
Get in LINE / It's a bit chilly up there

After waking up from this weird dream I went for a shower, I needed to wake up quickly, it is my first road trip as a Japanese student, in my new school so I have to be ready and armed to teeth with equipment

Well... now that I think about it I don't have to bring many things with me, a backpack will probably be enough...

"What are you doing up this early?" Hikita asked me as she saw me drying my hear inside my room

"No reason! I just woke up and decided to shower, do you wanna shower too or should I close the water heater?"

Hikita told me she didn't want to bath so I closed the water heater and started making a sandwich to eat on the road trip, at the same time I also cooked instant noodles to eat as breakfast

Hikita ate fruits with yogurt

"It's not healthy to eat noodles every day! You have to mix your diet so you can have the most proteins and vitamins out of your food!"

She schooled me as she ate her healthy breakfast

"I can easily eat healthily I just can't find anything for me in the fridge"

Hikita looked offended

"Are you assuming I'm not feeding you?"

"Not really, I think you are simply not used to living with others, you see you buy enough food for one of us, you are lacking quantity! I mean I could also eat yogurt but that means you won't eat it tomorrow and I know how mad you get when I eat your food so I simply stick to instant noodles and to eggs"

Hikita seemed a bit more reasoned after I told her that

"W-Well next time you will go to buy goods and bring whatever on my list and stuff you need, I think this will make it a bit fairer"

She told me before turning on the TV, her series was playing so she told me not to bother her until commercial breaks, but unfortunately for me, I had to leave now so I had to talk about this next time we see each other

I quickly got ready and rode my motorcycle to school

I saw many frustrated faces going to school knowing damn well that we are not going to attend a single class, I happily parked my bike and went inside my class, it was clear as a crystal of course because I am the one cleaning it

Yua should supposedly help me but every time I asked her for help she hit him with this idiotic response

"I have clubs and cram classes unlike you, animal!"

(This school has cram classes which are extra classes that teachers teach to further help the students and also get more money for themselves)

"Morning Hikita-kun!"


Takito said as he went in for a hug and I silently accepted it

"It's almost the end of the month so that means that library chore is almost over! I can't wait to see you play soccer or spend time with you!" He said happily

Oh wait, April is done? I didn't even notice it

"Yeah that's a good thing but you know I still have to clean up until Friday" I told him as I checked the date on my phone

"One day is nothing, plus I have some juicy information about today that you might want to hear" He said as he leaned closer to me

"I heard from a neighbor of hers that our teacher won't be coming to school today, she is probably sick, the school still doesn't have any teachers to occupy our blanks so we probably going to sit around all day" He said with a smirk on his face

"No way! That would have been crazy if we didn't go on a road trip today!" I told him with a shocked face

 His smile slowly shifted to a sad face and back into a happy one

"You mean it? How do you know?"

"I have connections!" I said with a cool tone

I always wanted to say this to someone

"My father told him" Yua said as she walked past us

"Oh, Yua-chan! Good morning"

Takito seems to be talkative today huh?

"Good morning to you too, do you have Meo's jersey?" She asked him

"Yeah, here you go!" Takito said as she gave her the jersey, it was a football jersey

"Wait didn't Hatsimate-senpai play volleyball the other day? Did he transition to footfall?" I asked confused

"Oh no Meo-kun doesn't play volleyball much, he only plays so his friends can play without the basketball club kicking them out, but in reality he likes football"

"That makes sense but why does Takito-kun have his jersey?"

"He was supposed to wash it back home since the machine at school broke but he forgot to take it, so I took it and washed it and texted Yua on LINE about it"

"What the hell is LINE?"

They both looked at me with weird expressions

"Are you asking this seriously now?" Takito asked me

"Dead serious is it like an app?"

"It's an app that allows you to chat and call other, you must have heard it right?" Yua asked me

"I mean I have Instagram, it's kind of the same right?"

"NO! It's not the same you can pay for things you have all these amazing and cute stickers, see?" Yua told me as she passionately showed me her collection

"Plus you use it to get a taxi or even find a part-time job, it's like the best app for communication! It literary has everything how have you not heard about it?" She asked confused

I felt like an alien

After some more explaining I realized that it was a very nation spread app but it wasn't well known to foreigners such as me, I quickly downloaded the app added Takito's number to the app, and sent the first message, it was a goofy bunny sticker

After all this talking the bell rang weirdly, those in older grades told us that this ring is used to gather everyone on the field, everyone quickly gathered and the news were revealed to everyone

"Thank god! I didn't do homework!" Someonce yelled from the excited crowd

"I can't wait to see where we are going to go!" Takito told me

"Probably on the mountains or something, at least that was what my aunt told me" I told him unsure

All of the school was divided into seven buses, and every bus was a completely different group, the worst part was that it was random, and to no one's surprise I was unlucky enough to be on the first bus where literary nobody I knew was in, not even Trita or even Meo

"Turns out someone feels sick so they will be a free seat open, no wait someone just came in" The bus driver said through a speaker as the person that sat beside me awkwardly got up

I heard him complaining about his health but I didn't think it was this serious, but I was doomed to find that the one I had to sit next to was YUA!!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS HER?

