

For my clothing I went for a basic oversized grey shirt and black shorts, nothing beats the basic look

"Look at you! Carefully picking outfits because you are going to your Gf's house, oh man I miss those times" My father said as he looked at me as he was leaning against the door's frame

"Shut up old man, I always pick an outfit before I go out with the same care as this, just because we are going to your friend's house doesn't mean I'm anxious"

"I never said you are anxious" He said as he laughed

At that moment I realized the situation, my father is here, here with me, in Japan, what the hell?

I don't feel happy or sad, I feel like this is normal and he does the same

"So are you getting along with your aunt?"

"Yeah she is pretty cool, she lends me money and lets me ride the bike illegally, I haven't had any difficulty talking with her, it just seems she is kind of distant..."

"It's natural, she just met you, you can't expect someone to open up to you when you first met them and also disturbed their quiet life"

When he said that the words that Terresa filled my head

She said she used to play with me and Hikita says the same, why is he lying about it thought?

"Hey, Dad are we..."

"HEY! HEY! Hurry up Yoshitke is blowing up my phone" Hikita said as she suddenly marched into the room, disturbing my important question

"Sure we are ready let's go!" My dad said as he left with Hikita, I followed them

The three of us got into Hikita's car, I and my father sat in the back seats

"Why are you sitting in the front?" I asked my dad

"Are you already kicking me out of your life? You got rid of me for three months so let me spend some time with you, you never know when these times might end"

I hate when my father throws that card

"I'm glad to see you haven't changed Domic..." Hikita said

No honorific huh? She used one for everyone unless it was Yosuke-sama of course

"You too Yuoko-chan, you are like a vampire, you didn't age after all those years" My dad told her with a smile on his face

She didn't reply, Does she blame him for mother's death? I mean it was an accident after all, but Takito jumping off the balcony was an "accident" too but I blame myself so who am I to judge?

"You two are awkward as hell, Ι guess father remembers you as a gyaru girl and you remember him as a knuckle-head foreigner that liked to fight so I don't blame you" I said to break the ice and also get them to reveal any information

~Why not ask them directly?~

'I don't plan on doing this now, it's not the right time, my father just arrived' I told Yu

It looked like my aunt wanted to answer but was completely shut down by my father's voice

"True! For some reason she really liked being a gyaru, it was a trendy thing back then, like the gothic style you have now"

That's a weird example...

After a silent car ride that lasted like 5 minutes we arrived at Yua's house, we quickly got out of the car and went inside the house

"Haha look at that meat sack down there!"

"Look who is talking! Domic the crusher? You look more like Domic the crushed on the couch all day while watching TV"

My father and Yosuke-sama said as they hugged each other

"Inei what's up man? You are almost taller than me now, and the muscles you made, I see you are doing alright" My father said as he hugged Inei

"I'm good! So when are you going to teach me some MMA tricks?" Inei asked

He seemed excited to learn

"You have to wait I just set foot here... YUA! My little cute Yua-chan how are you doing?" My father said as he hugged her and whirled her around

"Sorry I forgot you are a teenager now, also your boyfriend might get jealous" My father said

As soon as he said that the whole house of Yosuke turned their eyes to me for different reasons

Yosuke-sama glared at me with hatred

Inei simply looked at me with that aware glare

And Yua stared into my eyes in her casual way, she was also sweetly smiling, I guess hearing someone else calling us boyfriend and girlfriend made her happy

"Should we take a seat Yoshitke? I was working all day so I'm tired..." Hikita said as she casually walked into the house

"HEY, I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" Yosuke-sama said

"You are still uncomfortable with that nickname? You are such a kid Jo" My father said

Jo huh? It's like my nickname "Su" I guess people are too lazy to pronounce longer names

"H-Hey come with me" Yua said as she pulled the sleeve of my t-shirt


"What are you two lovebirds going to do?" My father asked with a smile

"I just need help with my homework! Hikita-sama make sure you reunite with my father and fight like the old days" Yua said as she quickly dragged me into her room

"Ahh the good old excuse! You do you"

That's the last thing I heard from my father before getting inside Yua's room

I have been in her room again once but this time I'm way more tense

"Sit here, I really can't figure this problem out can you help?" Yua said as she patted a mat near her

I sat down and started helping her

"Ah that's easy you do..."

As I spoke I felt this feeling of uneasiness coming from the room's door

"HEY, INEI LEAVE YOU ANT!" Yua said as she quickly kicked her brother away and locked the door

So her brother is an insect? I guess I rank higher than him in the animal kingdom

"Sorry about that, what were you saying?"

I like how casually she can move on from that

I explained the problem and she quickly did it

"Have you done your summer homework, Su?"

"Of course, this one week I didn't text anyone I actually did things for myself, you see what happened back there messed my head up, a little so I needed some time alone"

"The school gifted us a visit to phycologists why didn't you go there if you were troubled?" Yua asked me

I hate that I made her feel concerned

"I'm not used to that stuff and I like to deal with my problems alone, I guess the gym and homework were my therapists" I said with a smile

A silence then followed, I expected after her homework to go down to hang out with the others but that didn't happen, I assume she expects me to do a move?

