Chapter 59 Commissioned by gammax

Even when I was in hell, I didn't need to literally burrow my way into monsters in order to kill them but now I was feeling a flicker of rage as my hurried burrow into the monstrous plant made it tense, and with a flicker of my Pesquasia I felt the half a dozen souls in front of me be smothered from existence...

"Cero!" I snarled feeling pissed at the realization that the monstrous plant seemingly to spite me killed its hostages I realized the plant was regenerating fast enough that the wounds, I was leaving it as I tore through were nothing to it. But a full-powered cero being blasted out of my hands was most certainly not something it could shrug off.

From an outsider's perspective, if they were watching the large sea cucumber-shaped plant monster that matched the nearby skyscrapers in height, they would see it violently expand like it took too deep a breath but then its mid-section began to glow before a burst of purple energy tore through its body and shot into the sky all but evaporating the top eighty percent of the monster's mass.

Wordlessly I flew up into the air as the plant monster's lower body violently wriggled around in pain at its top three quarters being destroyed, but I snorted at its pain and then dove down and with a growl I began ripping it out of the ground tearing up dozens of meters of asphalt, concrete and other debris as I pulled the plant monster out of the ground roots and all.

"You want to bask in the sun? Sure then." I snarled as I used a draining Sonido to flash into the upper atmosphere and with a heave I threw the remains of the plant straight out of the Earth's orbit and towards the sun.

Then coming straight back down into Miami city I quickly dialed Galatea's phone to see where she was. "Galatea what happened to coming back?" I questioned as Galatea picked up and faintly, I heard screams in the phone's background as Galatea grunted.

"I got sent by the League to Singapore. Dammit! Jake this is a worldwide problem, so synch up with the monitor on duty so they can send you where you need to go." Galatea said and I grunted in affirmation as I helped firefighters get at people trapped in the cars that got totaled or even flipped over by the plant monster by simply ripping the doors off.

"Lorde, to watchtower monitor where should I go now?" I asked after hanging up on Galatea.

A male voice tiredly answered me that I couldn't recognize. "Lorde, take the nearest Zeta Tube to Columbus Ohio, it has two plant monsters, and both seem to have mutated more than the rest into being fire resistant somehow."

I confirmed the order and then quickly flew into a Zeta Teleporter as I arrived at the mad land of Ohio I flew up to get an idea of where the monsters were, and I was welcomed to the site of the national guard or whatever military force in the area carpet bombing the chitin or obsidian scaled exterior of the plant monsters.

Seeing how the missiles, mortars, and other high munitions were doing little to the monsters, I just did as I did before, and with pure strength, I pulled the monsters out of the ground and just chucked them out of the atmosphere in the direction of the sun so they would eventually burn up.

"Lorde to Watchtower, what is the situation," I said after I came down from out of the atmosphere.

"Lorde, go to Kolkata India, and throw the monsters into the atmosphere again. Do your best not to bring any more cultural damage to the area." Black Canary spoke to me and I brushed a hand down my face as I flew down into a Zeta teleporter to go save another city.

Five more cities... Five more cities I had to rush to. In order to meet the damned oversized plants out of the atmosphere and into space and to be clear going into space seven times in a single day while working my ass off to pull the mother of all struggling weeds out of the Earth was exhausting.

Sonido wasn't designed to transport several tons of struggling material as well...

"Lorde, to watchtower I cleared out Quebec, where to next?" I said as I felt my Hollow murderous instincts rolling around in my chest for all this damn hassle, I was going to put the Joker and the shitty Injustice League in a series of wheelchairs.

"Lorde, there seems to be magically resistant ones in Gotham that Batman and Dr. Fate/Zatanna are having issues quickly dealing with, go help him and if he gets upset just ignore him." I heard Green Arrow respond and I groaned at the thought of trying to quickly Sonido a magic-resistant monster.

"Alright... Lorde is on the way." I said as I firmed my decision to make Joker need a wheelchair for the rest of his damned life... Hell Poison Ivy as well. I believe in gender equality as she is obviously the lynchpin on how these damned plants came to be.

After taking yet another Zeta Tube this time to Gotham I was almost wretched at the feeling of the deep corruption just flowing within the land... Like Hell was bad and obviously corrupted, but it wasn't concentrated like Gotham was, Hell was an ever-expanding realm that as its energies expanded, the very realm itself would enlarge which would thin out the hellish energies. But here the planet and the natural laws constrained the corruption within Gotham and only made the energies denser without being able to break down.

"Let's get this done." I cursed holding in my revulsion for the city and the instinctive urge to just blow it all away with a barrage of cero's or something.

The large plant monsters weren't hard at all to find, what with all the noise they were making along with Batman's fighter jet shooting at it with exotic munitions. As well as the beacon to my senses in Order Magic being used by the new Doctor Fate.

Wordlessly I flew underneath the massive plant monsters and thankfully their magical resistance didn't do much to actually stop me from pulling them out of the ground, But I saw that ripping out the monster had also uprooted the surrounding concrete and asphalt with even collapsing a couple of the more derelict surrounding buildings as the foundations were uprooted with the monster.

Finally, though after I made the six trips to take all the monsters into the atmosphere and throw them out of the planet, I was freaking exhausted as I couldn't use a Sonido while carrying the magically resistant monsters nor were my cero's doing much to push them deeper into space when gravity lightened up on me.

"Congratulations on fitting into the earth but Order calls upon me elsewhere Lorde, Batman." Doctor Fate spoke seeing me remove the last plant monster and then he was swallowed by a large glowing Egyptian ankh teleporting away.

I then just all but collapsed onto a park bench as Batman ejected himself out of his Bat-jet while the jet slowly landed itself and Batman made his way over to me.

"Do you have any clues as to what has caused this?" Batman asked me and I wondered if he was taking into my little prophetic abilities as I traveled through realms.

"No, I have not foreseen this in particular." I lied as I knew from canon this was to happen but not when, how, or even how devastating it would be as I felt thousands of souls be extinguished as I jumped between cities. "But Joker and Poison Ivy are for sure a part of this as only the Joker has and uses his Joker Gas and Poison Ivy is the only person, I know of that can and will use massive plant-eating monsters to terrorize humans."

Batman growled with his fists tightening in his gloves as he obviously blamed himself partly for this massive attack on the world as he had been focusing on other issues than his escaped gallery members... Like Damien.

"Did you pick him up? You know?" I asked not saying the kid's name or that Batman had a son and I saw Batman's jaw twitch as he nodded.

"It was difficult. But I located him and with Robin and Al's help, we retrieved him though I may have ruined a... Relationship with how I took him." Batman said and I realized that Talia must be livid at having her son torn away from her, but I honestly couldn't care less.

I patted Batman on the shoulder as I stood back up with a groan. "Well, my team wouldn't mind babysitting. But I think I am going to check the outer realms while meditating to see if I can find out who did this and where they are." I said making up how I was going to explain how the Injustice League was in a very particular spot in Louisiana not that far from the prison of Belle Reve.

"Here," Batman said passing me a weird-looking badge thing. "This was made by Doctor Fate and will allow you to once every six hours hold a five-minute call with the person who holds the other badge, and I am the one with the other badge," Batman said and I nodded with my Garganta opening as I took the badge.

"Alright, I will call when I have news," I said as I thought to just call after like twenty minutes within the Fae Realms as a couple if not several hours would pass back in the real world by that time where the Injustice League were going to let the world stew on all the damage for a couple of days before coming out with an insane ransom of several billions worth of gold or something being demanded by Joker.