"You even took the window seat? You surely are an animal" She told me as she looked at me

We were waiting for the bus to start

"I originally was on this bus so I can pick whatever seat I want!"

"I don't care" She told me as she looked away

The bus shortly started and thanks to my window seat I could take a good look outside, I was always the type to stay awake on trips and look out of the window, especially on long trips, it just something magical about it

"Hey, did you downloaded the game you bought?" Yua asked me out of the blue

"Yes, but it won't be ready until night, how about you, did you try it?"

"I did but it was hard to play alone and gave it up" As she told me that I looked at her phone, she was playing a game

"You sure do like video games huh?"

"It's not my fault a friend of mine told me to download it to play with her!" She replied embarrassed

"Let me guess! Was it Aoi-chan?" She looked surprised

"How do you know that?"

"Well she was the one that also told you to buy the pc game so I figured she must be the same, but I don't think I have ever seen her" I told her as I tried to recall someone called Aoi

"She goes to the volleyball practice so you must see her there, she has black hair and blue eyes, she stands out from the others"

Oh so her friend is a third-year? Yua has some good connections with the seniors in our school

An hour passed and we still haven't arrived at our location

Yua had close her phone and her eyes and started listening to music

She said she became dizzy playing games on the bus, as for me I continued to look outside, but there was nothing to see in particular since the road was in a rural area and most specifically in a mountain rage, I had the side that was close to the wall and the people sitting on the right side of the bus saw the other mountains across us

Suddenly the bus bumped from a pit we hit and suddenly Yua's head leaned on my shoulder, turns out she was sleeping, and after taking a sharp turn to our right Yua's body fell on the right side of my body

It was like she was using me as a mattress, at this moment I felt weird, but why I'm a feeling this way?

I can tell that Yua is not the best person to hang around or to speak but at this moment she seems like an angel, a beautiful angel that rested her wings, what am I saying?

She may be cute but she has a boyfriend and she doesn't even consider me a friend, or at least that is what she shows me

"Get ready everyone! We arrived on the mountain!" A teacher inside the bus told us with the help of the speaker

I gently woke up Yua

"We arrived already?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes

"You slept all the way so why are you complaining" I told her as I quickly got up 

She ignored me and walked outside the bus, I followed shortly after

The first group (us) gathered on the side of the road where the bus stopped, we all lined up and a guide took us to a house-like place, apparently, we went to mount Shirouma

Once we all got comfortable in the house like building an expert came in and explained us about the mountains farms that are useful for growing special kind of plants and other stuff about mountains that I didn't catch on

Once the lecture was over our group was free to explore this mountain, girls started taking photos, and the boy fooled around with the rocks, throwing them off a cliff and watching them crush on the ground, I did this too for some big rocks I found but we were quickly told to stop in case we hurt an animal or a human

I started roaming around the place, I was taking photos of the trees and the mountains around and while I did that I noticed Yua standing on the edge of a cliff, she was gazing and maybe admiring nature's beauty

She looked very good so I snapped a photo of her and it looked amazing, the lighting the shades, everything was beautiful including my bully

"Oh, what are you doing here?" She asked as soon as she noticed me

She saw that I was pointing my phone camera at her so she naturally asked

"Did you take a photo of me?"

"Of course not! Your stupid presence blocked my view that's all!" I told her as I snapped a similar photo but without Yua on the frame

"Lemme look!" She said as she took my phone

"Woah! You take great photos, how about you take a photo of me?" She asked

"I will go and stand there!"

I told her, and then pretended like I took a photo of her but in reality, I just scrolled to my previous photo, I told her I took a photo and she came to see it

"Woah this looks too natural! Like I didn't know you were there" Yua's words made me a bit anxious

"You may be more photogenic than you might have thought!" I told her as I laughed

"Maybe... Maybe not, anyways, send me the photo on LINE, oh right! You don't have my number in your contacts!" She said

She then grabbed my phone and added herself on LINE, and sent a message, it was another goofy bear-like sticker

"I will now go back to the bus! Because we are leaving anyways sooner or later" She said as she left

I never expected her to give me her number like that but I don't mind, at least we talked normally again...