
Miss Yosuke

When it got late Yua left my house and went back to hers, and I peacefully took a shower, did my brand-new skin routine, and slept

There wasn't a visit from Yu this time after something major happened, I'm kind of relieved

Once I woke up I brushed my teeth and did my skin routine

"Good morning kid! Do you have any plans today?" My father asked

"I planned to go with Yua on a little trip"

"Again?" He asked me in an annoyed tone

"I know, I know! I will make time for you but the thing is I planned this long ago!"

I don't know why I lied, maybe to not make him feel like I'm ignoring him

"I see, at least make sure you spend some quality time together because that's what is going to stick with you, not all the lovey-dokey"

I think he is saying that because he probably noticed us

"We aren't going for fun, we are going to visit Yua's mother"

My father looked surprised when I mentioned her

"Oh, she still talks to her?"

"Why shouldn't she?"

"No, I'm just surprised she still has an influence on her kids after missing from their lives, especially Yua's life" My father told me

I realized that Yosuke-sama is divorced but I didn't want to ask about his wife in case something bad had happened to her

"I don't know her situation but Yua invited me so I assume she must talk to her mother enough for her to know me"

For a moment he looked at me with that proud smile


"Look at you meeting both of your GF's parents! At your age, I still kept getting embarrassed every time I and your mother were in public"

I guess Mother had a tough time dating him

After our little talk, I got ready took some money with me and my bike, and visited Yua's house, Yosuke-sama was waiting on the side of the road and looked at me with a smile while I was pulling over

"Good morning sir!"

"Good morning to you too kid! Yua is not ready yet, you will have to wait so I will keep you company for a little!" He said with a sweet smile

I know he intends to interrogate me

"What were you doing with Yua-chan?"

I see he went straight to the point

"Nothing much, just talked a bit and then watched a series on my pc"

Of course, I won't tell him I was kissing and cuddling with his daughter to his face

"You must had seen something funny, nothing else can explain Yua's happy expression when she came back home, right?"

"Yeah..." I said as I laughed awkwardly

Yosuke laughed too as he rubbed my back, it kind of hurt since he put force into this "rub"

"Can we not act differently? Just because I'm dating your daughter it doesn't mean we have to be like that..."

He looked more serious after he heard that

"What do you mean?"

"I act overly cautious and you act like you want to beat me up! When some weeks ago we were like friends" I explained to him

Suddenly Yua opened the door, she was wearing a comically large backpack

"What are you doing here Dad?" She asked confused

"I happen to return from a walk and saw the young Hikita here and talked to him a bit" He said as his serious face turned into a sweet smiling one

"He didn't say anything weird to you, did he?" Yua asked me concerned

"Who do you take me for? I simply talked to him! Anyway, have fun visiting Mom, and make sure to tell her I said hi" Yosuke said before going inside his house

Yua then hopped on my bike and I placed made her wear the helmet I had

"It's super hot outside and this is going to suffocate me out of heat!" Yua whined but I didn't remove it from her

I simply drove off

"So where are we going?" I asked

"To the train station!" Yua yelled into my ear

Train station? How far does her mother live?

It didn't even take us 5 minutes to arrive at the train station

"Where are we going now?"

"We are taking the bullet train to Tokyo!" Yua said with a smile as she cut our tickets

"Wait Tokyo? You never told me we are going to Tokyo! Plus why are you paying?"

"Did I have to tell you? I'm treating you to a vacation so don't whine silverback (gorilla)! My mother made sure to pay for our tickets beforehand, to be honest, she was more excited to see you than what I told you!"

Yua then took my hand and pulled me into the bullet train and we quickly went to our seats

"I couldn't sleep last night because I was feeling anxious about the packaging!"

That explains the goofy bag

"What the hell did you even bring with you to get this monster of a bag?"

I promise that's the biggest backpack I have ever seen in my life, it was so big to the point that when I was driving I felt like our aerodynamics worsened, I felt like if I pressed the gas a bit too much Yua would fly off the freaking motorcycle

"I packed clothes for the full 3 days we are going to stay there, I packed food, an umbrella just in case, I packed my electronics, money, and an electronic piano..."

What the f...

"Why do you need all that? And I'm not going to ask about the three days yet" I told her

"The piano is something my mom wanted, I play the piano too but I'm not as good as her, as for the others they are essential!" She said with a proud smile on her face

After some time Yua looked at me from head to toes


"What do you mean "what" flea? Where is your package? Don't tell me you didn't get spare clothes" Yua said concerned

"Sorry but nobody told me that we will stay there for 3 WHOLE DAYS!"

"Well, you didn't ask..."


After realizing I raised my voice a bit too much I piped down and stared outside the train's window, we just started taking off and everyone was seated

As I watched the amazing landscapes and slowly fell asleep I felt someone grabbing my hand, well it was no other than Yua but it still startled me

Her hand is warm, it makes me even sleepier than before, well maybe because I feel safer...

"Hey, Su wake up we are here!" Yua said as she slightly shook me

I quickly got up and left the train, we finally arrived at Tokyo!

