
The calm before the storm

Once we left Yosuke's household we returned home and had a good night of sleep, my father slept on the couch, and both Hikita and I slept on our own beds

And when the next morning arrived we were greeted by a ready breakfast made by our guest

By we I mean me

"Look who's up early? I made eggs want some?"

"I will a little bit, I want to go to the gym later"

"So early?" He asked me surprised

"I have been ignoring it for a long time so I want to get caught up to the goal I have set"

"And what is that goal?"

"Once I saw your school photos I realized how much more strong you were than me, I can't let the old man beat me right?"

He laughed before eating a piece of his egg

"I see, then want me to drop you there?"

"Why would I want that? I have my motorcycle"

"You mean MY motorcycle!" He said with a smirk

Long story short he is driving the bike and taking us to the gym, it was a bit early, more specifically 11 A.M but that's ok, the gym opens at this time and usually doesn't have many people there

"Here we go, make sure to lift heavy and eat healthy! There is no way to reach my level otherwise!" My father said as he winked at me

"What are you going to do now?" I asked him as I saw him leaving

"I will take a walk around the place, this is very nostalgic you know! I experienced the best time of my life here, so I want to see how this place changed"

That's what he said before leaving

I understand his situation, even though our island had many similarities with Nagano, coming here after a long time can cast a spell on anyone no matter how many times they have seen the place

Anyway I went into the gym and started training my legs and abs, lifting all this wood on the camp made my hands stronger so what I need now is to train my core and legs

After some exercise I decided to do a bit of cardio, running more specifically, I wanted to get my mind off things for a bit

Running is a form of therapy, well exercise in general is therapy too

♫ Can I open up? Is it safe or not?

♫ I'm afraid a little, you relate or not?

♫ Have faith a little, I might take my time

"Wow! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!"

I heard the exciting voice of a girl next to me and when I turned my head I was surprised to see Ada

"It has been at least a month so yeah... What brings you here?"

That was a dumb question to ask

"Now that it is summer break I have time to go to the see and even work out a bit, well I mostly run but that's alright I guess, surely better than doing nothing" Ada said with a smile

"I heard you invited me on a beach trip, is that right?"

"Oh yeah! Tomorrow we are going to the beach for camping, Yua-chan is going to come too so I figured that it would be nice for you to come too! You know if she is the only first-year she will probably feel lonely" Ada said with a smile

I guess she doesn't know...

"You know me and Yua are d-d-d..."

"YOU ARE DATING?" She yelled out loud

"Shh! Yes but don't yell!"

Ada then stuck me on my back

"Way to go! You didn't even get to stay here a year and you already have a girlfriend! Many people would be jealous, hell I'm jealous too, and Yua-chan is a beautiful girl so you totally scored!" Ada said as she thumbs-upped

Why does Ada talk more like a dude than I about girls?

"Y-Yeah thank you, so tomorrow huh?"

"Yeah! Have you planned something else?"

"Well kinda, but I will manage! Anyway I have been running for half an hour so I will be leaving, It was nice talking to you after a long time Ada-san! See you tomorrow!" I said as I quickly went to the locker rooms to shower

I then visited a specific person, I made a promise with her long ago so I wouldn't let them ruin it

"Yua? She is busy buzz off!" Yosuke-sama said as he closed the door

This reminds me of these movies when the biker guy wants to date the doctor's daughter and wants to get his approval or something...

Suddenly the window to Yua's room opened, Yua hopped from the window at the tree that was near the window and climbed down

"Where are we going?" She asked, she had some leaves on her hair

"So are we going to ignore what just happened?" I asked as I cleaned her hair


"I see... Anyway, hop on the bike! I'm going to take you somewhere?"

She looked happy when I said that

"Where? Where?"

"It's a secret" I said before starting to walk to the motorcycle

She quickly hopped on and we left for the beach

I made her a promise that the first time she is going to go to the sea is with me, so that's what I'm going to do

Judging from what she is wearing (A loose T-shirt and shorts) she can go in the water

The journey to the sea was slow and beautiful, we passed through many places and saw many people while the lukewarm wind cooled our bodies, honestly doing this on foot would have also made the experience wonderful but we don't have the time for that

"HEY ISN'T YOUR FATHER GOING TO BE MAD?" I had to yell because we were going quite fast

"HE IS! SO WHAT?" she said as she giggled

I like her energy and I like the vibe of this too...

Having her hug my bag as I speed my way through the city

That's the best thing I could wish for in summer

I really love her...

After a not-so-long trip we arrived at the famous Momogawa Beach in Nigata, it was massive and quite occupied

"The sea..." Yua mumbled as she watched from the street

I had stopped the bike outside the street near the beach and stopped to get something for us to drink and eat, and surprisingly came back to Yua amused by the beauty of the sea

"Beautiful huh? I had a view like that every day while I was on my island, I guess after you have something this beautiful in your daily life you stop appreciating it until you lose it"

"I envy you, Su... You seem so captured by everything you do, like no matter if it is bad or not you seem to enjoy it to the fullest, I can never do that, the only reason I was this happy in the camp was when I cooked or when we visited shrines and stuff was because I saw you, your eyes shined at everything, even at hard times when Takito-kun did what he did, you didn't panic or cry, you simply sat down and tried to calm yourself down, you are a bigger person than you think you are!"

