Prince Ivan?

Zamora P.O.V

I collected the weird looking book from Zulia

For some reason this book gives me the chills and I can't explain the reason behind it

It's night time and we haven't eaten for the whole day

We heard a knock on the door,Zulia opens the door,

"Who is it?"I asked

"It's Ivan" Zulia says turning her head towards me

Ivan enters with a food basket in his hand

"I made a very terrible first impression earlier,I'm very sorry" he hands Zulia the basket

"I'm sorry for how I react earlier" Zulia smiles at him

"Woah! you really switch up this place,it must have been really hard cleaning it"

"Yeah, luckily the old tenants left cleaning supplies" Flina says

"Amora I overheard earlier, that you're in need of a job,well there's a vacancy for maids at the castle,which will take place in the next three days"


"Yes,not just regular maids but royal maids,it's a great honor to be a royal maid also it pays well"

I stared at him

"Ohh you don't have to be wary of me,I have not evil intention,I just happen to overhear you earlier and I want to help"

"Thank you Ivan,I'll use this opportunity well"I bow lightly

Seems that habit isn't out of me yet,bowing at every single person that shows kindness

"It's my pleasure to be of help My lady, have a lovely night" he leaves

We shared the bread cake in the basket

"Do you think its safe to eat that?" Flina questions

"Why are you suspicious of your crush" Zulia teases her

"No... I'm just being careful"

"Aha!, you didn't deny the fact that he is your crush" Zulia continues with her teasing

"No he just happen to be someone I know"

"I see" They both laughed

We ate the bread and each took our baths

"I haven't felt so refreshed in a long time" Flina stretches both hands up

Zulia picks back the book, staring at it

"I can't be the only who gets uneasy when I touch this book right?" Zulia asks

"The language is not something we can read and father says it's our family heirloom?,which makes it more confusing " Flina stares at the book

"What should we do with it?" Zulia faces me

"Keep it and wait till we can read the words in the book"

"Well not like we could do something else,I'll go to bed now,its been a while I slept on a soft warm bed" Flina yawns walking to the room

We haven't had the chance to grieve the death of our parents,all we've done is run away from the truth and now we've finally gotten a place to call home for now.

But what's more pressing is how this all happened in a short time, Dad has a sister Toketa, and she says some weird words Lial,Orah and Inar.

I'm scared to dive into the mystery of our Kingdom.


It's finally the day for the selection of the royal maid,I'll have to go through screening and whether I'll be chosen or not,Ivan came over to take me to the castle

Getting to the castle,Ivan takes me to the Royal Kitchen

"Mother Gwen" Ivan hugs a old lady

"My boy,it's been a while I've seen you ,since you delivered the apples to me" She smiles at him

I think he's a delivery boy

"What brings My Prince to the royal kitchen"

Prince?, Did she just call him prince?

"Well I want her to join the selection of the royal maid,also I told you numerous times, you shouldn't call me your Prince" he frowns slightly

"Well if My Prince Ivan refers a maid, she doesn't need to go through the selection, she can just start right away"

"Ma Gwen?"

"Fine!,Ivan I'll not call you my Prince"

"That's perfect" He smiles

"She doesn't seem like she could be a maid,she has black silky hair,and ohh my!!!Green eyes,that's a very rare colour of eyes"

Ma Gwen checks me out and comments on my look

"You're really beautiful, you have fair smooth skin"

"Thank you" I bowed slightly

"She's talks politely too,what's your name?"


"Well the First Prince loves pretty polite maids,you could get a higher raise if you can impress him"

"I'll assign you to cleaning his room"Ma Gwen says

"Since she doesn't need my help,I'll take my leave now" Ivan leaves the Kitchen.

"Amber!,Amber!!!"Ma Gwen calls out

"Yes ma Gwen?" a lady in a brown maid cloth

"This is Amora a new maid,take her to the First Prince room,she'll be in charge of cleaning it"

"Yes ma Gwen"

By Eimy Mabel