
Memory like a fading fire (Part 4)

It's the last day here, we had our fun and we had our fair share of bad times and studying, it was surely an experience I would like to try again next year

Takito and I fighting over a piece of tofu

Ichika and Takito fighting over who is uglier

Trita and Takito getting closer to each other

Yua and I...

Today is the day I will confess, I can't keep dodging Yua again and again and I sure can't hide the feeling I have for her, the talk we had yesterday about love, at first sight, made me feel very tense and the hand holding didn't help...

"Come on Su! I will pee myself!" Takito said as he violently banged at the bathroom door

"My bad!"

I quickly exited and let the man do his thing, I wasn't doing anything in there anyway

"Last day huh? I learned a lot of things so mom should be happy..."

I never asked him about what he will do after the talk we had that one day and I don't plan on asking, if he wants to stay he will, I'm sure of it

"We should make the most of it don't you think?"

"You are thinking what I am?" Takito asked

I nodded with a smile


"Who the hell is it so early in the morning?" Ichika screamed from inside the room

Maybe going this early in the girls' room wasn't a good idea after all

"Oh, it's you? What the hell do you want?" Ichika asked as she saw us at the door

She was wearing her PJs

"Thank you for having us!" Takito said as he entered inside pushing Ichika out of the way

"Hey, you asshole leave!" Ichika yelled as he chased behind him

I quietly entered the room and closed the door

"What is going on?" Yua said as she walked out of the bedroom

She also had PJs on

"S-S-Su?" She said embarrassed


Yua quickly ran back into the bedroom and closed the door

She was kind of cute running away

After a small argument with Ichika, we managed to convince them to stay in, Takito and I relaxed on top of the couch and waited for the other girls to ready up, Ichika was preparing tea for everyone

"What brings you two here this early?" Yua said as she exited the bedroom with Trita

"It was our last day so we decided to enjoy it to the maximum" Takito said with a smile

"What does that mean freak?" Ichika replied

"I mean that we HAVE to spend time together as much as we can now! It won't feel right for me if we don't..."

I understand Takito but since today we won't have class or any activity we are basically free until the night, so coming here was a bit unnecessary

"We have Uno cards want to play?" Yua asked us as she suddenly pulled a pack out of thin air

"Great! I thought that we would never get to use these!" Trita said as she sat near Yua

We laid the cards down and played a game but in the middle of the game Takito stood up

"That's boring..."

He is right but he doesn't have to be this direct

"Then what do you suggest we do genius?" Ichika aggressively asked Takito

"How about a walk or even going to the river? They never told us not to go bath!" Takito timidly replied

I guess Ichika is too much to handle even for Takito, she reminds me of Yua when we first met

"This early in the morning?" Trita asked, by her tone, it was obvious she didn't agree

"Yeah, the weather is perfect! Please come with us! If you don't want to go in the water then it's fine! Just come to hang around there!" Takito said as he dragged me outside with him and then back to our room

"DRESS UP!" He said as he started undressing

"Wait a moment!"


Long story short we made it to the river and the girls came too

"You were supposed to bathe, why aren't you inside the water already?" Yua asked as she saw me relaxing on the side of the river

Takito was trying hard to get in the water but the morning water's cold was too much for him to handle

"I'm sunbathing" I jokingly said

"Yeah sure snowman, you out of everyone would be destroyed if your fragile little white skin was exposed to the sun for too long!" Ichika said

She is far meaner than Yua, I guess after what I did to her it's understandable

"Oh come on! Back on my island, I used to become darker than anyone! Almost like I changed race!" I said as stood up

I then made my way into the water

"HOW?" Takito asked me in surprise as he was rubbing his hands with water like an old man

"It's refreshing..."

The girls placed their feet into the water and freaked out

"Are you saying that you think that THIS IS REFRESHING IT'S LITERALLY ICE-COLD WATER!" Yua said

You could easily see the surprise on her face

"Come on city rats! Don't act like that!"

