
Living together

Some hours passed after we settled in the huge camp building, and I have to say is quite interesting

In this huge building boys and girls live together... Well there is a roof for boys' rooms and one for girls', and those rooms were unlike what I thought, I have gone to a camp before, it wasn't called camp but it was basically that and when we were there we lived together in a big tent in bunk beds

This place is completely different, we have normal rooms with as many desired beds as a group wants, well only up to four, I and Takito got ourselves a double bedroom, I had to beg him to do this since he wanted us to go in a room with two other people

Thankfully it is just the two of us, and now we are relaxing in our room, it was midday so most people wanted to relax now, we also knew that food was getting ready so most of us relaxed

"Hey, do you want to go for a walk around the building? I heard there is a big common room with board games and stuff" Takito asked me

I saw the room he was talking about before going inside our room and I got to say it's not a bad one

"Sure but I have to take a shower first, I didn't realize how smelly a bus ride can make me"

I told him before taking changing clothes to the shower, he understandably waited for me

Once I got into the bathroom I took a cold shower, it was refreshing after this long travel

As I was draining myself I saw my reflection in the mirror, my muscles had been weakened a little and my hair has grown, and to nobody's surprise my sharp gloomy brown eyes are still the same, but I got to say that they look a bit more gentle now, but still gloomy as hell

Oh crap, I forgot my clothes... I swear I got them so how? Anyway they must be in the little living room

So I wrapped the tower around my sword and went to the wild to search for my clothing

"Takito-kun, have you seen my clothes?"

I asked as I made my way to the living room


It was Ichika, Yua, and Trita


Ichika said surprised, Yua and Trita were staring at me silently


I yelled as I grabbed the clothes and quickly walked back into the bathroom

Once I got dressed up I awkwardly walked to the living room, Ichika was smirking while looking at me, Trita and Yua silently drank some juice Takito had brought for them

"I didn't know you hid all these muscles! I could tell your arm was thicker than usual when we were together but I could never think of something like that"

Ichika said as she kept that stupid smirk on her face

"She is right dude! You have what we call a sleeper build!"

Sleeper build?

"It's like when you are jacked but you still look like you are skinny, but when you flex muscles are all over the place!"

Takito explained to me, Trita and Yua still kept on sipping their juice

"Why did you even come here for?"

I asked the girls

"We got bored in our room so we decided to come and see how different are boys rooms and we found your room"

Ichika explained, she was the only one able to do that, Trita and Yua were sipping on the last drops of the juice

"Don't act like that YOU guys! I know that was uncomfortable but you can't silently sip on an empty glass of juice"

Trita and Yua looked attacked when I said that

"Oh? Did my little girlfriends got embarrassed over a boy's body?"

Ichika whispered in Yua's and Trita's ear

"I'm not embarrassed! I see my brother shirtless all the time! And if you want to know he has a better body than Su-kun's!"

Yua said as she puffed her face

Trita on the other hand was still silent and awkwardly holding on to the empty glass

I didn't expect Trita to talk, to be honest, she hardly spoke in situations where she was forced to, so I doubt she will talk now

"I have seen better..."

Trita said as she looked at the ground

I don't know why but the girls' comments made me a bit sad

"Now that everything is patched up let's go to check the place around!"

Takito said as he put on his beat up shoes

Shortly after the five of us went to the common area to relax, oddly enough there was also a TV there but there was no remote in sight so we couldn't open it

"Hey, guys do you want to play Monopolies?"

Takito said as he pulled the box of the board game out of a shelf

We didn't have anything better to do so we all sat around the table and started playing the board game

Some random guys passed by and saw us play but we told them they couldn't join unless we end our game so they quickly left

During the game I noticed that Trita looked at Takito for a little too long, Takito didn't notice that but I did...

In the end, the winner of the game turned out to be Yua, and after the game ended we packed the game in its package and we went out walking


We talked about hobbies on our walk

"I didn't know you could play football at this level Takito"

Ichika said to Takito

"I played since I was a kid so it's natural to be kind of good!"

Takito humbly answered

"Hey, Su-kun do you have a moment?"

Yua asked me as she pulled me from the back of my shirt, I nodded and we went to a private location, away from the others

"To go out of your way to bring me here must mean that you have something important to say"

I told Yua with a teasing smile, she didn't look very playful

"I need your help on something..."

She said as she stared into my eyes

"What is it?"

"Hanako Trita, you know her right? She choose to be with us so we could help her, but I don't know how, and judging by your relationship with Takito-kun I'm pretty sure you are more fitted to do this than I am..." Yua said

"And what is that you need me to do?"

"Help me get Takito-kun and Trita-chan together!" She said with a strong voice

"Excuse me?"

"Trita-chan has a crush on Takito-kun and I want your help to get them together! Are you willing to help or not?"

She said with a more demanding tone this time

"I noticed that Trita-san was acting kind of weird towards Takito but I never thought that it was that... Whatever I can try to help but I can't guarantee that it will work, I mean Trita-san doesn't even bother talking to Takito, so getting the two of them together seems kind of impossible right now..."

I know that my opinion is kind of harsh but that's the reality, Trita isn't the most attractive girl in the world so I can't expect Takito to fall in love with her just by looking at her

"That's why I'm asking you! Look I hate that I have to depend on you but you are the only one that can help her!"

Yua continued as she looked at me

Who does she think she is?

"Has Trita-san told you that?"

She looked hesitant to answer

"No, but she noticed that we tried to help her"

"And what was her reaction?"

Yua hardly answered again

"She told us to not try..."

"Then miss me with your crap! If she doesn't ask me for help herself I'm not doing anything!"

I said as I started to leave

"Wait! Reconsider it!"

Yua said as she grabbed me by my wrist

"Reconsider what? I don't plan on playing cupid, if she likes Takito she better do something about it"

I said as I shook Yua's hands off mine

"How can you say that? You know Trita-chan is a shy girl!"

"So? Is it my duty to help her? What good can I do if she can't help herself?"

Yua couldn't answer my question, she simply stood there as I left her behind

I am not the bad guy

I simply won't waste my time on a person like Trita, I will not help someone unable to act or think for themselves, It's not my job, after seeing Takito with another woman maybe then she will come out of her shell

"Where did you and Yua-chan go?"

Ichika asked me as she winked, she probably thinks I agreed, and that's normal, after not refusing everyone's stupid requests they started to look at me as a charity doing everyone's work for nothing in exchange, but I'm not that and I don't plan on doing that ever again

"I saw a goofy-looking bird and tried to take a photo of it but sadly it got away, and as for Yua, I don't know where she went, maybe back to her room?"

Ichika looked surprised after she heard me say that

"You weren't with Yua-chan?"

Ichika asked me with a surprised reaction

"I was for a bit and then went to see the bird"

I said as I glared at Ichika, I supposed she got the message

"Anyway, I will dip now, I'm tired of the travel so walking aimlessly around like that tires me out, if you want to do something later text me on LINE, Takito"

I said before leaving them behind

And not shortly after our teacher texted on a group chat she created to announce to us that lunch was ready and before we knew it everyone was gathered at the cafeteria, the others weren't back yet so I had to stay alone at the same table where Yua was sitting

This is going to be interesting...