
Don't be an as*hole

When I entered Yua's room she acted like I was a dirty pig, her happy face quickly turned into an annoyed one and disappointed one at the same time

"Don't look at me like that! I don't like this either so tell me what the problem is so I can scram!" I said to Yua

But she awkwardly rolled away from me in her chair, the moment I saw her roll away I noticed what she was wearing, she had shorts and an over-sized hoody on, to be honest, it looked very comfy

"What are you looking at idiot? The problem is there not here" She said as she pointed at her dead pc

I quickly turned my eyes to the pc, and from the start, I noticed one MAJOR thing she didn't do

"Hey, Yua-chan are you diagnosed with some kind of mental condition, or are you unbearably stupid?" I asked as I showed her the unplugged cable of the pc

She looked very surprised when I showed her that

"W-Well I figured that it would be better to not put it in the plug before an expert came to fix it" Yua said as she looked away

It was very obvious that she was lying but I didn't want to argue with her

"Anyways before I start messing with it I want you to answer a question. Did you buy this PC pre-build or custom?"

After the question followed a dead silence, I looked at Yua and she looked lost

"What do you mean?"

Did she just search "PC" and ordered it randomly or something? How can she not know what she bought? This pc is a good one too, it's really hard to tell if this is custom-made or a pre-built

"So did you or the person you got it from build the pc or did you get it just like that?"

I tried to make the question easier for her and thankfully it helped

"It was already like that when I took it out of the box, it even came with kitty-like headphones!" She said as she showed me a white pair of headphones with cat ears

I have a feeling she bought the pc for fun or something because even the pc is cat themed

"Okay I will check if anything got damaged when delivered" I said as I ducked under her desk

I then started checking everything, no damage was done but holy shit this pc is stacked! It has the latest graphics cards and one of the most advanced GPUs, why does she even need such a powerful pc?

"What are you planning to do with this pc?" I asked as I adjusted the screen

"Games obviously, but I can also use it for homework or to see movies and series"

I was surprised by her answer, gaming? Her?

"Oh! What games do you play?" I asked with curiosity

"I don't know what to play yet but I have seen very interesting games out there, plus Aoi-chan told me about a game she was playing and suggested me to give it a try"

"You? Do you even have time to play games when your math skills are lacking? You know we have a test in two days, right? You don't have time to waste! I want to keep my grade high this time" I told her as a joke, a joke she didn't find funny

"Are you going to stop bugging me about math? It's not funny anymore, plus video games are a good way to improve your quick thinking and strategic mind, I don't plan to spend more time than necessary on games" She told me with a serious look on her face

I'm surprised she didn't react angrily

"Yea I was joking but I guess it has gotten old now, anyway, I think everything is set up, so do you want to power the pc up yourself?"

I asked as I finished with everything, Yua excitingly pressed the bottom and certainly, everything was running perfectly

"What do I do now?" She asked with enthusiasm as she looked at the "create an account" screen

"Create an account for your pc and make sure you remember it, then everything is as easy as pie"

Yua quickly created an account but she looked a bit troubled

"What's wrong?"

I asked but she didn't reply, she simply looked around the desktop

"Where is "Story of Myths"?"

"Excuse me?"

"The game Aoi-chan told me about, I can't find it!" She told me as she turned to me

"Story of Myths" is a new open-world RPG game with a heavy storyline that can be played by multiple people ( the story mode) it was recently released and is already breaking past gaming world records, it's no wonder even someone with no knowledge on PCs or games knows

"You know you have to download the game right?"

Yua once again remained silent

"You do that! I'm going to get some snacks" She said as she left the room

The game is not free...

It doesn't matter! I will use my own money to buy the "2 in 1 pack" that's two copies of the game but the one costs half-price, I quickly bought them and I gifted one to me and one to Yua and quickly started downloading, her internet was very fast but the download won't end until tomorrow

"Is it ready?" She asked as she came in with a plate full of apple pieces and one normal apple with the sticker still stuck on it

Guess which one was mine...

"It's a 100 GB game, it won't be ready until the next morning" I said

She sat on her chair and started eating the apple pieces with a fork, she then handed me the raw apple

"Why are you giving me an apple?"

"To eat it of course idiot! I didn't peel it, you do it yourself if you..."

As Yua was talking I took a bite of the apple, she stopped talking when she saw me

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Do you like the apple's skin?"

I nodded

"Okay? You don't like chicken but you like this..." She said with a silent voice

"What do you mean? You don't eat the skin? It is great for you!"

I told her but she looked disgusted

Hikita was calling me picky for not liking chicken but this girl doesn't even eat the skin of the apple, what do you even call this? Spoiled?

"Anyways my work here is done so I will go and check up on Yosuke-sama…"

I said as I tried to leave but before I could go Yua grabbed me by my shirt

"You can stay here and watch some videos with me..."