"Shut up island boy!" Yua replied

Everyone seemed surprised by her insult (except Takito), I assume it's their first time seeing her act like that

The time on the river passed by quickly and before we knew it it was time for launch, this time we didn't have to make it since it was a pre-made dish

It was your casual rice balls you could buy from convenient shops but their quality felt better

"Eat up kids! A local couple brought it to us since they knew we would be coming, they live kind of far from here so that means the husband wasted quite a lot of gas to drop us all this food so eat up good!" Terresa said as she was on her second rice ball

"Yummy! I wonder if I could make rice balls such as these on my own! I would love to eat these once a week!" Yua said as she quickly devoured the rice ball

"I couldn't agree more! The taste is very balanced!" Trita said

"Yeah, yeah, the filling is also amazing, it must be tuna!" Ichika added as she moved to her next rice ball

Takito didn't have words since he almost threw up from the number of rice balls he ate, he also felt a bit sick so he went back to our room, thankfully it wasn't anything serious, he just overate

"You have rice on your cheek!" Yua said as she pointed at my cheek

Before she could clean me up I licked and ate the rice piece

"Wow! You have quite a long tongue, what are you? A snake?" Ichika said as she was eating at the same time, some food then got stuck in her throat

Karma is real

Yua seemed a bit disappointed

"So do you all have decided who you are going to dance with?" Ichika asked

The atmosphere around the table suddenly became tense

"As you all know I will be going with Takito-kun" Trita said

"What about you Su-kun? Have you found a pair?" Ichika asked me

"I will go with Yua-chan, sorry to disappoint you"

Everyone seemed a bit shocked

"You never mentioned this to us..." Trita said as she glared at Yua

"W-Well you never asked..."

Seems like the girls went to the bathroom to chat leaving me all alone

I get a feeling they are talking about me...

"What are you looking gloomy for? The fire dance you worked so hard for is about to start, oh wait, do you not have anyone to dance? Don't worry you can dance with me if you are alone!" Terresa said as she sat near me

"I will dance with Yua so no thank you!"

"You don't know how to turn a girl down politely huh brat? Anyway, you seem to be very close with Yua lately, did the seat tactic of mine work?" Terresa said as she winked at me

"Kind of..."

"KIND OF? Come on say it, you fell for her because of that!"

"Come on now! That's taking it too far, I will just dance with her, it doesn't mean we are dating or something..."

"Why not consider? When you were young you used to be together all the time! You could have gotten easily married if you continued like that"


"I mean you always held hands and..."

"WAIT! What did you say?"

"That you looked cute together..." Terresa said

"No that, I used to know Yua?"

"Yeah, your fathers were friends so I don't find it weird, you even went to the same grade school once"

Are you telling me we were friends that young... She must recognize me, right? I mean Inei did, he looked very friendly and talked to me like he knew me, that didn't make sense then but now that I learned that it all makes sense

Did I forget Yua? How did she feel when she saw a childhood friend treat her like a stranger? But even after learning that will I say something? I'm a coward, of course, I won't tell her... And I also won't tell her my feelings for her...

I'm... An asshole...

"Looks like your friends are going to arrive so I will let you enjoy your last day, you are not going to miss me since I'm going to teach you for another two years!" Terresa said as she left and laughed in a cartoonish devil way

"Su-kun we need your help!" Trita said

For some reason, Yua and Ichika were standing behind her like they were little kids

"What is it?"

"We need to find a partner for Ichika-chan!" Trita declared me this hard task we had to do

I guess they weren't talking about me

"That's easy!"

"It is?" All the girls said in sync

"Our teacher is willing to dance with those that don't have a pair" I said as I pointed at Terresa

Terresa saw me pointing at her and waved

"What that's lame! Only the lonely kids dance with the teacher!" Ichika angrily replied

Well, good luck then...

"You should have bonded with someone while you were here, I can't really help you out now"

The girls were disappointed at what I had to say and in fact, I was almost cursed at, so the best thing they could do is leave me alone...

I guess I will see what the hell Takito is up to now, it's not like I have something better to do...

"Iriasu-kun wait up! You surely have something better to do than sleeping so do your teacher a favor will ya?"

Out of all times...

"What is it?"

"I want you to go and set up these fireworks... They are extra I bought to surprise everyone, all the other fireworks are small and kind of weak so if we blast that right at the end everyone will be even more surprised and it will surely make me a better teacher, so what do you say? You are good at disappearing so disappear from here without anybody seeing you and plant those near the shrine"

"Are you forgetting something?"

"What?" Terresa asked confused

"You realize I can tell everyone that, so bride me with a price..."

"Hmm, let's see what do you like?"


"You mean the lollypops?"

"Yeah buy me three packs of that and we are even"

"What in the world are you going to do with all that?" Terresa loudly replied

"Watch your tone! Or else..."

"'Kay shut up I will buy you four now go!" Terresa said as she handed me the box of fireworks

I quickly left and went inside the forest

The moment I entered this forest I probably witnessed something I shouldn't...