
Takito Remo

After the events that happened, we immediately were escorted back to our homes, and they assigned therapists to people who needed them, it was the only way they could repay for the trauma they created

Thankfully he is alive

An ambulance was called to take Takito after what happened, apparently, he was still bleeding but he had serious injuries in the head and legs and other less life-threatening injuries on his chest

But after the camp Takito's family was supported by Yusuke High, and the school is willing to pay for his full recovery

Right now he is held in a hospital near Hongo station

It was raining heavily so I took the train, I still had the suicide note Takito left behind before jumping and I feel like his family needs to know, the others visited him the first days that visitation was open, and during those days I couldn't bring myself to go anywhere

Hikita was a bit worried about me but I acted okay

Anyway the train arrived, I then walked my way inside the hospital and asked to see Takito

Once I arrived I saw his mother and sister, they were sitting near the bed he was hospitalized, he had tubes and other things attached to him, it was a bad sight

14 August, we had exactly 27 days left for our summer break

"You must be Hikita-kun right? Thank you for coming, I heard you were his roommate and saw everything that happened, I'm sorry..." Takito's mother said as she bowed her head to me

I fell to the ground and bowed

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to prevent that from happening..."

"No please get up, you don't have to apologize" His mother said as she pulled me up

I looked at her eyes and it was clear she had no more tears to shed, for one week straight she probably cried and cried while I...

Didn't shed a single tear...

"This was a note he left before... I think you deserve to have it" I said as I gave the letter to his mom

She read it and then gave it to Takito's sister to read, they were silent

"Is Su here? Hey buddy what's going on?" Takito said as he suddenly woke up

His voice was super weak

"I'm alright, how about you? Is your meditation doing any good?" I asked as I put up a fake smile

Takito was smiling too after he saw me

"Yeah it's the best I could have wished for, are you alone?" He asked

"Yeah I came by myself"

"Oh man I'm sorry I did this to you, just so you know I was very glad I was alive, and day after day I pray to god, thanking him for not letting me die and giving me a second chance, it was very stupid of me to worry you all like that"

"Shut up..." His sister said out of nowhere


His sister yelled loudly

"About time you spoke, you haven't said a word all week" Takito said as he smiled

"Calm down Nakusa, your brother went through a hard time" His mother said

"Well I'm going through a hard time too, but I didn't try to kill myself! Because unlike HIM I care about the others" Nakusa said while tears falling down her face

She then quickly got up and left

"This girl, I'm sorry you had to see this" His mother said

"No don't worry I will go get her, you stay by your son's side" I said

Who do I think I am? I couldn't save Takito so how I'm supposed to talk to his sister?

Even though what I said was dumb I still went out of my way to search for Nakusa and eventually found her at the roof, to be exact, right before the exit to the roof, she was sitting curled up on the corner, it was raining so going outside without an umbrella would get you sick

"What do you want? Get out of my face" She said as she was crying

"Your mother is worried, you should probably head back"

"If she was worried she would have come here herself, now leave" she answered

I quietly sat near her

"I'm not leaving until I bring you back"

"What are you? Some kind of creep? I said to bounce, leave!" She said as she started pushing me away

I fell on my sides and quickly got up

"I'm only trying to help you"

"I told you many times I don't need to be saved so leave, this is the final warning, if you stay I will attack you and just so you know I do boxing" She said as she got into a boxing position

Aggressive huh?

"I said I'm not leaving so bring it on" I jokingly said

She in fact didn't take it as a joke and started swinging, thanks to my father's teachings I was able to dodge the punches and when I saw an opening I went in and restrained her movement by pinching her to the wall

"Your brother is deeply hurt and your mother is the same and you act like a spoiled brat for what? Attention? Hurry up and go down there before I smash your face to the wall! Trying to act all tough! Who do you think you are? This is the moment where both Takito and your mother need you so don't do shit you are going to regret!" I said as I pushed her head to the wall

I guess my build-up range was directed toward a junior high girl

After I felt her resistance stopping I let go of her, her eyes were dry and she had a sad expression on her face

Without a word she started walking down the stairs, I followed...

Seems like she got her lesson, because as soon as we entered the room Nakusa jumped right into Takito's arm and started crying


I quietly excused myself from the room and waited outside

Seems like the sound of rain made me sleep because I was woken up by Nakusa

"We are going to the cafeteria to eat, come if you want" She said as she refused to look me in my eyes

She then ran away

Now that Takito is alone I entered the room

"Phew! I was hoping you would come alone..." Takito said as he giggled

"When you told me to forget you, you didn't do it so I don't feel bad right?"