There is no way I can do that!

"Hey, Su about what your father said when he first saw me... Are you accepting this title?"


"I mean are you my b-b-boyfriend?" Yua said as she hid her blushed face

"Wasn't that obvious?"

She smiled at my answer

"I guess it is, sorry" She said as she fixed her hair on the mirror she had in her room

"Are YOU okay about what happened with Takito-kun? I mean you looked pretty hurt about what happened..." I told her

"I have been visiting Takito-kun for over a week and he seems to be okay, he is awfully cheerful and assured us that it was okay so I want to trust him and give him a second chance without doubting him, that's why I act this casual after what happened..." Yua said as she sat down on the mat near me, she then placed her head on my shoulder

"Can we stay here? I know your father just came but is it asking too much for you to stay here with me?"


"HEY, IT'S MY SON DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME! NOT YET!" My father yelled as he violently slammed on the door

"HEY DOMIC YOU RUINED IT! THE GOOD WOULD HAVE STARTED AFTER A BIT!" Hikita said with an angry tone in her voice


Yua quickly got up, she was fully red like a tomato, she opened the locked door, surprisingly everyone was waiting outside except Inei

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? DON'T YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO DO?" Yua yelled as she was kicking them all away

"It's okay, let's just go down too" I said as I grabbed her by her shoulders

"Okay" She replied with a casual tone

After joining everyone we spent a lot of time at the table eating and telling stories, the highlight was this

"One time I almost got into jail for assault against a child, my child, so we played in the beach wrestling, it was a year ago, so as we played I accidentally made Iriasu step on a pointy rock that made his leg bleed, and a random tourist thought I was actually fighting a kid so she called the cops and I had to explain to them everything, and the worse part was that Iriasu was bawling his eyes out the whole time"

I hate when my father tells embarrassing stories about me

"Of course, I was crying! YOU LITERALLY THREW ME HEAD-ON THE SAND AFTER THAT, AND WHILE IT WAS BLEEDING YOU TOLD ME TO THROW HAND SANITIZER ON IT, IT WILL HELP, IT LITERALLY POISONED ME!!! Plus you forgot to mention that that little rock was iron so I also got tetanus out of this, I'm lucky I even survived that idiot!"

"Oh, you're right! I forgot all that!"

Another interesting story was that of Hikita's

"So there is this otaku guy in our office so for fun we took his figurines he had set up and replaced them with some cheap versions of them made from a 3D printer, and I and a friend pretended we had an argument and I threw the cheap figurines at him, seeing them break on the spot the otaku stood up and almost lost his voice yelling at us, "All these costs more than both of your monthly payments added together!" he said, we wanted to continue pranking him but if we did that he might have brought a gun at work the next day, he already looked like he was ready to beat us up"

Everyone laughed but I think it was a bit mean

"Hey Su come here" Inei said as he was sitting on the couch, away from the table

"What's up?"

"You know after the summer break the school elections will start, I'm running for school president this year, I have many people you know on my side like Ada-chan, Aoi-chan, and others, I have noticed that you are kind of... Unique to say the least so I would love to have you on my side" Inei told me

"That sounds interesting but I don't plan on being on the student council, you know I heard that you have work to do if you take part on the council, I mean I can see it by what Yua is doing, she is part of a club that is basically an extension of the school council so if you people need a club to do extra work for you I know that I will suffer, plus weren't you the president last year? You are a third-year lay back for a little, don't you think you deserve a bit of rest?"

It was clear Inei didn't like my answer

"I see, well that's an opinion, I don't see the reason for you not to at least care about your school, you have a skill that many wish they had a fraction of it, that skill is the ability to make easy friends, I never meet someone that made so many friends with different backgrounds and interests and also have a rather strong bond, lately Ada-chan told me how it would be nice to invite you on our beach trip, she hasn't told me this for anyone else so that must mean something no?" Inei said with a smile

I know he is the manipulating type but that was a bit obvious for him

"What do you suggest?"

"I'm happy you are willing to hear"

Inei then explained to me his plans, he told me having a first year like me would help them improve their image and influence, I probably won't do it but I would like to at least take a look at his squad

"Aha, I overheard everything you said brother and I'm sad to announce to you that this year you are going to have a competition!" Yua said as she was standing menacingly on the couch

"What? You are going to apply for president too?" Inei asked surprised

I guess even he didn't know

"Of course, do you think you are going to claim the top spot every year? Su and I will take you down!"


"Yes, you! I will be the lead and you will do the planning! What do you say?"

Yua's offer was quite tempting but I already refused to take part in the elections

"Yua be realistic here, who the hell would vote you over me? I ran this school for two years with success so it's highly unlikely that you will win, they are not stupid enough to vote for you!"

His way of speaking made me a bit mad, seeing how he always tries to control people to your advantage makes me want to rival him, not because I hate him or something, but because people like him need someone to dominate them to wake up and realize that people aren't tools

"Now that I think about it, it would be great to rival your brother so why not? We against Inei-kun" I said with a smile as I turned to Inei

"I see how it is, I'm glad to be taking you both down..."

Inei replied with a confident smile...