
Mr. Trunder & the Hikitas

We arrived from the long trip to Tokyo and I felt emptier than ever, I felt like a big chapter before me was unrevealed which would play a big role in my life

"What's the long face for? You went on a trip with your girl, you should look a bit happier than that!" My father said as we were walking back from a nine-eleven

We got out together not long before to buy some supplies and simply walk

"Dad, is it possible to ask you something?"

"Of course! Anything as long as I can answer it!"

His smile made me a bit hesitant but I voiced my concern

"Have I spent some year here that I don't remember?"

"Of course you have! When you were a toddler you were here in Japan for your grandpa's death" My dad told me with a smile

"And how long was that stay?"

"About 2 weeks"


"2 weeks aren't enough to make someone get attached to me, I'm talking about middle school! I attend middle school here didn't I?"

My father was a bit speechless

"So your dissociative amnesia cured itself huh? Do you remember everything? Even what mom and I were arguing inside the car before crushing?"

My father asked me with a face full of despair, I have never seen him like that, or have I? This face seems familiar even though I don't remember seeing him like that

Maybe this dissociative amnesia is causing this, I don't know what that means exactly but I forgot something I shouldn't had for sure

"I don't remember everything, I only remember specific things but today I want you to tell me everything..."

Without saying anything instead of walking home we walked to the park where we sat on an isolated bench

"Before I tell you everything I want to tell you that no matter what I did I loved both you and your mother deeply, and if she was here today I would have probably not been in your life, are you ready to hear everything that went wrong in my pathetic life?"

My father said with a sad expression, It wasn't sad because he was in a bad mood, but it was an expression that brought the feeling of sadness me

"Go on, we have the whole day to talk"

After a long breath, my father started telling me everything

"When I came to Japan I was lost and confused, I only came here for fighting and sports and I didn't know the language very well, Your mother and Yosuke were the only people who talked to me but the ones who kept hanging out with me was your mother, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, her eyes changed when she stared at the sky, from the beautiful brown color they became blue and when she was near plants her eyes were green and shined like the moonlight, she was a beauty among regulars, so, of course, I fell in love with her, but she kept telling me no due to her parents not approving me"

"But Terresa told me you were in a relationship with her..." I interrupt him just to see what he will say

"Yes of course, I was using her just so I could hang out with her even more, I had no feelings for Terresa even though that was a bit mean I still didn't think twice about that, As long as I could see your mother I was happy!"

My father's eyes sparkled when he talked about Mom, I kind of wished she was here just to see her eyes

"Your mother made me join clubs and hang out with many people I didn't like at the time and also took the time out of her day to teach me Japanese, she was just that good, she was like a blessing to this world so when I finally confessed my feeling to her and she accepted me I felt like I could rule the world, I started obliterating people on my fights in the tournament claiming the first place and eventually the title of "The Champion", I also bought a motorcycle, the one you ride now, just to make her feel like a princess, but as I said her parents didn't want me to be with her so I was forced to sneak out with her and avoid her parents, the result? The whole world saw me as the mindless brat who dated the good girl who was good at school, and that didn't sit right with them so everyone started looking at the Hikita family and her with consideration, "If she is so smart then why does she date this punk?" that's what people said and that's what her family hated about us, bad rumors and insults were thrown at her on an everyday basis with no signs of stopping, this relationship was toxic for her and I could see it, but didn't have the balls to save her by leaving her"

"But leaving her would have hurt you and her, so you basically did the right thing..."

"The right thing was to leave Japan Iriasu, I was unfit there, I was an anomaly"

"One day I suggested to her a plan to get away from Japan for good and start a new life in the States, the well-known American dream. People showed support for us and tried to help us accomplish that, but little did I know... Those bastards were about to stab me in the back... My plan was told to the Hikitas and I was set up from the family and beaten up one day because they were family to Hana I was unable to fight back, they caused big damage to me and shattered my big name as "Domic the Crusher" I could never return to my prime after what they did to me..."

I felt scared when he told me that, it was like I was living in the moment...

"This was the last bad thing Hana allowed her family to do so in a fit of rage and sadness she threw her life away, We had graduated from high school and your mother was able to attend a prestigious university in Japan but she threw that away and run away with me to Biol, "If they don't accept you then I will not accept them, we are one, if they treat you bad then it's like they treat me twice as bad, things in the house are bad as it is but doing this to you was too much, I won't let it slide anymore!" That's what she said before we booked tickets to Biol, it was a place where we could never be tracked..."

"So how was I here when I was a toddler?" I asked confused

"You see after four years we returned to Japan to attend your grandpa's funeral, and this visit slowly turned into a four years stay, we lived in Kyoto away from her family but we visited them frequently, that's where I met Yosuke once again with his family, if I remember correctly back then you and Yua fought like cat and dog, even though you didn't live close you attended the same school and you didn't get along until one day you "married" each other, that was funny as hell! Yosuke and I had a very long talk drinking beer and talking about your future, It is scary to think how convinced we were you would spend your lives together..."

"I think you are going off tracks here, The things about me are interesting too but I want to know the reason we moved to Biol until now"

When I told him that my father paused for some seconds

"I can't bring myself to tell you that..." He said with concern in his eyes

"Why? You told me you will"

"You will hate me if I do, I can't lose you too... You are the only person that truly loves me..."

My father had a desperate face when he told me that, I can't do this too... I feel like I can break down at any moment now

~Tell him... Tell him how you hate him now! Tell him!~

'Shut up Yu, this is not the time now!'

"Can I tell you this another day, please? I can't do this now"

"No, you are going to tell me everything right here, right now"

I looked at him dead in his weak eyes while saying that, I never have seen him like that, it was like this whole time he was wearing a mask... A mask that hid all of his concerns

"Iriasu, I have progressed from the mindless beast I was then so please, find a window of forgiveness for me, I know you are not like the rest so you can see the good in people despite the flaws they have committed after all your are Hana's and my son"

What could possibly have committed to have him beg for understanding?