
I Am Yours / You are mine

The rest of the day passed smoothly, Yua and I had dinner with her mother and talked a bit about our school life and the way we met again, We also touched on the topic of my memory

"The fact that you were in Japan while you were 6 or 7 is absolute because I remember you going to school with my Yua, I even have a photo that can prove that to you somewhere, I remember you left around the age of 8 because I remember visiting you when it was your birthday party, after that, I don't know what happened to you and your father, you simply disappeared after your mother's death" Yua's mom told me

I guess that's true after all, I was here when I was conscious

"So I was here for 3 years and more?"

"That's right! I'm sure you were!" She told me with confidence

"I guess I have to talk with my dad when I see him" I mumbled

"It's alright! Everything is going to end up alright so don't be afraid okay? If you want I can be with you too!" Yua said as she held my hand

"It's okay I will do it myself! Anyway, I will hit the sack now! I'm very beat up!" I said as I excused myself out of the dinner table

"Nice cooking by the way!" I said before closing the door to my room

I hope my compliment gets on her good side

While I was lying in the room provided to me I heard the door slightly open and when I turned around I saw Yua

She signaled me to be silent, she then walked toward me and sat on the bed

"What do you want?" I asked her silently

"Don't you want to do something else now that we are in Tokyo?" Yua asked me

"Like what?"

"Tokyo is known for its nightlife, want to see what's the hype all about?" She asked me with a smile that shinned brighter than the moonlight

After we both got ready we silently exited the house and walked on the streets of Tokyo more specifically we took the train to the Akihabara district

Yua told me she wanted to purchase some manga for her "weeb friend" like she was fooling anybody here, but she also told me to come here since it's one of the most populated and nice places to see at night and it indeed was

I have a problem with bright lights at night, for some reason even the smallest source of light can blind me so seeing all those lights made my eyes hurt a little, I guess I'm not used to the city life just yet, but by any means, it was not bad

We got to visit many night shops and also played in an arcade. We also encountered a stray dog that Yua petted for hours and before leaving it alone we gave it a bit of food

"What's up with your eyes? They are red! Are you sure you wanted to come here?" Yua asked me as soon as she stared at my eyes

"Don't worry I'm fine! I just have to get used to the lights!"

"LIAR! You are not fine you are on the verge of tearing up from the lights! Do you want to go somewhere more quiet?"

"T-That would be nice!"

As soon as I said that Yua guided me to a place away from the tall buildings and bright lights

That place was a playground...

"Let's swing together!" Yua said as she forced me to swing

With one of our hands, we grabbed the chain of the swing, and with the other, we held each other, this way we swung at the same time

"School is starting soon..." Yua said concerned


"Are we going to tell the others about us?" Yua said as she was blushing

"What do you mean? Everyone pretty much knows already"

When I told her that Yua seemed surprised but then calmed herself down

Suddenly she let go of my hand and stopped herself from swinging, She then got off the swing climbed the looping slide, and tried to reach the stars

"You said we are going to be together forever! Like the stars in the sky, we are going to be infinite!" She said with a serious expression on her face

"That's right!" I replied

"So after three years in Japan are you planning to stay here with me?" Yua asked

This question was a bit hard for me to answer, This whole time I didn't see this relationship realistically, what I say is true every time but I never thought about it after school, not once

"I'm planning to finish school, get into a university, and live the rest of my life here if it means I can be with you, After all, I am yours!"

Upon hearing that Yua froze for a little and her body stopped working so she slipped but before falling down I jumped off the swing and caught her, she is very light, that reminds me of when we measured our weight and Yua was as light as a feather if you consider her height of 167 cm

"Are you alright?" I asked her

Yua simply nodded, I helped her stand

"You should be more careful dummy! What if I didn't catch you?" I said as I patted her head

"Would you stand by my side even if it meant destroying yourself?"

What kind of question is that?

"If I go down we both go down, and if you go down we both go down!"

I didn't know how else I could answer to that

"I'm glad!" Yua said as she tightly hugged me

That's everything about our runabout in Akihabara district at night, we then returned by train, holding hands the whole trip

As soon as we returned to the house we both fell asleep immediately we were too tired to do anything else

The next day came and it marked our second day here, the day after tomorrow we will return to Nagano

For some reason I ignored that I was in a stranger's house and made breakfast for everyone, I didn't do something grand, just some eggs and vegetables

Surprisingly enough Yua and her mother woke up at the same time

"Oh my! Yua this kid is husband material! He even makes breakfast for you!"

