
The storm / Product of adoration

The next day just when I woke up I had many unanswered calls from many people including Yosuke-sama

This time I called Yosuke

"Don't say a word, just give me Yua" Yosuke said as soon as he picked it up

"She is sleeping"

"I see... What the hell did the two of you think? Why did you leave without informing anyone? What if something bad happened to you two?" Yosuke said in a more caring and father-like tone

"We are sorry, I promise nothing bad will ever happen to her while I look after her, so please you can calm down, I will inform the others too since I received many calls..."

"We are going to have a chat when you come back..." Yosuke said before hanging up the phone

"Who was it?" Yua asked as she rubbed her eyes

I guess all that talking woke her up

"It was your father, he wasn't as mad as I expected him to be, Yua, let's go home we worried everyone"

"I know..." She said as he picked up all her stuff, she then started walking away

While walking I texted to everyone that we were okay and then rode my motorcycle back to Nagano, more specifically back to Yua's place

For some reason my father was there too luckily someone gave us a bit of gas to go to the nearest gas store and refill

As soon as we entered the house many aggressive questions were directed at me

"What do you think you are doing?"

"What if something happened?"

"Are you stupid?"

"Why didn't you tell a single soul?"

"STOP!" Yua yelled as she got in front of me

"This was all my idea! I told him to do it and begged him to stay the night on the beach, so stop blaming Su if there is someone to blame then it is me!"

After hearing that my father pushed away Yua and slapped me hard

"DO YOU HAVE NO BALLS? Why the hell are you hiding behind the girl? I know damn well the whole thing was your idea so say it out loud!" My father yelled

Everyone was shocked to see that

"What are you doing? Why did you slap your own son?" Yua angrily said

"Because I don't want you or him to end up like his mother!"

As soon as my father said that things darkened

The thought of killing Yua was something that never crossed my mind

Plus memories of the past seemed to slowly come back to me

I heard screams left and right, I remember blood surrounding the car

"She will not make it..." I heard a man say in Japanese

I then vividly remember my father breaking down

"Su....Su....SU!" Yua said over and over again

For some reason, my hands were shaking and cold sweat surrounded my body

"Are you insane?" Yua asked my father before grabbing my hand and pulling me into her room

The strange thing was that while we were leaving Inei and Yosuke-sama had a look of distress in their eyes

"What happened down there? Why did they look at me like that?" I asked Yua as I saw her sit on her bed with the same look they had

She didn't reply, she simply curled up in her bed

She was obviously scared from what happened so I sat near her

"It's okay, sometimes my father crosses the line, he has done it multiple times and this time he was kind of right" I said to calm her down

"He had a reason Su, not the right to! There is not a reason to hit your child EVER! And after that he said some stuff that made you have a trauma attack" Yua said as her hands were shaking

When I tried to touch her hands I saw that mine were shaking way more violently

Is it really trauma? Terresa told me something about memory loss but I didn't think she was serious, I mean what I saw was REAL but I don't think I will consider it trauma

Something also quite amusing was that the man spoke in Japanese so which means that when the car accident happened we were in Japan

"It's going to be okay, just forget what happened!" I said as I kissed Yua on the head

"Don't go down!" She said as she grabbed my hand "Until he apologizes you won't go anywhere, you will stay here with me"

"Please don't be mad at him, I know what he did was wrong but he got worried, I mean I wasn't the only one in that car accident, he must have scars from what happened too"

Yua didn't say anything, she simply continued sitting while watching her empty table


"Iriasu, can I talk to you?" It was my father at Yua's door

Before I could respond Yua closed my mouth with her hand and whispered to me

"He has to say sorry"

"Look what I did was pretty immature and I came to apologize"

Yua quickly opened the door and glared at him

"Then do it now!" She told him

"I'm sorry I hit you, I know you are young and want to have your fun, I was once your age too but that was dangerous, I'm not telling you not to have fun with your love but please make sure you don't do something too crazy"

"It's okay, I don't see a reason to apologize to me but it's good you did since Yua would have killed you!" I said as I pointed at her

She was like an angry cat

"Calm down Yua-chan! You are spoiling your cute face!" My father said with a smile as he passed next to Yua

And like it seemed it was Inei's turn to talk to us

"So? Are you still willing to come with us after what happened?" Inei asked both of us

"It will be kind of weird so I won't come"

It was clear that Yua's vibe was murdered by what happened

"What about you lover boy?" Inei asked with a smile

"I will but I will come on my own a bit later"

When I said that Yua stared at me with a puffed face, I guess she wanted me to join her in the declination...

"Okay, just make sure you don't mention what happened today, and if they ask about Yua what do we say?" Inei said with a smile that indicated to me his next word

"She is in her period" We said in sync

"HEY DON'T TELL THEM THAT!" Yua said with a red face

After calming down my father and I went back to our home and as soon as we opened the door

Hikita was sitting on the couch ready for my arrival

"Here have a seat! Tell me what you did with Yua with all the details!" She said with a serious yet playful tone

"I didn't do anything you love enthusiast!"

