't be bothered with punishment anymore

"Yua just brought me some food to eat and then I asked her to feed me some cake, I don't know what you are to Yua or what the hell you think happened but I promise you it's nothing you should worry about"

He seemed to calm down a little after telling him that, I could tell because his grip was losing strength, Meo then turned to Yua

"Is he telling the truth?" He asked with embarrassment in his voice

"Well you didn't let me explain" Yua said with a pissed look

Meo then released me and apologized

"I'm so embarrassed right now! I thought you were hitting on her or even worse threatening her!" Meo said as he backed away from my office

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Hatsimate Meo but you can call me Meo"

He said from afar, to be honest, I'm still trying to process his entrance

"I apologize about Meo-kun too! He usually doesn't look further into many things so please try not to hate him!" Inei told me as he bowed his head

"No, it's completely fine! Anyway, what did you come here?"

"Nothing really I just wanted to introduce you to Meo-kun, you see Meo-kun will become the leader of the volleyball team this year so I thought you would have been interested! Because either way, you will have to attend a club sooner or later" Inei told me with a smile

"Well your father, sorry I meant Yosuke-sama told me about club activities but I figured I could delay it so I can have some free time but looks like I have no choice"

Inei seemed bothered when I told him that

"I would love you to think of this as an option rather than something forced by me and Meo-kun"

Inei speaks in a certain way so he can pursue someone or something he wants, honestly is kind of alarming because I know that it is completely my option but having the three of them standing right in front of me makes me not want to deny

"Sure I guess! Volleyball isn't so bad but I'm not sure if I can keep up with the good players there"

Meo's face started to glow after I accepted

"You don't have to worry about our team members being good! We all were rookies once so don't feel nervous or embarrassed" Meo told me as he patted my shoulders

His hands felt heavy, the two third-years then left us alone

"You know you shouldn't just get into a club if you are not so interested in it because you will attend this club the rest of the year" Yua said as she peacefully ate her food

"Is not like I don't want to, it was simply a very surprising thing to ask after getting pinned to a wall"

I told her as I took a seat, I then started eating my noodles

"By the way, what was all that about?" I asked Yua

"What? Do you mean my boyfriend?"

"Meo is your boyfriend?"

I asked confused, Meo seemed to be older than us so it came to me as a surprise

"Yeah, do you have any problems with that?" Yua replied with an angry voice

"Not I just think he was a bit overprotective but that can't always be a bad thing right?"

Yua calmed down after that, some minutes passed of us eating and suddenly she asked me

"So... Do you want a piece of this cake?"

"No way, after what happened I'm sure the cake will have a bitter taste"

Yua left a small laugh, she then proceeded to give me a piece

"This was for you from the start so do whatever you want with it"

Yua told me before leaving the library, although her boyfriend pinned me to the wall, my interaction with Yua wasn't as bad as the others, this time we spoke and also exchanged food, or at least she bought food for me so I must pay her back someday, I don't like being in debt to other people

After the big launch break nothing interesting happened, I simply took my bike and went back home, and when I was home I quickly finished my homework while lying on my bed, I wanted to take a quick after-school nap but suddenly my phone rang

"Who the hell is it?"

I asked out loud, when I checked my phone I found out it was a Japanese number and not my aunt's, when I picked up a familiar voice spoke to me

"Hey Iriasu-kun where are you? The volleyball club is about to start their first training session"

That's Inei's voice

"What? Did you sign me in the club this fast? Never mind, I'm coming right now! Tell them to wait a bit"

I hung up the phone and quickly got ready to go to school... again

As I got up to my bike I wondered, how the hell did Inei get my phone number, nobody knows it except maybe Akira-kun, well that has nothing to do with me now so hurry!

To my surprise I arrived at school 5 minutes into the start of clubs activities, It's crazy to see so many people willingly attending different clubs and staying at school more than necessary, I mean the only thing they gain by it is maybe experiences, on a certain subject but maybe some people attend a club because they like the activity of the club, whichever the reason maybe it's a good way to find new friends so I can't wait to see new faces

That's what I thought but once I opened the door of the gym I saw Inei, Yua's bf, and Hakuso in a group of other second or even third-year students, am I the only freshman here?

"Oi! Hikita-kun arrived everyone"

Inei exclaimed with a loud voice, everyone turned to me, for some reason they had a mad expression in their eyes, are they mad I was late

"Hey kid I don't know what you think of this club but we do not let people like you off the hook so easily" An upper-classmate told me as he angrily approached me

"Sorry I simply thought that I would start tomorrow since I showed interest today"

He didn't seem to believe my excuse

"I don't care what you thought! If you come here late again then might as well not come" The guy told me as he turned around

"Oh come on now Itsuki-kun! He didn't know don't treat him so harshly" A dark-skinned girl told him as she hugged me from behind...