"M-MOM!" Yua yelled embarrassed

I served everyone their food and I then sat down to eat too, we prayed and then ate silently

"You can cook quite well!" Honizawua told me

"It's just eggs and salad you don't need any skill to do these"

"Don't say that! My daughter can't even cook a boiled egg so good luck marrying her!"

I kind of blushed at the idea of a Yua with an apron cooking me dinner but after what her mother said the roles will probably be reversed... House wife Su...

"Hey! I can cook you liar! Well, you may not know but I learned to cook some recipes at Dad's house!" Yua said as she slowly walked to the stove "I will show you!" Yua declared

"What do you mean we already ate..."

"I don't care!" She said as she took a pack of rice out of a shelf

I tried to stop her but her mother stopped me

"Let her be, she probably got mad I said that and she will try to make food just for you" Honizawua told me with a smile of pride, I guess it's nice for a parent to know that their kid has someone like that in their lives

I offered to buy ingredients for curry so I left the house and wandered alone in town, I made my way into the now normal but way too populated streets of Tokyo, I made sure to search hard for the best shops since a teacher I used to have said "Don't fall for the first shop" with the mindset that there will be a better one hidden somewhere

After talking to some sweet people and buying everything needed I decided it was time to go back

"Hey, young one! Can you help me find this address?"

It was an old woman wearing a kimono, the kimono she was wearing was a pin with sakura trees drawings around it

"I don't live here sorry! But I can still use a GPS!" I said when I took out my phone and searched the location I found out it was near so I offered to take her there and she agreed so we are currently walking there

"What's your name boy?" The lady asked me

"My name? I'm Hikita" I didn't say my first name but the last

"Hikita? That's my surname! There can be a chance that we are related!"

(There are occasions in Japan where people have the same surname but are not related, well that happens anywhere in the world really)

"I'm old as you can see but I have a grandkid and two daughters, one is Hana and the other Yuoku"

There is no way, right? Did I happen to bump into my grandma?

"Oh really? I don't have anyone named like that in my life so I guess we are not related!" I told her

Why did I lie? I met my grandma by accident and I hid it. Why? But I guess there is no going back

"You said you had a grandkid right? What age are they?"

"Exactly 15 and his birthday was on October the seventh" She said with pinpoint accuracy

"So he is a boy? Do you remember his name?"

"Iriasu, the one who needs the future but not in a bad way, he needs the future because he is too full of the present and is too ahead and needs the future to entertain him, I was the one that gave him that name, that's why I know that!" She said with a smile on her face

It was like she saw her small grandchild right in front of her, but I don't remember her

"Looks like we are here! Thank you for taking time off your day to guide me here!" She said as she bowed her head

We were standing outside an old building

"If you ever come to Tokyo again make sure to come here for food! I have to repay you somehow!" She said with a smile

"I will! See you later!" I said before leaving her

What will happen if I get to meet her again? I wonder...

After that strange encounter, I returned to Honizawua's place and gave the material to Yua who quickly prepared everything

While Yua was preparing everything I was doing the summer homework we were assigned and her mother was doing work on her laptop while the TV was airing a weird show in the background

"REAAADY!" Yua yelled as she slammed the pot full of food on the table

"Yua don't scream you headache of a child!" Her mother said

"Fill a plate for me!" I said as I kept on doing homework

Yua let us all try her rice and curry and to be honest it isn't bad

"Want to know why it tastes so good? It's because of my secret ingredient!" Yua proudly exclaimed

Without anyone asking she revealed her secret

"The ingredient is L-O-V-E, love for cooking, love for family, and love for the world!"

"And love for the boy" Her mother continued

"H-Hey that's not true!" Yua said inconveniently

The rest of our days in Tokyo were peaceful, we relaxed most of the day and when night came Yua's mother took us out to eat at some fancy restaurants where we ate some high-class dishes that tasted a bit weird, I guess I'm too young to appreciate it and so is Yua judging by the way she is holding her barf

While we were in Tokyo I also bought a box of cola lollypops for home, I have been searching for them for ages and I finally found them!

After the trip was done Yua and I returned back to Nagano

This time I'm D E T E R M I N E D to ask father about my past here, I can't be the only person not aware of this anymore, I have to find out so I will ask him directly tomorrow, I have to get some rest after this long trip...