Our new home

Zulia P.O.V

Zamir leads the way,showing different houses up for rent but none of them matched the status of my room in Neodessa.

Some looks filthy,some with broken roof top others with foul smell and some we have to share bathroom with neighbors.

And finally he shows us the last one

"We'll be taking this one"Zamora says without hesitation

"You have great sight,this is a very classy house yet expensive,commoners find it really hard to rent" He points out

"Rent cost twenty gold coins per month and taxes cost 10 gold coins per month, all together 30 gold coins monthly" He continues

Zamora eyes widens

"10 gold coins on taxes alone?,how do people survive here?"

"That's the new law,and we commoners have no say in the—"

"We'll take the house" Zamora cuts in

"Very well then,I'll head over to bring the certification of rent" Zamir leaves

"Why would you rent this place, it's too expensive" I said

"We have no choice,this is the best we can get" Zamora says

"Of all the houses Zulia,this is the best we've seen" Flina tries to convince me

"But... but it's 30 gold coins every month,we don't have food,clean clothes and we still have to clean this shipwreck of a house and —"

"So you prefer the other houses we've seen so far,we should be glad we found one this good,all I have to do next to to find a new job,we can't feed off the gold we got from the traded necklace alone,we need more money "

"So we all have to find—"

"Ohh hey there!!!" A guy enters the house

"Appleboy" Flina smiles staring at this random guy who just entered from nowhere

I know that face anywhere,when Flina smiles that way,she's seen something that has gotten her attention

"Hi I'm Ivan, I overheard you're renting this place"

"Yes we are" Flina stood by him smiling

"Ohh it's you My lady" He smiles

"Here's your apple,I haven't eaten it yet" She giggles

Why is she giggling like that?, acting all girly because of one guy

"I live directly opposite you"he points at the house in front of ours

"Nice to meet you Ivan, I'm Za... I mean I'm Amora,this is my sisters Lia and Lina" Zamora says

"Pretty names for pretty ladies,I hope we get along,I also hope we get to know eachother more"

"Well thank you, but could you leave?"

"Don't talk so harshly" Flina steps up for him

"I'm sorry for intruding, I just wanted—"

"Just leave " I said firmly

"Zulia!!!, why are you so cold to him" Flina yells

"So you're gonna yell at me because of a guy you just met?.Mind you, we just lost our parents,have less money,no job and no food but all you're concerned about is this Ivan boy or apple boy, whatever his name is" I said

"Errrm, I'll leave you three beautiful ladies to yourself" Ivan walks away

He has a sweet mouth, so obvious he's a flirt

Zamir arrives with the certificate, we paid and signed

"I'll be back in a month time" he leaves

"We don't have all day,it's better if we start cleaning up the house now"

It took about three hours getting the house in good shape, but with all the cleaning it still looks weird

"Tomorrow we should get new change of clothes,I've been wearing this gown for a seven days now" Zamora says

Flina didn't say a word and kept quiet ,I tried to approach her

"I'm sor—"

"Because I'm eighteen,shouldn't be the reason for you to treat me like a child,I'm very much aware we lost our kingdom, parents and we have nothing,but that doesn't mean I shouldn't live my life"

"Flina calm down, I understand how you must feel" Zamora tries to calm her

"Don't you act like you understand, Zamora has always had private lessons on how to rule the kingdom because she's the next in line,Zulia always trained and became a warrior who went to different kingdoms, but me, What about Me?, have you ever wondered what I've been doing when you two had things to do,have you ever thought how lonely I must have been, Zulia always bragging about how she single handedly fought a whole crew,Zamora learning and expanding our kingdom but I... I did nothing all these years but I just wanted to be someone who could do something worthy" she pours out all her feelings all at once

"Flina listen—"

"Leave me alone!,you think I'm not having a hard time right?,our family was already broken way before Toketa attacked the kingdom,we've never been a family,we were so distant even though we lived in the same castle,it's so hard to eat in a dining like a normal family"

Zamora held our hands to calm us

"We are sisters,the Princesses of Neodessa,we don't need to fight over things like this,we are all having a hard time,but we've have eachother and I promise We all always be there for one another,Flina why don't you go rest ,I'll talk to Zulia"

Flina wipes her tears

"Zulia, you've always been too hot blooded,can't you see pass your fuel for revenge,You're not the only one who wants to kill her, We all do and we will definitely have her head roll" Zamora smiles weirdly giving off a dark cold aura

Zamora has always been the cool and responsible one, but right in front of me feels like a different person with a murderous intent

She finally calms down

"As from now on,no more fighting" she says

In a split second she returns back to her usual self

I nodded and brought the bag I carried

"As a peace offering,take this"

"What's this?" Flina asked

"Father said I should give this to you at the dinner table," It glowed the minute I placed it on her head

"It's our family heirloom,the Tiara fits you perfectly" Zamora says

"This is the book that we can't read the words"

By Eimy Mabel