
Yusuke summer camp

The time came and our summer break finally started, some choose to laze around (probably Takito), others may help their parents, others study (Ada and Inei), and others use this time to do things they always wanted to do, but me, I use it like a mix of everything mentioned above

Attending the camp was a paid luxury that allowed students attending it get extra lessons and learn new things about camping and generally acquire knowledge on survival

Many students didn't partake in it but luckily I was able to free, thanks to Yosuke that is, otherwise I wouldn't have gone, not because I didn't have money but because I would probably spend this money on something else, plus there is the promise I made to Yua, well maybe that's the main reason I went

Yua being there is also something good for me since that means that I won't really have to make new friends

"Why did you choose to walk to school? And why with me?"

Hikita asked as we walked to my school, she had a day off so she had too much free time

"I wanted to ask you about something..."

Hikita looked at me surprised at me

"... was my father ever..."

Before I could finish Yua came out of nowhere, it was like the first time I met her, she came out of nowhere listening to her music

"What are you two doing?" She asked confused as she took off her earbuds

"Fancy meeting you here, you are way too friendly with my niece, you better back off Yua-chan"

Hikita said as she wrapped her arms around my neck, she also moved her hands signaling Yua to leave

"Friendly? Hmm... maybe he didn't tell you but Su-kun is basically my dog for this camp"

"Oh my!"

My aunt said as she covered her mouth with her hand


"What the hell are you even saying? When did I agree on something like that? And please don't call me that"

"You didn't but losing to me to the mid-term tests grading is basically the same thing! Oh by the way I was first and Su-kun barely managed to place seventh, after claiming to be good"

Yua said as she bragged about her achievements in school

"Well you are lucky I'm terrible at writing, if it wasn't for that then I would have aced the class"

Yua laughed and continued walking, but this time she started talking to my aunt about other stuff and completely ignored my existence

Today I was supposed to ask Hikita about my father... I guess I can do that once he is here because before I return home my dad would have probably arrived

"Why don't you say anything about that Iriasu?"

Hikita asked me after a long time walking

I was confused and asked what they talked about

"About your club activities, you hardly do something and you are only in there because Inei-kun told you, isn't that bad? It's about time you quit since you don't do anything anyway"

Hikita told me, she looked pissed on my behalf, it's a rare sight to be seen, but I guess she does that because Yua is here

"I actually texted to Inei this morning after getting off the bed about this, I know they are using me to sustain their club so that's why I quit, also I'm not planning on spending my free time in a club I don't even care about"

Yua looked happy to hear what I said

"It was about time, most people that go there look forced to be there and most want to leave but respect Itsuki's-kun passion"

Yua further explained to me

The three of us then continued walking and before we knew it we were outside the school's gate

"It looks like I will be leaving you here, make sure you enjoy this summer camp, it will be useless if you don't!"

Hikita said before leaving, and there we were, me and Yua standing in front of the school, looking at it from top to bottom

"Are you going to go in?" I asked her as I looked at her

"Shut up" She said as she started walking away

Did we come back to square zero? I hope that is not the case...

Yua and I entered the school and went inside the gym, where people seemed to be, once we entered we saw our homeroom teacher with a group of random students, oh wait, they are not random at all

Takito and the book chick are on the ground, I can even see Ichika too. Why are these people here, but most importantly why is Takito here? Well, I didn't waste any time and quickly went to talk to him

"I didn't expeced to see you here, what brings you here?"

I asked jokingly

"My mother wouldn't shut up about my grade so she sent me to this camp since she learned we do extra lessons, and after that, she told me that if I didn't get good at school then she would write me off the school"

Takito said annoyed

"Then I suppose you have to try hard, I don't want to lose a friend here"

Takito seemed surprised to hear that

"Are you still okay with me after what my friend did to you?"