"You got me, it was all planned from the start but thankfully I failed!" Takito said as he laughed

"Why are you laughing? This matter is very serious, do you understand how bad it was for everyone around you?"

"I know that's why I smile, so you don't feel bad, plus it's not such a big deal, I'm over it and I will recover in no time, I also took into consideration what you told me about finding a reason to stay in the school and I did, there is someone that loves me in the school, the only bad news is that I probably won't be able to play sports anymore, my legs were heavily damaged and very weak and probably will stay weak for my whole life also some of my ribs scratched a part of my heart so heavy duty is also kind of restricted for some time, so when I return to school I will probably focus on studying and reading"

This time Takito talked with a natural expression

"I see... Are you okay with that? Not playing football ever again?"

"Of course not but I brought it upon myself so it's my fault I can't play football, but I won't let it bring me down, there is more to life than sports!"

I guess he is starting to become more sophisticated after a near-death experience

"When will you be able to leave the hospital?"

"Maybe in two weeks"

Damn that's a lot of time

"I will be visiting you with the others, don't worry"

"I know you will, so what are you waiting for now? My family went to eat and I heard my sister invite you, I guess you made a good impression on her" He said as he winked

"I don't take interest in my friends' sisters and I have a g-g-girlfriend..."

"Oh? So you got together with Yua-chan?"

I nodded

"That's great, I guess I lost to you"


"You got a girlfriend first so I lost, you know... The rivalry between boys, have you never done a girl race?"

Takito then went out of the way to explain it to me and generally talk about many things but after some time he kicked me out and sent me to eat, but before I left he told me

"I was pretty selfish back there, I said I wanted to be forgotten but on the last day I did as many things as possible to satisfy myself..."

Having no other choice I'm now sitting at the table with Nakusa Remo and Mama Remo

"Once Takito becomes better you should come to our house and have dinner with us, I'm sure Takito will like it too" Takito's mom told me as we ate the hospital-served food

"That would be great"

"I also heard you were not raised here but your Japanese are so good" She said with a smile

"I learned it when I was little because I didn't want to disconnect from my roots" I explained

After having a long conversation about my Japanese and about Takito I felt that it was okay to leave, after all, I wanted to let them alone

Turns out it wasn't so bad after all, I totally avoided the worst-case scenario, and the good thing was that he had support all the time beside us people from our class and not only left out good luck charms and get good cards so even when I didn't come he had support from everybody

"But it doesn't change the fact that you made a person jump off his balcony"

Yu said as he appeared behind my reflection on the train

But it's not my fault

"Then who's at fault here? Me? You knew everything and did nothing because you thought a person that doesn't appreciate his friends doesn't deserve attention, that's what you thought remember? I'm you so I know. So are you playing god? You thought that a second chance was too much like you didn't have many second chances, but the difference between you and Takito is that he will redeem himself while you, won't fix yourself after a thousand tries, you need something harsh like a near-death experience to at least consider changing your heart"

The doors of the train opened and it was my station so I got off, the rain had stopped but it was still cloudy, I quickly walked to my house and entered in

Wait... These shoes are new! Is someone here?

I quickly took off my shoes and went inside only to see something that made me skip a beat

It was my father

I forgot he told me he will come in August

"Oh look who came home late! What's up, little man?" My father casually asked me

"The ceiling old fart"

"Haha come here just try not to cry, you crybaby"

When he said that I slowly walked up to him, I then received an aggressive hug from him

"You grew up a little huh? You even gained some muscle, you got to keep up the looks to attract the chicks" He said with a smile

"Well if you want to know Josuke told me that he has a girlfriend, guess who? His daughter! Your kid is trying to make our families relatives" Hikita said

"Really? Is aunt telling the truth do you really go out with little Yua?"

"Well we kissed but we haven't gone out because, you know, the incident that happened..."

My father's smile faded when I mentioned that

"I'm sorry you got through something like that"

"Come on don't be! Everything ended nicely after all" I said as I slapped his back

"If you say so" He said with a smile

"What are we going to do now? Are we going over to Josuke's house?" Hikita asked

"Of course! Iriasu get your good clothes and come, you have to make a good impression after meeting your girlfriend's father... Hahaha" My father couldn't hold back his laugh

"I have met him before you know" I said before going to my room to dress

While dressing I saw my phone on my desk, thinking back to it I never opened it after what happened

DAMN! 100 notifications?

Some are notifications from games or socials and others are calls and messages

Apparently, Yosuke-sama invited me for dinner many times and I ignored it

Yua also wrote to me to see if I'm okay

I have to apologize to both of them when I saw them in person

But first, let's see what I will wear