Yua guided me out of the station since she has come to Tokyo many times by train and to my surprise as soon as we exited the station a woman was waiting for us outside her car, smoking a cigarette

"Mom!" Yua said as she ran for a hug

That thing is her mother? She is very tall and looks very bossy, she has long black hair and super sharp black eyes, well they weren't completely black but a very dark shade of brown and she was also wearing a business suit

"Welcome Yua-chan! I missed you!" She said with a very sweet voice

I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover

"Hello to you too, Hikita-san" She said with a very serious expression

"It's nice to meet you miss... What should I call you miss?" I asked

Yua slightly laughed because of the way I acted

"My name is Akemi Honizawua, it's nice to meet you too!" She said as she shook hands with me

"I heard a lot about you from Yua-chan! She rarely stopped talking about you, she was like, "Mom a kid I knew came back and he is hand.." "

Before she could finish her sentence Yua stood on her toes to cover her mouth

"Don't tell him that!" She said embarrassed

"It's good to know!" I awkwardly replied

The three of us then got into the car, Yua and I sat in the back

"How is school going kids?" She asked as she drove

"I was first in my class, it was hard but I wouldn't have been if Su didn't help me with math!" Yua said as she looked at me and smiled

"I see! I'm happy! How about you Hikita-san? Since you were this big of a help to Yua-chan you were second I assume"

"Actually I was seventh..."

"Oh... It's still in the top then so it isn't so bad!"


A bit of silence followed but then Honizawua-sama asked me

"I heard you were a foreigner but your Japanese is very good and you also managed to get a better score than many other students so don't assume just because you weren't in the top five you are bad"

She is... kind

"Don't say stuff like that! This buffoon gets way too happy when people do that!"

Why does Yua like to do that?

"That's rude! I thought you got over that phase of yours that made silly jokes like that, I wonder how you managed to find a boyfriend after still being like that!" Her mother said

Did she just defend me?

"Oh sorry, we joke like that all the time" Yua said as slightly smiled

"Do you mean just you? I never heard the boy say anything bad yet, in fact, he is very polite!"

"Please don't fight, it doesn't bother me..."

I said in an attempt to calm them down a little

"It doesn't matter! Rude comments are rude comments, and if a girl says that to her boyfriend she is wrong to do that!" Honizawua-sama replied

~She is kind of a nuisance~ Yu said

I could see him behind my reflection in the car window

'Don't say that! She is simply strict'

~Too strict, anyway, have time with your little gf...~ Yu said before disappearing

"Anyway, what's up with that bag of yours?"

I think she is talking to Yua, well that's obvious by now

"I took with me the piano you said!"

"You know the piano has a case of its own right? You didn't need to put it inside a backpack..."

Silence followed, she definitely didn't know that

After some time we arrived at Honizawua's house, it was MASSIVE, and inside of Tokyo too

I slightly pulled Yua toward me and whispered in her ear

"What kind of job does your mother do?"

"She is a lawyer"

That explains it

I grabbed Yua's massive bag and took it inside this fancy-looking house

"Place it here!" Yua told me as she pointed to the floor with her finger

"I will go to take a quick shower, make sure you two get along with each other!" Yua said before taking one of the many pairs of clothing she brought with her

After some time after she entered the shower, Honizawua asked me

"So how long do you know my daughter?"

"About 4 months and apparently more since I was here when I was little"

"And she fell for you that fast? It must be nice for a young man like you, right?"

Her tone is kind of aggressive even though she isn't telling me something bad

"Yua is a good girl and one of the first people that talked to me when I came here after years"

"You are Domic's kid right?"

For some reason, she changed the topic

"Yeah, why are you asking me all those questions?"

"What do you plan to do with my daughter?" She asked me with a mad look on her face

"W-What do you mean?"

"You know well! Are you with her just for sex?" She asked me

"N-No what makes you think that? I would never use someone like that"

"Of course, the son of the great Domic the crusher wouldn't fool around with countless women" She said ironically

"Look I don't know your history with my dad but I wouldn't do that to Yua, I love her"

"Shut up, just close your mouth for a bit..." She said as she slammed the kitchen counter

Is this woman crazy?

"My girl lost a year of school because of you! She was so sad you left Japan that she didn't go to school or eat and she was only 9 and she was depressed! If you damage her the same way you did back then, then I won't know how to make her recover. So if you dare do something bad to her now I will make sure nothing good ever happens in your life, understood?" She asked me as she glared at me with a pinch of hatred

"I'm under oath so I don't think you have to worry, I will never let anything happen to her and I will protect her even if its means I will die, no matter how many offensive jokes or whatever name she calls me I will be by her side and Yua will be mine forever!"

"H-Huh?" Yua said as she came out of the shower, she was completely red, she almost evaporated the water on her face and hair

Oh crap, she heard me say that...

"Aww! How sweat!" Her mother said with a big smile as she hugged me with her left hand

"You never told me he was this sweet!" She continued as she also hugged Yua with her other hand

I was very close to Yua

"Okay! Okay! I get it!" Yua then grabbed my arm and dragged me to a room


After yelling at me that she slammed the door

I guess I fried her brain from... sweetness?