
Memory like a fading fire (Part 5)

For some reason Takito was there, I thought he was supposed to be in his room, I guess he went out for a walk...


He screamed as he kicked a tree, I hid behind and tree and started watching him...

"Why the hell does he think he is?" He yelled again...

I guess someone must have upset him...

"What the hell does he know about me OR my situation!" This time he punched the tree

He must be mad...

"Iriasu thinks he knows everyone! Trita likes you! Yua is a bit childish, Ichika is a bit dangerous, what the fuck do you know?!"


Did what I said made him feel this way? I just tried to cheer him up I didn't...

"Worldwide project? This guy is attending this school for free and he is telling me shit about money! Like he ever struggled with money!"

I might have it a bit easier than him but I still struggled...

"Fucking hypocrites, him and Trita!"

What did he say?

"She is simply pitying me since I have no money, plus she is only using me for her image! "Oh look I have a sporty boyfriend!" That's what she will say to everyone!"

Instinctively I punched him, I never hit one of my friends here not even as a joke but this time my punch flew with no hesitation, and no signs of holding back...

"S-Su-kun?" He replied, he looked awfully surprised

"Take back what you said about Trita-chan!"

"Did you hear everything..."

"I don't give a shit about what you said about me! But Trita is another thing! She is the shiest girl I have ever seen and she is doing everything in her power to be with you! The way she talks and her actions are all well thought out because she doesn't want to make a bad impression on YOU understand me asshole! She wants to look good just for you and you are going to say that for her?"

Takito was shocked and it showed but he quickly got up and yelled back

"There you go again with your "I know everything" type talk! Shut up how do you even know that she feels this way?"

"Because she brags to me every day, every night she sends me texts on how disappointed she is at her performance, she tells me how stressed she feels every time she has to start the first conversation, so you are right Takito, I know everything that goes between you two so don't ever tell me that shit to my face ever again"

Takito was frozen when I said that, he also remained silent for a long time, he simply looked at me while thinking

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

He still didn't say anything, but he shifted his look to the ground

"Say something..."

"I'm sorry..." He said with a cracking voice, it was clear he was holding back tears

"Is what you telling me the truth?" He continued

"Every single detail"

"Then I was being stupid huh?"

"Pretty stupid if I have to say so myself..." I said with a smile

"I'm sorry about what I said about you..." Takito said with a forced smile

"You are forgiven but please don't do that again..." I replied with a now awkward smile...

"How did you even find me? Were you spying on me creep?" Takito said as he wiped his eyes

I can't tell him what I'm doing

"I just came to pee"

"Can't you pee inside a building, plus you didn't have to come this far...."

He is onto me...

"I was chasing a squirrel when I suddenly the urge to pee hit me and I stopped close to pee and then heard you..."

"Come on nobody is eating that up! You know what it doesn't matter let's go back now..."

"Well I still didn't pee so go ahead!"

"I can wait for you"


"Please just leave the sudden urge to crap also came up so please leave!" I told him as I pushed him away

"Want me to bring you paper?"

Perfect chance

"Yeah please go!"

Thankfully he left and I was able to plan the firework as planned, I then started walking back

I honestly don't know how to feel about him... Saying all that things about me despite not knowing me is kind of rude and immature, I mean his friends were like that so I shouldn't have expected something else but it still annoyed me somehow, He may be poor but he probably wasn't in the situation I was...

Bread with salt and water as the only thing to eat surely wasn't great but times could be worse if I didn't keep a good mindset, well at times like that I had my father to thank, he was the one that put a smile on my face when I was sad but still, these times could have been way worse if we were miserable like Takito is now, a little tolerance wouldn't hurt right? I mean he still goes to a prestigious school so life shouldn't be as tough as it was for me...

"Hey, what are you doing here? How did you wipe your butt?" Takito asked me as he meet me on my way back to my room

"I used some plants to do it..."

I then quickly left him behind and headed back into my room and hopped into the shower

He never experienced being poor, huh? That bastard thinks he is all that shit... Prideful shit...

"You shouldn't talk like that about your friends!" Yu-kun said as he appeared from the steam the hot shower made

"You heard what he said, how can I not be mad..."

"You have a point but you know that he is an outright idiot" Yu said with a cold expression on his face


I quickly finished showering and dressed in my brand-new Yukata

I look similar to the old man I saw in my dream...


It was about time the dance started ( it starts at 8 o'clock), Takito had already left for the fire dance

I asked Trita on the phone

Trita replied

She asked

Trita is not good at ending chat discussions...

Some time passed and I headed to the girls' room, I wanted to have a chat with Trita but in person, what I witnessed back there isn't something I can ignore even if it was a reaction out of anger...

"Look who it is! Fancy yukata but that doesn't make up for your looks" Ichika said as she leaned at the door

"Look who is talking! The girl with no partner"

"WHAT WAS THAT PUNK!!!" Ichika said but before she got close Yua dragged her back

"Did you have a reason to come here?" Trita asked

"I wanted to have a private chat with you..."

"Me? Why?"

"Let's talk about this on the balcony, it's kind of private!"

"I see, I see, you want to have a double date at the fire dance to embarrass me! Your ex" Ichika replied with a smile

"Shut up! I was never your... It's not about you"

For a moment I forgot that we fake dated

"So is this better?" Trita asked as she closed the balcony door behind her

"It's about Takito-kun, I saw something that you should know..."