Hearing that coming from someone made me feel this emotional attack you get when you are super happy, like the feeling that you want to cry, yeah that

"Why are you telling me all that?"

"I know you were sad, maybe sadder than everyone after what happened to Takito but you fought through it alone, right? Please don't do that, as long as you have me, you always have someone to turn in to"


"But it's the truth, you will drive yourself to death if you continue like that, you always take care of others and then yourself Su"

"That's not true..."

"Oh yeah? Then when was the last time you did something YOU like? Something YOU want alone, without having someone telling you to do it or forcing you? Even this... I feel like I somehow forced you to do it..." Yua said with a sad expression

~Look at her seeing you as a hero, that must really make you happy huh?~ Yu told me

"When I kissed you it wasn't something forced, and today I went to the gym and also came to pick you up for this, the truth is that I'm the most selfish person, everything I do I do it for my own shake and everything I say I say for my benefit, so please stop telling me how "great" I am and look at the bigger picture! I got into a relationship with Ichika just to enrage you, I ignored Takito's signs for help because I thought he was just a goof and I first hung out with you even though I cursed you every time, nothing I do is for others Yua, nothing..."

"What about this? What will you gain by saying this?"

What will I gain?

"What will you gain by telling me all this Iriasu? Will this reward you somehow? Come on answer me! What could you possibly gain by telling me all this?"

Without a word, I simply hugged Yua tightly

"Can we stay like this for a bit?"

She seemed surprised but she still agreed by nodding

"I love you..."

"I love you too..." Yua replied as she stopped hugging me

She then grabbed my hand and dragged me to the beach, we started running alongside the sea, and we ran and ran until we reached a place on the beach where nobody but us stood

"Let's go in!" Yua said as she took off her shirt and shorts


"W-W-What jerk? It's not like we can bath with our clothes on!" She said embarrassed

"Well taking off everything could work too!"

I instantly got punched in the stomach

"PERVERT!" She said as she slowly attempted to go into that water

I assume it was her first time in the sea so she must not be used to it

I quickly took off my shirt and pants and charged at Yua, grabbing her from her belly and slamming her into the water


"It's not my fault! You should have gone faster so I wouldn't have done that!"

"Screw you!" She said as she threw water at me

"You don't want to start that!" I said as I threw back double the amount of water

Long story short we started a water fight that didn't last very long since Yua wasn't so aware that seawater fights are more brutal than pool or river/lake fights

"My eyes hurt!" She said as she clenched to me like a child

"I know" I said as I rubbed her back

Her eyes were unbelievably weak to salty water

"Now my little weakling witness this!" I said as I opened my eyes in the water with my face facing up so she could see my face

"Whoa does your eyes not hurt island boy?" She said surprised as she opened her red eyes

"What can I say, city girl, we don't have so fragile little eyes like you have here!"

She tried to punch me again but this time I grabbed her and threw her in the water and then held her body down with my own body weight

She was lying on the shallow water with her hair wet and her eyes locked on mine

Instinctively I pulled my head closer to hers but before we could kiss a big wave hit me and her and made pushed us to the shore like we were sea trash

"What was that!" She yelled as she spit salt water out of her mouth


"Why are you laughing idiot?" Yua asked me as she got closer to my face

"You look very mad about the disturbance, did you really want it that much?"

Yua backed down as her face turned red

"S-Shut up..."

I spread my arm around her and leaned at her and with a forced move I made us lay down and look up at the sky, it was clear blue

"About what you said earlier, thank you, you are a better person too Yua, I always noticed that no matter what happens and no matter how secret is something you have your way of looking inside that person's heart, that's another thing I like about you..." I told her before closing my eyes

I don't want to do anything anymore, just lay with Yua without a worry in the world

Well my request was granted but in the end, it turned out bitter because we found ourselves in a big trouble

"How didn't you see that you have no gas?" Yua asked me

She was clearly mad

"The pointer broke, who was I supposed to know we wanted gas?"

"Can't you call someone? My phone found the perfect time to die" Yua said ironically

Hearing out a little brawl two dudes on a motorcycle stopped by

"What's up, girl? Are you new around here?" The driver asked

"Who are you?" Yua replied as she glared at the guy

"Can you spare us some gas? We ran short and we can't go home"

The driver looked at me weirdly and then he looked at his friend

"Good luck on your own buddy, but we can take your girl with us if you would like to!" The passenger guy said with a smirk

"Go to hell bastards!"

Yua's response made sure that the guys left us alone

"Pee in it, it might work!" The driver said before speeding off"


"What do we do now? All the gas stations are closed..." Yua asked with a concerned look in her eyes

"Don't worry remember the place we stayed at? Why don't we go there?"

"What? Why would we go there? We can ask for someone's help and we will be saved eventually or you can even call someone! It's not like your phone is dead too"

I grabbed Yua's hand and looked her in her eyes

"Let's spend the night together here... It wouldn't hurt would it?"

Yua blushed at the thought of us sleeping together but after a bit of thinking she agreed

I mean we couldn't have done anything else

"Hey isn't it a bit cold here?" Yua said

She was lying a meter away from me

"Kind of..." I said

We both were telling a lie, I even took off my shirt because of how hot it was

"C-Can you warm me up?" Yua asked timidly

I see...

"O-Okay..." I said before warping her around my arms and putting my head on her back

I could hear her heartbeat, it was fast yet very relaxing

And turns out it lulled me to sleep...