"Come on! You MUST have done something with a beautiful girl on the beach..." She said with a smirk

Upon saying that all the heated stuff I did with Yua quickly flashed in front of my eyes

"Oh you are getting red, you did do something, spill it all out to your beloved auntie, come on!"

She said as she kept on patting the couch

"I want to shower"

I said before fleeing the scene

~Why didn't you hit back?~ Yu told me as he appeared out of the steam of the hot water

'Why don't you shut up?'

~Come on! You know what he did was not fair!~ Yu continued

'I said shut up! When did you start getting annoying? I was pretty sure you were a good guy up until what happened in the camp'

~I see that must seem like that to you but in reality, I'm your thoughts, I told you that before too, I'm not some kind of deity or god, I'm simply the REAL you and not the image you display to others~

'I don't display any image to others, I'm honest with them'

~I didn't say you are not honest, I said you are not real, you are not genuine, you try to satisfy everybody by doing the things you don't want to do, that's why Yua got mad at you for saying yes to her brother, even YOU know you don't want to go~

'Okay I get it, can you shut up now?'

~No, I'm my own master~

'But you are me...'

~You got a point~ He said before puffing out of existence

Should I go to see a doctor, I don't think this is normal, anyway, I have to get out of the shower

When I saw myself in the mirror I wondered

"Why does Yua like me?"

I'm not ugly, but I'm not attractive

I'm not smart, but I'm not dumb either

I don't have many talents, but I'm good with many things

I'm pretty mediocre compared to her

She is pretty, friendly, talented, smart, athletic, and wise but for some reason, she has taken a liking to me

What is it that I have that she adores me for?

"What's taking so long Iriasu? I want to crap hurry up you can beat it in your room too!" My father said as he violently started hitting the door

"Shut the hell up!" I said as I quickly got out of the shower

After what happened I got my bike and made sure I had enough gas for the trip I once again drove my bike to the same beach I went with Yua but this time to meet other people

"SU-KUN! You made it! Long time no see!" Ada said as she hugged me

She was wearing a black bikini

"You saw me yesterday..."

"I know but that's way too close to the last time I saw you which was a long time ago"

What? I think Ada needs to learn how to communicate with others better, I mean she wants to be a politician and they communicate super well or whatever

"Oh Iriasu-kun is HIM" Aoi said with a sad look on her face

She was wearing a full-body suit like those that the schools have

"Whaaaat? You don't like Su-kun? He is a good kid!" Ada said as she placed her arm around my neck

"No, I simply find it weird that third-year students like us find this kid amusing!" Aoi said as she went back to reading a book of hers

"Boooore... Anyway, Su-kun want to go in the water?" Ada asked me after insulting Aoi

"I didn't come here to bathe I just came to hang out, plus I was already here yesterday and in the morning so I don't feel like showering today"

As much as I told the truth I also didn't want to go in the water because I saw the third-years glaring at me like they were orcas waiting for a seal to enter the water

"Kay! I will go to play with the boys and when I'm done I will come back, make sure you annoy Aoi-chan as much as you can!" Ada said before rushing into the water

I looked at Aoi and she looked at me with repelling eyes

So naturally I sat near her

"Why don't you go in?" I asked her

. . .

"What book are you reading? Looks fun"

. . .

"So are you going to ignore me all the time?"

. . .

I quickly took the umbrella that shielded Aoi from the sun away from her and I received a response

"What the hell do you want kid? Go bother someone else"

. . .

That's right! Receive your own treatment

A long silence then followed as I sunbathed while watching Ada dominate everyone except Inei in a water brawl

"Seems like you lied, Ada-chan doesn't know about what I did with that guy" Aoi said

"Huh? What you thought I would care enough to sabotage your image, as I told you back there, if you manipulate an idiot you are the greater idiot, well now that I think about it idiot doesn't fit you, more like petty"

Aoi looked a bit mad at that comment but she didn't lash out at me

"I guess I understand why Yosuke-kun likes you now, you are a tough one plus you seem to have interesting morals about most things, so what's Yua-chan doing?"

"Why are you bringing up her name?"

"No particular reason? Why didn't she come with you? Aren't you like... dating?" Aoi asked me with a smile

"Yeah but..."

Before I could finish my sentence Aoi laughed

"You think a girl like her cares about you? She is Inei's sister after all you are probably a fun toy she can play with!" Aoi said as she barely contained her laugh

"You don't know Yua"

"Oh really? So what do YOU know about Yua-chan that I don't? Let me hear you!" Aoi said with confidence

"I can tell you she is way brighter than you but that's a bit obvious ain't it?"

Aoi was pissed about my response

"Hey! Hey! Chill down, guys! I left you alone for some minutes and you are already fighting? Talk about dynamic personalities crushing!" Ada said as she suddenly arrived and sat in between us

"Hey, Ada-chan move! You are still dripping water!" Aoi said as she moved away from Ada

"Come on don't be angry! Let's all be friends and what's a better way to make friends? By playing a game of course! Don't worry it is not physical so you can relax! So let's start with naming our favorite X"

Ada said with a bright smile that shone light into this dark atmosphere Aoi and I created...