it's not necessary

A cunning smile appeared on her face when she saw him pulling his trouser down to pee. He was still in the hospital uniform so the clothes were oversized.

Corey believed she'd look away or walk out but she didn't, "aren't you moving?" He suddenly asked her.

With his question jerking her out of her thoughts, she looked up at him and smiled innocently before shaking her head and walking out.

Corey breathed out as he released himself from a burden and the comfort he felt made him smile. After washing his hand, he walked out of the bathroom to see Claire staring into space.

He never knew Donald was getting married, and even if he knew, he couldn't change anything because he wasn't alone in getting back at his family. Technically, it wasn't his motion to get revenge, he had been pushed and convinced to get revenge on his family which he had thought was right but up till now, he couldn't gather the courage to get revenge the way his uncle had plotted it. He had helped in so many ways and Corey felt only his uncle loved him.

Now, he was going to have to get married to her even though his uncle had told him not to focus on any women. His uncle had testified a lot causing him to stay away from girls his whole life. He was trained fiercely and adamantly so he barely had time for himself.

Where everything was leading to, he wasn't aware but he felt he was doing the right thing even though he had been feeling restless about his brother.

Claire forced a smile because the look he gave her was confusing. "What are you thinking?"

"Why we are getting married? Was I in love with you to get married to you?" He wondered as he lifted his feet to move from that spot. As he expected, she wrapped his torso again and helped him to the bed.

"To be honest, Donald," she looked up at him as he was taller. "You never liked me, you were and still are cruel to me," she looked away eventually.

"Why?" Corey knew asking too much might exposed him but he had gone ahead.

"You really don't remember anything about me?" She felt sad about it which was obvious. Corey stayed quiet until she let him sit on the bed.

After he sat down, she suddenly had the thought of cleaning up. She was thinking of what to do to make her stay longer so thoughts of daily morning activities came to her mind thus going to the bathroom to get a bowl, water and a small towel.

Seeing her come closer to him with those in her hand, he wondered what she was up to. "I'm cleaning you," she explained before he questioned.

"It's not necessary," Corey had been down because of his feeling of guilt and every uncomfortable moment of his life.


"It's just not necessary," Corey forced it.

"Why? Tell me the reason. Is it something I cannot..." She lowered her voice when she saw his wicked gaze. "... know," she finished.

"Must you know everything?"

"You are being mean again, I just wanted to clean you up. You are always not thankful!" Frustrated, she sat on the visitor's bed, facing him. They then contest on who could glare harder. He watched her expressionless while she eyed and glared at him.

"Stop it," she eventually let out her frustration.

Corey rolled his eyes. "Stop what?" He asked.

"Just...stop breathing, I helped you to the bathroom but you couldn't even say thank you!"

"Do I have to?" He asked.

"Well, no! I just won't help you next time!" She threatened.

"I have my parents," he boasted even though it was childish and stupid but he had always done that when he was still living with his parents.

"You are getting married to me!" She pointed out.

"I'd have recovered by then," still with an expressionless face, he answered her back.

"Wh... whatever!!" She looked away and suddenly hated the tension around her so she picked up her bag and headed to the door. "Since you don't need me, I'm leaving!!!" She exclaimed, threatening him but he cared less about her. Helping him a bit didn't mean he owes her, she willingly helped.

When no response was offered, she walked out of his room in a bad mood.

When she was outside his room, she growled in dissatisfaction and annoyance but still looked through the door to see him struggling to clean up himself. He should have just made her do it so in favour to him, she called the nurses to tend to him. She felt bad for leaving him there but she had a new client from abroad coming to her mall today, and she needed to be there before they arrived.

Donald did beyond his capacity to finish cleaning so when the doctors came in they had to tell him how risky it was to stress a body that was stress. And before his parents comes, he made sure to wear the uniform but the doctor instructed the nurse to take care of him.

One thing he didn't want was for his parents to see his scars, he didn't know if Donald had one but exposing himself wouldn't do him well at all.

Corey allowed the nurses to tend to him before letting his parents in when they visited, they visited so early. The bandage around his head was changed too.

Corey then sat discreetly on the bed as his parents came to sit next to him. They embraced him affectionately and the hatred for them in his heart was manipulated to fade away but the pain he felt for fifteen years reminded him of his mission every time he thought of backing out. Well, he could if he wanted to die and he didn't want to die. But did his parents ever think of him after his death that never happened? And even if they did, it won't change the fact that they left him and went with Donald.