"Stop defending him Ada-chan if we let first-years run wild like that then our teamwork and steadiness as a team will crumble" The volleyball jerk told her but Ada seemed to ignore him

"Don't mind him sweet-heart he is acting like that to scare you" She told me as she let me go

"N-Nice to meet you! I'm Iriasu Hikita"

"You don't need to introduce yourself! I already know you from the opening ceremony, as for me I'm Ada Hami! Please call me Ada! But if you are not used yet you can also call me by my last name, Hami but keep in mind only my girlfriends call me that because they claim it sounds cute..."

Suddenly a group of girls entered the gym, I didn't notice them until they interrupted Ada

"But it does, Hami-chan just has a sweet ring to it"

The girl speaking had blonde hair and brown eyes, she was surrounded by her friends, a blue-eyed black-haired girl and another girl with brown-tied hair and yellow eyes, all of them were dressed in a tracksuit, the same tracksuit the boys were wearing, don't tell me...

"Now that we are all gathered we can start the boys' and girls' volleyball training session!" Itsuki said as he gathered all of us into the volleyball stadium

"As you all know we share this stadium with the basketball club so we have limited time to spend here so until we have a complete men's volleyball team then we will have to occasionally share the stadium with the basketball guys" Itsuki continued

"Wait so this is all of us regarding the boy's team?" Itsuki seemed mad that I interrupted him but also kind of sad to have to answer me

"I'm afraid to say yes, you see most of the team was made up by third-years which have now graduated! But in the near future many first-years will probably join us but we need time and show talent but before the basketball club takes full control of the stadium we have to prove that we have as many members as them and eevn more"

With his attitude I think it will be hard to recruit new people, especially first-years, I don't have any problem with people yelling at me for no reason, honestly I find it kind of funny too

"Another thing I wanted to ask is why we have a mixed training session?"

Itsuki once again became mad when he heard my question

"Are you blind? Neither we nor the girls have a proper volleyball team so we are combining our forces so we can all train and genuinely play the sport we like"

This time Itsuki talked with passion and love, I could already tell he likes volleyball but seeing him talk like that made it clear

After our little talk everyone decided on our places, my place was the behind, they also told me that I will occasionally spike, I was something like a defender with a mix of an attacker, thankfully I was good at defending in my old school so it shouldn't be this hard right?

That's right it isn't hard, it's IMPOSSIBLE! Their attack is excellent and their serves are not to be taken easily either, just by "training" I was able to feel the whole thrill of the sport

I'm surprised to see that people refuse to join them because Itsuki now, we played two sets of 25 points each, everyone was kind of tired after the game and I was too breathing heavily, it has been long since I have used this much energy on a sport, even my workout isn't this intense.... maybe I should train a bit more now that I think about it

"Great performance Hikita-kun! I was surprised to see you block our attacks" Ada told me as she approached me

She had a tower wrapped around her neck, and she was equally sweaty as I was

"Thank you! But you don't have to overrate me! Everyone was better than me at many things, but I can't say I'm not impressed with myself, just to tell you an example my volleyball experience mostly came from below casual games"

"Really? Then you can even say I'm underestimating you! You know our teams are known as the warriors of private high schools since our teams could compete with the pre-pro volley players that are well known in Japan now, so keeping up with us is no small task" Ada told me as she sat on the same bench I was sitting

"You don't seem to be from here, do you perhaps come from away as I did?"

"Yeah is not hard to notice right? So I come from Nigeria! It was a family promise that when I and my sister become 15 we would attend a high school in Japan where our father is, so when I became 15 I came here but before I came I learned Japanese in Nigeria from my father's notes that he left behind for us, my sister is still in Nigeria but she will arrive here next year so make sure you treat her with care and make sure no boys get with her" Ada told me as she weakly punched me on my shoulder

"Well, I'm a boy too so what if I got with your sister?" I asked as a joke

"Then no problem but if you ever broke her heart then I and my father would come and beat your ass"

She told me with a sweet smile, Ada is kind of scary but I can't view her as a bad person

"Anyways it's time to head home, let's pack our stuff and leave together!" Ada told me as she got up

"Ah, you see I have a bike so I can't walk home with you"

I told her, Ada looked confused but also happy

"Oh, so this bike is yours! Nice then can you drop me somewhere?" Ada asked me while she stared at me with her brown eyes

"Depending on where are you going, I will be heading to the gym now so I don't know if it will benefit you!"

I told her as I too got up from the bench

"No way! I'm also going to the gym" She said with an excited expression

"Then it's a no-brainer, let's go"

I said as we went to pick up our stuff, the two of us then got up on my bike and departed for the gym...