"Well YOUR friends did that, not you so we are still cool, anyway, I heard a rumor that we will have bunk beds so let's make sure we get paired in the same bunk be, I won't feel comfortable otherwise"

"That's a must, plus we have to find things to do there since there is no way I will be reading the books my mom made me bring with me"

Takito said as he pulled some books from his bag, they were educational books about the subjects we do at school

"I may need to borrow one of these once we get there, to be honest"

Takito then handed me all the books

"Take them! I said I don't even want to see their covers"

I guess that's good

"I will force you to read at least one, your grades are the lowest of the low so you won't get away"

"Fine, whatever it's not the time to worry about that, the teacher is about to announce something"

Takito said as he dragged me closer to the circle that was formed around our teacher

"Hello everyone! I'm Terresa Barkingson, some of you may know me, others not but that doesn't matter, I will be the one that will watch over you in the forest camp, I will not say a lot about the camp since most of you know, and if you don't... ask someone that does. Now a bus must wait for us outside so before we leave try as hard as you can to remember anything that you forgot because we won't be seeing a city for a long time..."

Terresa told us with a smile, nobody had something like that so we quickly walked onto the bus, I and Takito sat together but sadly he took the window seat

The bus shortly departed from the school, and after an hour we were in the countryside, there were no tall buildings, only trees and mountains surrounding us, Takito had fallen asleep on the window so I couldn't take a good look outside but thankfully we were close to the front of the bus so I was able to watch everything from the front

Some quiet hours passed and before we knew it we found ourselves outside a forest, it was mysterious, and felt like we were about to suffer, I don't know why but lately I have started to notice something going wrong minutes before it actually goes wrong

"I'm sure a lot of you wonder why we are here and the answer is very simple, from now on we will walk to our camp! I know it isn't the most exciting thing you could hear in the middle of a hot summer day but what can you do? So in order to not get lost, everyone follow me!"

Terresa told us before starting to walk in the big forest

"I can't believe we have to walk! Couldn't the bus simply drop us there?"

Yua whined to us

"Oh so now you are walking with us?" I asked her

it was clear she didn't like my comment

"I'm walking here, you are simply lucky enough to walk by my side!"

Yua said with an entitled voice

"I guess... Anyway, Takito-kun do you want to go and flirt with Terresa-senpai? She reacts very funnily to things like these!"

"Haha! I never thought you would be the type to flirt for fun!"

Takito said as he patted my back

"I'm telling you! She was funny reactions, we have to do it!"

"I can't believe you people! Do you enjoy playing with people's feelings?"

Yua asked in an angry tone

We both looked at her with a weird look

"You know there is no way our teacher would feel any kind of emotional damage from our flirting right?"

Takito tried to explain to her

"To be honest it will be the opposite, she will probably find a way to insult us and trash us"

I added to Takito's explanation

"W-Whatever! Do whatever you want idiots!"

She said as she looked away

What is her problem?

Can't give less of a crap, Takito and I silently ran up to our teacher and started complimenting our teacher in rounds, first was Takito

"You look quite beautiful today miss, do you use some kind of face cream?"

(Takito knows damn well she hates face creams)

"Thanks for the compliment kid but I don't wear such things, someone should be called beautiful based on their true beauty, not by extra tools that boost this beauty"

And just like that, Takito's turn ended, and the teacher used Takito's compliment to spread her take on beauty products

Looks like it's my turn now, I know Terresa is the type of woman to not fold on normal pickup lines so I will go with a more low-key type of flirting

"Here you go miss!"

I said as I handed a flower to my teacher

"What is this? Why did you give this to me?"

She asked me with a look of confusion

"The beautiful color of the flower reminded me of your eyes, and generally the first thing I thought when I looked at that flower was YOU, that's why I gave it to you"

What am I even saying? This flower isn't even blue! But by the look on her face, it looks like it worked

"You should say these things to girls your age Hikita-kun, you know I said I had a crush on your father right? Well, you don't look so different from him so don't make me do things I would regret!"

She said with a smirk, my body freeze then, she stopped too

"Was I good Takito-kun? Or should I have added some more spice?"

Terresa said as she turned to Takito, don't tell me she figured things out

"Umm... why do you ask me that? I don't know what are you talking about! And by the way, why did we stop?"

Takito tried to change the topic to avoid answering the question, turns out Terresa had an answer for him

"We are here! This is your new house for the mouth!"

Terresa said as she pointed at a huge wooden building, it was made from the same wood as the trees around us so it was hard to distinguish it from far

The only thing I can say is WHOAH, it's HUGE and seems very advance only from the outside! I can't wait to see what awaits us inside this building...