Chapter 9

A life of mundane love, stable parents who loved her, and learning the world's dying magic was a simple way, to sum up the previous life of Ritsuka Fujimaru. Memories of past little events and moments of Ritsuka's life passed through my mind and likewise, I could feel Ritsuka sucked into the memories that made Jake Barris in his life as a Hollow in the DC Universe and seeing snippets of it.

A far more violent life than anything Ritsuka had seen in her life, beyond even the horrors of the previous Singularity. When I awoke from my nap I blinked before rolling my eyes as Ritsuka's weird dommy mommy and twink hidden fetish wasn't too outlandish or even offputting after being a proud meme legend on Discord. But as I awoke from my little nap I could feel the soul of Olga who had left to do her work was sleeping seemingly just past the wall of my bed. And the thought of Olga being so cute as to move her bed to the side so it would match with only the wall between us made me mentally coo at the image.

I sat up from my bed but as I got up I tilted my head to the side as I felt Artoria's soul moving towards my room. And my face twitched into a wry smile as within a minute I heard a superhuman fist firmly knocking on the metal door to my room. I sighed and with a wry smile opened the door to my door showing Artoria Alter standing in front of my door.

"Artoria," I said nodding my head to her and she raised an eyebrow at my familiar address but didn't make anything of it and instead responded flatly.

"It is the hour of dawn and I wish for you to come with me as we break our fast. And then afterward I wish to spar with you." Artoria stated and although it seemed like she wasn't really leaving me a way out, I could tell should I just flatly refuse, she wouldn't be angry surprisingly. Oh sure, she would be disappointed but I could tell she just wanted a fellow warrior at her side in this bland area of Chaldea.

So I nodded in acquiescence simply responding with an even. "Sure." And as I stepped out of my room I dipped into my Servant container's status and the dragon leather armor I wore in combat appeared on my form, getting rid of my more casual clothes. "Any idea of what they are serving for breakfast?" I asked conversationally and Artoria hummed in thought.

But as she was clearly engrossed in thought I could hear a terrible roar that matched the dragon I killed in my previous life or even the Nemean Lion. God Killer flashed into my hands as I pinged my Pesquisa outwards to find wherever the fuck the random dragon was, but I froze as I heard Artoria cough and then my head, slowly and mechanically looked to Artoria who had her pale face turned slightly pink as she furiously fought off her blush as she held her stomach with one hand.

I didn't say anything for a moment... I merely took a breath with God Killer being dismissed back into my soul with the sword howling in my mind in mirth as I spoke evenly. "Hunger is the enemy... A rumbling stomach is merely the prelude to a great battle, so let us go, and defeat hunger." I said sagely and I could all but feel Artoria's soul relax beside me as we quickly made our way to the cafeteria and as we came into the large room, I wryly smiled as only two people were working the long line of Chaldean workers that survived the bombing.

"Artoria, secure us a table for us to eat. I will go make some easy food for us to eat." I said with a sigh as I realized that if I wanted anything custom or done my way I needed to do it myself as I didn't want to have a mound of rice with some mystery meat gravy like everyone else was having.

But as I walked forward to the kitchens I felt Artoria grab the crook of her arm and as I looked back she gave a small smile and asked more kindly than I imagined an Alter would. "Please, Blake Barris... No potatoes." She said simply and at the word potato, she shuddered like it was a cursed word.

I think there was something about her being forced to eat almost nothing but potatoes for a long while or her adopted brother Kay kept cooking them so had developed a severe distaste for them so I just blankly nodded while smiling as Artoria sheepishly let me go into the kitchens to go cook and thankfully none of the Chaldean workers gave me any trouble as I took a dozen egg's a rope of sausages links, sausage patties, some beans, bread, tomatoes, slices of bacon, slices of ham, small mushrooms, large flat ones, and, I took the time to make my own families homemade baked beans with some bbq sauce and some other tricks added to make the beans so much better.

Finally, after fifteen minutes of using superhuman agility to properly cook the food at high heat and not allowing it to burn, I plated up /piled the previous food into two trays and walked into the cafeteria as I walked past the line I saw Ritsuka and Mash who were getting her own breakfast tray of rice and meat gravy with my dear Gudako pouting and looking like I utterly betrayed her as I walked past with the overloaded trays of a Full English Breakfast.

As I placed the tray of food in front of Artoria, she froze up at the spread before a small smile crossed her face with her yellow eyes meeting mine before she closed her eyes and nodded as she spoke. "Thank you for the effort you spent in making the food Blake," Artoria said with some respect as her face became the same mask of concentration and sheer determination she wore when we fought as she lifted up her fork and prepared for battle!

I watched in solemn silence as Artoria utterly eviscerated her breakfast with zero mercy, zero wasted movement, and not even a splatter of sauce or oil being lost in her fork's rapid movements from her mouth to tray, to tray and repeat. The sight and spell of Artoria's controlled gluttony were only broken when a tray slammed down on the table next to mine and I snorted seeing Ritsuka just collapse into her chair and begin poking at her breakfast.

"Blake!!!" Gudako whined grabbing my arm while looking up at me pitifully with her amber eyes glistening with dire sadness and loss as she sniffled. "Blakkeee I can't eat this! I will literally die!" She whined and I rolled my eyes and handed her my two slices of toast and a couple of slices of my bacon and the sausage patties.

"Eat your food Gudako... Or do I need to make airplane noises to feed you?" I teased her and she smirked in response as her face became sultry and she responded huskily.

"Oh? Do I need to call you daddy for you to feed me actual food every day?" She whispered with a blush as she tried too hard and Mash actually choked on the toast she was nibbling with the purple-haired adorable shielder crying out.

"Master! You can't do that! That's too lewd!" Mash hissed blushing bright red while even Artoria had a bit of pink enter her cheeks at how forward Ritusuka was.

I just flicked Gudako in the forehead making her cry out in pain as the spot instantly turned red with her holding her stinging head as I spoke up. "So... I felt us sharing the dream cycle Gudako, what did you see?" I asked and she froze with her fork skidding across the table as her flush died and she went pale and she visibly took a breath as she relaxed her hands on the table as she said evenly.

"I saw you in Hell..." She said closing her eyes as though reliving the sight and experiences I went through at the start of my past self's life. "I saw you spending what felt like years eating demons and going through those transformations." She opened her eyes and they were soft as she asked carefully. "How did you even get out of there?" She asked simply and I was well aware of Mash and Artoria listening closely but I shook my head with a wry smile.

"I got strong enough to leave... I glutted upon the damned and monsters to the point that I could open portals and then I got back to an Earth." I said flatly and Ritsuka gave a small smile as she picked up on the detail I left. Gudako actually was a magus who graduated from the Mage's Assocation so she knew about the True Magics and such so she knew of parallel worlds and such.

So with that little bit of meh out of the way, I picked back up the conversation with Artoria about how we should go about sparring and as we finished our food and put away our trays. We decided that while we were here in Chaldea, we needed to focus on our adorable Mashu and beating the Noble Phantasm out of her.