She said with a timid voice, at this moment she looked... How do I put it? I don't know myself

"Fine but I get to pick the first video"

I said as I sat down, we switched the audio output to her screen and watched countless funny videos, time passed quickly and none of us noticed it, we had a very enjoyable time with Yua, surprisingly she was the first person that I made memories like those here in Japan, thinking about that only brought up what Takito said

 "She wants to be your friend"

Maybe he was correct, maybe Yua really wanted to be my friend

Our moment together was interrupted by a sudden entrance from none other than Hikita, I didn't even notice that it was 9 P.M

"What are you two losers doing here? Come outside to drink with us!" Hikita said, she didn't look very... sober

"Oh god! Two hours passed! I didn't even notice!" Yua said as she panicky stood up

She then made me stand up too and we both went to the living room, Yosuke and Hikita were drinking together, a duo I wouldn't have ever imagined drinking together, they look like they live in a completely different world from us

"Alcohol is a magical thing isn't it?" Inei asked me

He was sitting on the couch he was reading a book, I went and sat near him, I didn't have the energy or the will to interact with those drunks

"Is everything with Yua's pc okay?" He asked

"Yeah it didn't have any problem aside from the ram not being placed right" I told him

The reason I lied was to not make him feel bad because of such an idiotic mistake his sister made

"Oh, I'm glad you fixed it! By the way, I also got a pc at Christmas and I still have my last so if you don't have one I can give you my old one"

Inei suddenly suggested, it is true that I don't have a pc here but I don't want to simply take it

"No way! You don't have to do this, I will simply buy it from you so just tell me the price that you thinking of giving it"

I told him, and he acted like he was thinking

"How about 0 yen?" He said with a smile

"How about an actual prize?"

"Come on! I was planning on selling it away anyways, just say that you want it already man!"

I know that he wasn't planning on doing that but I have to accept, he won't let me leave without taking it

"Alright! I will take it! But just so you know I already have paid you"

I said when I remember my deed from the last hours

"What do you mean?"

"I got Yua-san "Story of Myths", she said she wanted it to play with a friend of hers so I got it for me and her"

I said with a smile

"What! Did you get her that? I still don't own this game! I have to buy it quickly since if you and Yua start playing then I will be left behind!" He told me with a smile

"I have been hearing my name a lot and I don't like it!"

Yua said angrily as she started chocking her brother, he then body slammed her on the couch, and then fell on top of her

"Don't start a fight you can't win brat" Inei said as he was laying on top of her

"Get off me, idiot!"

She said as she slapped his back multiple times, but Inei didn't move

"DAD HE IS PICKIN' ON ME!" Yua yelled at her father

"Oi Inei stop fighting little girls before I beat your ass!"

His drunk father said, Inei then released Yua, and Yua slapped the back of his head and ran to her room, Inei tried to chase after her at first but he stopped as soon as he reached the stairs

"I don't have time to deal with brats, Hikita-kun now that everything is set up come with me so I can give you the pc" He said as he started climbing the stairs

I followed and after some preparations, he placed the pc in a bag and gave it to me, I only have to buy a mouse, a monitor and a keyboard and I will be set for now

"Thank you Inei-kun, I will now be taking my leave" I said as I walked down to the living room

"Hikita-chan, I will go home, if you need help returning then give me a call and I will come to pick you up"

I told Hikita before leaving, I quickly took my phone back, next I went to drop the pc home, and then went for a night walk, alone

I like the atmosphere around here at night, nobody walks around or makes a sound, it's the most peaceful it can get, the only thing I can hear is my steps and my heartbeat, I don't have school tomorrow so it shouldn't be a problem

While wondering I saw Antony coming back from his second job, he works one part-time job as a coffee maker and as a martial arts trainer at a stadium near my house, he looked very tired so I didn't disturb him, he works two jobs to single-handedly support his family so I want to give him as much rest as possible

But looks like this wasn't the case for him since when he spotted me he waved at me and came in my direction

"Hey, Hikita-kun do you have a moment?" He asked

"Yeah what's up?"

"Do you by any chance know who Domic the crusher is?"

Why is he asking about my father?

"Yeah, I do! He is my father actually!"

He looked surprised when I told him that

"So it's true! You are his son? I never would have expected to meet you this fast"

He said with a smile, I was very confused about why he is acting like that

"Oh, you seem confused! I mean it's stupid of me not to realize that you are Domic's failure!" He said with a scary smile

"Come on now failure, don't look at me like that, we both know how utterly useless you are, can you even call yourself his son? Or are you adopted? This must be the case" He said as he grew bigger and bigger

"What are you doing? This is scaring me!" I said as I backed down

Antony tried to come closer to me but a boy came out of nowhere and obliterated the mutated Antony, this boy kind of looked like me

"Are you alright?"

He asked me, when he turned around my suspicion was confirmed, it was me, but with glitchy but colorful hair and eyes, this glitchy effect surrounding his eyes and hair was amazing and weird at the same time

"What is happening?" I asked confused

~Don't worry, things will make sense eventually~

He said as he snapped his fingers

Oh... I'm on my bed and it's Thursday, it was all a dream, right?

What else could it be you idiot?