Imperial Knight?

Zulia P.O.V

I woke up to seeing Zamora and Flina knocking on the cell door

"How can you even sleep peacefully in this situation?" Flina yells

Zamora kept staring blankly at me

"You had just one job,which was stay in the house,why did you even come to the castle?"

Zamora yells

"I was worried about you so I came to check o—"

"Worried?,you fought three royal guards unarmed,two got their arm dislocated and the third one has a broken rib,Explain yourself Zulia!!!"

"They were just weak,I even held back"

She tilts her head

"It's not my fault,my body moved on its own,I've been a commander for almost three years now,I did that out of habit"

"Well...I'll try to get you out,we have to go now Prince Cyrus allowed us in here without Prince Travis permission"

"Don't worry about me,I'll be out soon" I smiled

Flina gives me a worried glance.

Seems I might be in here longer than thought

Prince Travis opens the lock to the cell as he steps in

"Your sister keep begging me to release you non-stop" He walks closer to me

"So I will be releasing you today in exchange I'll make you my loyal dog,doesn't that sound fair?" he smirks

He keeps calling me dog non-stop,I'm so conflicted whether to fight back or just let him run his mouth

"I hate the way you glare at me, looks like you need some training, so you'll realize you've got no other choice" he says in a cold tone

I can't take this anymore

"Listen up smarty pants,I hate men like you, all you do is run your mouth" I stood up in front of him

"Good gracious!!!, I never knew you were this tall" I blurted out before realizing

He burst into laughter

"Good one, you'll be directly under my squad, meaning you will receive training from me" He lowers his head slightly above mine

"You've got pretty eyes" He whispers

"Cyrus will be here any minute from now and will put you through the remaining details, Bye My dog" He pats my head

He walks away leaving the doors unlocked

Prince Cyrus came down

"Sorry I kept you waiting"


"Travis said he will give you two options, first to train under him and being part of the imperial knight or you become his dog" He said in a firm voice and stared at me

"Dog?,either option i pick seems I'll still be his loyal dog anyway"

"Well his words not mine,or I can give you one more option "

"What option?"

He leans over "You could become my wife" He whispers in my ear


"Don't look so serious" he gave an emotionless look

I can't seem to know what's going on in his mind,is he teasing me or being serious?

"I'll give you a minute to decide" he stands quietly waiting for response


"Times up!!!, what's your choice?"

"Erm...I'll become part of the imperial knight."

"Okay then,since that's your choice follow me"

We walked out of the dungeon and went to a clear ground.

"This is the training grounds, the imperial knights are divided into three

Red knight under me

Black knight under Travis

And White knight under...the fourth Prince"

"Prince Travis is the first prince?" I asked

"It's so obvious you're a foreigner,Aragon is the first Prince, Travis is the second and I'm the Third"

"So who is the fou—?"

"Erin!" Prince Cyrus calls out

One of the knights runs over with a package

"This is yours" He hands me the package

"Take her to the changing room, then take her to the royal kitchen and let her eat to her satisfaction" he tells Erin

"Yes Prince Cyrus" He bows and signifies me to follow

I tagged behind Erin.