Trita looked a bit concerned about what I said, I could tell from the look in her eyes

"Takito seems to have a problem with people, when I went to the forest to pla... to pee I saw Takito cursing us and assaulting a tree, he said something about me being a smart ass and about you being fake and try using him as a popularity boost at school..."

"WHAT? How could he say that? I never tried to do such a thing, do I seem like that kind of person to him?" Trita said with panic in her voice

"I had to punch him and tell him all we do together to shut up, he apologized but I still think people like that are a bit problematic, are you sure you can like a person that doesn't trust you? Or think that your motives are your benefit?"

Trita looked down for a bit and then answered with a smile

"Takito isn't a bad person, he is simply hurt... And I will be his medicine..."

The girl probably hasn't fallen in love ever so that's the normal answer, but is it okay to let that happen...

"Wait you didn't tell him I like him right?"

"I kind of did!"

Trita looked disappointed but then looked at me and smiled

"Then one thing remains! I should find him and tell him myself!"

Trita said with D E T E R M I N A T I O N in her eyes

I guess love talked...

We both returned to the others and I finally got a good look at Yua's yukata, I was so focused on Trita that I completely ignored her

She looks stunning, a purple yukata was perfect for her, and the design of her yukata seems familiar, it looked like the yukata the old woman was wearing

"What are you staring at? Idiot!" Yua said as she hid behind Ichika

"Yeah back off pervert!" Ichika said as she hissed at me

Trita quickly put on some sandals and ran outside

"Why is she running?" Yua asked confused

"It's a long story! Let's chase behind her!"

I said before starting to run after her, the girls followed too

Surprisingly enough we caught up to Trita since she isn't the fastest girl nor has the most stamina

Actually, she was breathing very heavily and we got to a point of walking, which embarrassed Trita a bit but she didn't let that affect her goal

"What took you so long? You were the only people we were waiting for now... LIGHT IT UP!!!"

Terresa screamed, the big fire we prepared for so long lit up the chill night of this summer, and everything froze for a bit...

"Everyone get ready to dance! We brought some special people here!"

When Terresa said that a band came out from nowhere and settled near the shrine, they then started playing music, it was quite unique

A lot of people started dancing when the music started, they dance around the fire, suddenly Yua grabbed my hands and started dancing...

How do I dance?

"This is something like a folk dance! Just follow my moves and when the note hits we change partners..."

What? I didn't get anything

THE NOTE then hit and Yua let me go and went to someone else, I did the same, and funny enough I ended up with Ichika

"Unlucky..." She said as she continued to dance

The music was nice and after some time I kind of understood what to do, I changed partners a lot of times but wait...

I was supposed to dance with Yua, what the hell is this?

I have to get with Yua, wait is this Trita

The NOTE hit and I changed, this time I was dancing with Trita

"How did it go?"

"I didn't find him! He must be on the other side!" Trita said

She sounded kind of worried

"You can do it Trita-san! You will eventually find your chance!"

That's what I said but it was a bit unlikely

The dance lasted some time and I never got to hold Yua again, I mean I held some seniors and second years that looked nice but I don't really care about them...

Suddenly the music changed and many stopped dancing

"What's wrong? This is the music I was waiting for..."

Terresa said with an extraordinary smile

She must be up to something

"What does she mean by that?"

I asked the girl I was dancing with just now

"This is the part that you dance with the one you wish to have a relationship with... I don't have anyone like that to dance with so I will be sitting this out!" She said as she smiled

Wait... Did I indirectly... I didn't ask Yua...

I totally asked her to be my girlfriend...

And speaking of the devil there she was, she was slowly walking toward me, the moonlight and the light from the fire made her eyes look amazing, she looked amazing...

"Now we dance, I never danced like this before so expect me to make mistakes too..." Yua said as she was blushing, she held my hands and started dancing, I simply followed along

It was kind of embarrassing, I could hear the people around us whispering

"Will you dance with me?"

"Makito-kun? Of course I will!"

People are basically confessing on the spot, plus they are not a lot of people dancing...

I can count maybe 10 couples dancing, the others are just watching, it's kind of magical I have to admit

Yua under the moonlight trying to dance with me looks...

"You look cute..."

"E-Excuse me?"

Oh shit I said that out loud

"Y-You know you told me that I would regret it if I didn't come here, I see what you mean by that now. Coming here was sure one of the best choices I did after coming to Japan..."

"I see... it's really nice here for sure, doesn't this atmosphere feel familiar?"

That question concerned me a little, she probably refers to the times we knew each other in the past, but sadly I don't remember anything

"I used to watch dances like that on TV when I was younger so yeah, it does seem familiar..."

I'm a liar

"Do you want to go to a place I discovered while I was searching for flowers?" Yua suggested

"We can't really leave now can we?"

"Of course not silly, I want to enjoy this moment before going there..."

She said as she stared deeply into my eyes, unconsciously I was doing the same

Turns out I found out what was so addictive about her...

The way she looks into my eyes is different than everyone else, her eyes shine when she looks into my eyes and I'm sure mines do the same, no matter how gloomy my eyes are I'm sure right now they are the brightest eyes that outshine all the stars in the sky...